Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

They don’t want that. They want to control how other people play the game.


Better than posting multi-paragraph insults and inflammatory content. You write a book like anyone here wants to read a long, winding alphabet soup of complaints and digs

Because you don’t like what we’re doing? Nah, I’m good. I’m not upset with how the system works. That sounds like your tempo

You’re an actual petulant child if you’re using the system to give you random players and you whine and cry about the players the system you’re using is giving you.

Make your own group.




Yeah, just straight up admitting being a bigot is classy, good stuff.

0.1 seconds is all you need to decide whether to kick someone or not.

Based on literally the cover of the book.

Social contract be damned and all.

The rebuttal was “what’s your point”, “a completely irrelevant reply” was an analysis of your initial thought.

The time to finish is utterly irrelevant cause it was shorter to do the dungeon back in OG as well when we actually had that 15 minute timer. So it doesn’t matter jack that it’s shorter now. I.e., irrelevance unless you can somehow argue a point where it is relevant.

You know, how I asked “what’s your point?”.

The same reason we have RDF in the game now.

I’m not the one crying, you are. I just put kids up for vote to get kicked and the group often agrees and we replace them. That’s the whole thing.

You guys want it to be something where I’m crying about the kids we get, but it’s a matter of a couple clicks and we’re back on our feet

Most people actually wanted RDF. It was only forum trolls who paraded against adding it at all

Oh if I had a penny for every time I’d been told “most people don’t want RDF” in our struggle to get RDF I’d buy you a medium sized house, cut off the internet and throw away the key.

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There was no “struggle” lmfao, it was released eventually because most people playing WoW in 2023 wanted it and Blizzard snapped out of the “spirit of classic” schtick during Wrath

You throw a hissy fit at someone’s GS before the dungeon even starts because someone isn’t up to your standards. Standards which we’ve gone over, are all over the place. First you say it’s 220, then you say it’s no pvp. You kick whoever you want, whenever you want, because you feel like it.

And yet, all of that hassle and you don’t wanna get the effort of getting a group of 5700 pumpers to make your dungeon go zoom? What’s wrong? Those pumpers don’t want you? You’re too low GS? DPS too bad? Why do you get off on feeling some weird superiority of queueing in RDF and kicking anyone below you?

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My favorite part is seeing people a year ago adamantly claiming on these very forums that we would never get RDF in wrath classic because Blizzard said so. Boy those posts aged well.


I think you may want to reexamine this thread to see whose side is whining and crying.

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Great rebuttal here.

That’s a strawman if I’ve ever seen one. Not wanting to play a game with someone is now being classified as bigotry? What if the person said something rude in chat? What if they had an offensive name? Your argument is that would all constitute as bigotry?

Yup. If someone is wearing the wrong gear, queued up as the wrong role, has an offensive name, or says something offensive in chat, I will be kicking them in .1 second.

Can you point me to where the social contract says anything about kicking people from groups? It would be beneficial if you actually read it.

And your reasoning for saying this is because it reveals the flaw in your “15 minute” grace period. That’s why you have no explanation for why it’s irrelevant.


So you’re new 'round these parts :wink:

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Here we go again. Nah, I just right click, click vote to kick, and then write “undergeared” and they’re gone in a few seconds. Nice and easy. There’s nothing ceremonious about it. It’s impersonal and easy

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I’ll bet money on the group of people who decide to use a random group finder and proceed to whine about the random group they got.

You don’t show up to a local sports game and complain your team isn’t on par with the NBA or NHL, do you?

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They don’t. They are lying. We have established this. They aren’t playing wow. They aren’t kicking people in dungeons. They are doing none of these things. They are lying about this entire situation in order to continue this conversation because they are a troll. Scentsy, Blooms, and Duenan are just sitting in here being giant trolls because there is no forum moderation.

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I wanna say there is, but they work in waves like they do the bots in game.

I remember Bloom being out of commission for a while, guess he got hit with the vacation but it must have worn off.

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Swing and a miss analogy. This is complaining that “mom said I could play” but it’s just your older brother and his friends. Mom’s not here to make sure you get a turn if you’re not staying in your lane