Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

What shortcuts? You either meet the ilvl requirements to queue or you don’t.

I post every day, just not in the same sections. Thank you for keeping up with my habits though.

Saying this until you’re blue in the face doesn’t change the reality that Blizzard won’t vote against kicking you when you show up undergeared

Read the thread, your side is doing all the huffing and puffing. Just a bunch of mad progressives. I expect the protests and vandalism to start soon.

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You wish :joy:

My guy, you’re straight up saying you want to kick people for their name.

Yeah, if you judge a book by it’s cover and decide that their name sounding a certain way is reason enough to not play with them, well that is… pretty much textbook bigotry.

What in the hell are you on about now?


You: “we cant have 15 minute cooldown cause dungeons are shorter than 15 minutes!”

Me: “they were originally as well, whats your point?” followed by “this is an irrelevant point cause it was already the case in the original”


Me: “I asked what your point was since it was the case in OG as well”

And now, you’re here going… “HOW IS IT IRREEEEELEVANT”

Are we gonna do this all day or are you going to come up with a point where you claiming “dungeons are shorter than 15 minutes” had a point?

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No see, if it was your older brother and his friends you’d be making a premade that someone forced lil Timmy to join along. Again, nothing is stopping you from hanging out with your toxic buds and be all toxic together like some radioactive chamber. But I guess when it’s that toxic you’d rather just spread it around than keep it contained.

My analogy works, you sign up for a local sports game and you complain your team isn’t the NBA.

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The funniest part is that you can keep saying this garbage, but it’s on people who don’t like the rules and tools of a system to use something else. Make your own group if you’re opposed to democratically-ran random groups. Not my burden to do something different because you said you don’t like my style

Is this a joke? I’ve out dps, damage, and healed people with much higher gear scores.

Okay, so your argument is because the system allows it it’s okay to do?

You mean if I get 3 friends and we get the 1 random hostage “Ehhhh, you know what? We don’t feel like doing this dungeon. Guess you’ll have to kick us!” but because it’s a 4 man premade the vote will never go through. But hey, the system allows it so it’s okay!

And you don’t see this as toxic?

Which is more proof in our corner that gearscore means nothing and the loudest ones about gearscore are the worst players.


Yeah, as in it’s the player not the GS.

As in give people a chance to prove themselves.

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Yes, if someone has an offensive name, specifically one that violates the naming rules, I will kick them. How is that bigotry?

There is not a single textbook in existence that would classify this as bigotry.

You forget the fact that 1. Not all dungeons were shorter than 15 minutes in OG and 2. The dungeons that were shorter than 15 minutes are even shorter now. Two points I have already brought up which you have no rebuttal to.

You are welcome to concede your flawed argument if you’d like.

Easiest way to avoid this situation if you’re afraid of encountering it is to…

Make your own group!

If you’re reasonable, you probably aren’t worried about random edge cases where the worst-case scenario is just logging out. It’s a video game, you can’t be bullied by a RDF group lol

There you go. Take your own advice.

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I agree. However, if they are too lazy to get rep enchants, bare minimum cheap gems and enchants that are also cheap, then they probably will be dead weight. People who have played this game already know that. Those who have not, have not looked up what to do, et cetera, are the reason why they are kicked. They are a victim of their own circumstance at that point.

ilvl/GS are a nice shorthand. Not really trying to waste my time seeing if someone “totally knows their class and is way better than more geared players, bro”

It’s just not that common that worse geared players are better than much more geared players. Some people are, but no reason to wait and see

Not upset with the tool, that’s your thing. I’ll go ahead and use RDF :slight_smile:

I dunno, you seem pretty upset with the people you get everyday. I wonder why you won’t make your own group to prevent that.

Right, insecurities and superiority complex.

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Oh, offensive name.

That’s what you said at first, I don’t see offensive anywhere there.

Is it a goalpost shift or did you realize what you actually said?

They obviously aren’t now as well, some even have timers that force them to be longer :astonished:

Considering we’re talking about Gamma and the OG ones were heroics, nah, this simply isn’t the case. Which I already said. Repeatedly.

I will never concede to outright lies.