Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

My prot set is around 5.3K but my Ret set is still like 4.8K. I get side eye and smarmy comments when I DPS but then when I am able to pull numbers they usually shut up. I am by no means the best, but I am proficient.

I think the best kick reason I have seen pop up in the game is kicking for “being too baked”. Obviously it didn’t pass as it was a joke, but I did chuckle at it.

I know, he’ll go away soon. As always.

They didn’t in original either.

Interesting, it seems that you don’t actually know that much about the retail VTK feature.

And we’re having a conversation about a feature and about the Classic WoW population. We’re not having a conversation about you specifically. I’m not sure where you got that from.

The context of the conversation doesn’t really involve you. It’s a much larger population.

Yes it is. The VTK system exists so you can kick people from the group. There’s no other reason it exists.

Right, so you have no idea if the restrictions are in place yet you’re making an argument that Retail WoW has protections that Classic WoW doesn’t? Do you see the problem here?

Again, why should anyone have to wait if someone proves to be a problem before then? You are not entitled to a “grace period” to hold players hostage for.

Attitude, gear, specs, name, etc. It really isn’t relevant how people come to the decision.

Calling something irrelevant simply because it points out the fallacies in your logic is not in any way a rebuttal. That’s simply attempting to shift away from the fact that your argument doesn’t work.

Hopefully Blizzard votes to keep you in the dungeon I guess!

I see, so GS and names are 2 qualifiers for kicking people.

That’s your proof that players are bad.


Of course it is.

That wasn’t my rebuttal.


To which you went full stupid and did this:

To which I replied:

You caught up to your own web of idiocy yet?

I love how my perfectly valid point goes ignored because there is no argument to be made against it.

The best way to avoid a losing battle is simply to not partake in it at all.

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He is a known troll that was laughed off the arena forums several years ago. He’s been trolling the Classic forums ever since.

This is not a response to you. I have reported your posts as intentional trolling and cannot actually put you on ignore because you’re abusing the private profile protections. This is for anyone that is curious about the restrictions.

In original WOTLK there existed a delay in the VTK option, a protection against getting the leaver debuff when vote kicked, and a penalty that worked behind the scenes for players that voted to kick or left groups too often (the penalties would stack).

Currently in WOTLK classic there is no delay on when you can initiate a vote to kick, there have been reports of people getting the debuff when voted out of a group, and it’s not possible to test the backend unknown algorithm that determines the cooldown for VTKs.

This is important to note, because these features exist for a reason in retail and the original version of WOTLK. And should be looked at and resolved if they aren’t. We already had bugged out weekly raid quests on week 2 as well.

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In reality, “rebuttals” to you and yours are purely out of the kindness of our hearts. You people want to see something other than what Blizz has implemented and that’s all just a pipe dream. Not our job to cook up solutions for things we don’t see as problems

I mean, you don’t want the solution when you are the problem :smirk:

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The forums are often considered a cesspool because of people like you. It’s sad that mods are overworked and underpaid, or we might actually be allowed to have real discussions when you’re not here.

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Well, duh, yes, of course we want to see something other than what Blizzard has implemented.

That’s how we even got RDF in the first place.

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Nah, there’s no problem. Figure out your own gearing if people aren’t letting you take shortcuts

“Real discussions” :joy:

You guys just want to have an echo chamber vent sesh. Sounds pretty pointless

Anything is a qualifier for kicking someone.

Except I never said that’s proof players are bad. You realize you can kick someone for reasons other than their skill level, right?

Nope, whether we go with your hyperbole of .1 seconds of 1 minute, it doesn’t matter. Groups should and DO have the power to kick anyone at any time. You do not get to hold people hostage.

What do you think “what’s your point” means in combination with what you said here:

Please, at least keep track of your own arguments.

Ok, but do you not see the problem there? You’ve admitted there that you don’t actually know if your own argument is true or not.

No we just want people whose only point is how much of a terrible human being they are, and only post one line insults and inflammatory content. Half of your posts in this thread are against the CoC.

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Or, hear me out, we’re offering feedback on a poorly implemented version of a game system we’ve been fighting to get implemented in the first place.

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Seeing as it is a well-oiled machine in the game and the only real complaints are a tiny minority of forum users, nah, we’re good

Here’s a fact check: Before RDF You had to sign yourself up for dungeons. You got invited you’d all meet up at the stone and if your GS was too low when they saw you, they kicked you before the dungeon. Solution that people always said? Make your own group.

And I always did, I always made the group and was first at the stone for the dungeon we wanted to run.

Now, RDF is in game, it’s just that, random dungeon with random people, so why is it that now these same people that told others to make your own group don’t wanna take their own advice? They’d rather solo queue, get random people and whine and cry and kick people below them instead of getting like minded pumpers or whatever to speed through their dungeon.

If you really are tired of getting low GS people, pvp geared people, etc. The easy solution is one you told us to do all those months ago “Make your own group.”

Too hard though, right?

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