Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Nah, not upset, it’s just a couple clicks. You really want it to be some weird, caricature-type scenario where I’m blind with rage that a 210 showed up when in reality it’s just a quick action to be back and rolling. You’re the one who is screaming at a screen because groups you aren’t in aren’t being ran how you want

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Sure, if you’re super shallow and don’t want to give people a shot at all, this is the way to go.

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Is that supposed to be social pressure or something? :rofl:

An appeal to human decency perhaps.

I’ve seen more screwups in RDF by high ilvl players than lower ones.


And I made the argument that people are have put in a good faith effort and are performing are not a problem. And the response was “lol i love kicking all these people”


Thing is though, it’s never enough. You can gem up and people will say “What you can’t afford rare gems?” you can enchant and “Using budget enchants lmao” that’s assuming if they bother inspecting at all. More often than not people just mouseover see GS and that’s it.

How many times would you say you inspected a random player to see if they have the Hodir enchants on their shoulders? Or the Revered head enchant on their helmet?

Or if they shell out 400+G for Berserking on their temporary weapon.

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Did the boss die? If so, the group damage and healing was sufficient.

You must be a young generation. I come from one where we work for things. If you can’t do the bare minimum, then why should anyone give you a chance? You can probably enchant and gem your gear with crap stuff for less than 200 gold which you should have WAY more than that by the time you hit 80. You’re just arguing to argue. Is this how you get your dopamine fix?

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Thank god I don’t play alliance

Did I say non-offensive names either? Why did your mind immediately go to that?

Neither, just me clarifying for someone that didn’t read.

Every dungeon is much shorter than it was in OG Wrath because most of us are generally better players than they were a decade ago. Perhaps that is not the case for you and your dungeons lag behind, I don’t know what your experience is, but this is pretty much a universal trend.

Again, maybe for you it isn’t the case, but it is a universal trend that most players got better in the decade since OG Wrath.

Ah yes, the “everything hat disagrees with me is a lie” rebuttal. How productive. Well, I can see why Blizzard has decided with what they have.

Why waste gold gemming and enchanting throw away gear?

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This is absolute BS. No one inspects others on a RDF run unless they suck at what they are doing.

Not a single time. I look at performance. If a tank isn’t holding aggro, a healer isn’t healing enough, a dps is doing less damage than a healer or tank and is constantly failing mechanics (after explanations to them), et cetera.

I’m not saying get epic gems, but there are some exceedingly cheap options for gear. And you’re likely to have some of it at least long enough to gem and enchant.

If you say so, tho at 43 I certainly don’t feel like it after an annoying day at work.

Yeah, but this is a video game and it’s 5 man WotLK dungeons.

If you do it that cheaply it’ll have no practical impact on your performance at all.

Good lord.

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Except there are multiple people in this thread claiming that that is exactly what they do. They inspect everyone and then boot anyone that doesn’t meet their arbitrary and extremely bloated standards.


Was in an RDF. First thing someone said in party was “This tank is 4300 without gems or enchants.”

So yes they do.

You might not, but there are others that do. In this very thread.

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Right, which makes the whole “I kick people right at the start.” Arguement really silly.

If you call them out they say “Oh well if they put in the effort to gem up, enchant, etc I don’t!” and it’s like, yeah sure, you inspect each and every person you get lmao.

Getting kicked after a couple pulls or maybe after a boss for spaghetti performance? Fair. Getting kicked right at the very start because people didn’t like your GS? Lol.

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Lol. Do you cry about dropping a penny on the ground when you know that you’ll get your paycheck in a few days? Just stop with the stupidity of your arguments. More than enough people have given answers to this obvious troll post. You just nit-pick what you can to support your stupid agenda that doesn’t even exist.

Lets just say I have certain assumptions about you that have yet to steer me wrong.

Because I did read it.

And your notion would be true if it was just regular heroics, but it’s not.

The title of the thread literally has Gamma in it.

Do you need a reminder of what Titan Forged Gamma dungeons do?

Oh no no, just your claim that Gamma heroics are so much faster than OG heroics that a 15 minute cooldown on kicking people made perfect sense 14 years ago but not now.

Weirdly, I remember you saying this 7000 times about RDF not being added too.

edit: that last bit with 7000 times was hyperbole btw, do we need to define hyperbole?

You’re 43 and you self-admittedly made an account on this forum to flame people? Yikes.