Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

OK, fine, be pedantic.

Add “in RDF” to what I said.

That would require not having a good reason to start with

It does fix gatekeeping IF the proper protections against vote to kick abuse are utilized. We need the 2010 version of RDF, not what we were given for Classic Wrath.

No one is being pedantic, you are simply incorrect.

Except we’ve literally seen this before. Again, do you think you’re the only person that has ever been kicked? A simple google search shows how wrong you are.

You literally couldn’t kick people for 15 mins or until after the first boss was dead in the original version of RDF.

I don’t think I’ve ever actually been kicked, even on my lower geared alts in OG.

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The system literally has a delay and a cooldown when used in retail. You are just lying, or at the very least not understanding my point. Possibly intentionally.

Literally never been kicked from a dungeon. Once again, you are misrepresenting me, possibly intentionally. Please by all means continue to beat up that strawman. Go back up, find my post where I point out I am 5800 GS with no alts, and then reevaluate your points.

Yes I have. You are correct. That is the point. To be a nebulous and pointless way of Blizzard being able to do what they want with no community feedback. And I disagree with the way it’s applied. Hence my point. You’re not saying anything that disputes me. Especially since SURPRISE the better managed MMORPG everyone knows of has rules against the abuse of kick functions in group matchmaking. Perhaps it’s time for a change.

Which is why there is an ilvl limit to join the group finder. You don’t seem to be arguing in favor of raising that if you think it’s too low, you just seem to be in favor of kicking players arbitrarily.

Yes, restrictions were also attached to it. Restrictions that should be there now if they are not.

And they can still do that, I just choose to not interact with people who open their responses with insults and bad faith responses.

For the record the only person on these forums I have on permanent ignore is Bloom. Everyone else i have ever ignored is on a month timer as I do believe in trying to connect with people again if possible.

All I will say on this matter going forward. I appreciate your input on this, but I no longer wish to discuss it.

While I do agree that there should be a better system in place, delay/etc, we are currently having to work within the system as it exists.

Using the heroic ICC dungeons in the heroic section of RDF instead of the Gamma section is not a perfect work around but it is an option to avoid the sweat lords who kick based on GS. They all drop upgrades, scourge stones, and badges as well as counting towards the gamma daily.

Stands to reason that if someone is worried about being kicked for a low GS that going to a less sweaty option would reduce that chance.

I’m happy to get confirmation that this hasn’t been removed from the day RDF was implemented.

It’s exclusively classic. Shocking, Bloom not arguing in good faith.

But you did. Which is all I commented on. Anyway, let’s drop this, it’s silly, just block and live up to it or don’t.

Sure, but as classic is ample proof of, the community cannot fix the toxicity it creates itself. It needs developer intervention.

And frankly, these corrupt a wish version of the game features is getting really really old.

Nothing in Classic Wrath is the “original version”. Dungeons don’t even last 15 minutes nowadays.


How long is the CD? How long is the delay?

That’s because you aren’t making one.

That’s a generalized “you”. I thought that was obvious from the context but I will make it more clear for you next time.

Great, glad we could clear that up.

And it’s also why Blizzard allows you to kick anyone from your group for having too low iLVL.

“if”? You don’t even know if the restrictions you’re demanding exist already?

And once again you have zero rebuttal so you immediately go to the “trolling” accusation.

You know what people can do when they don’t want to continue a conversation? Walk away. Unless of course someone has a complex where they always have to have the last word, in which case they will put people on block and then intentionally continue to talk over them so they can feel superior.

How many times must we teach you this lesson old man?

I’ve said it before but you always conveniently ignore me.

ICC heroics are in the same queue as RDF random Gamma.

If these people you’re actually siding with kick right at the start of the dungeon because “low gs” what makes you think they won’t do that when they get FoS or PoS or HoR in their random gamma?

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They didn’t in OG either, what’s your point?

There should at the very least be a period of time present to allow people to prove that they can actually do the content they already gathered gear for.

Right, so you can drop the idiotic assumptions.

I only do that cause you’re an ignorant troll.

Your comeback to “the original version had a kick restriction” was literally “dungeons dont even last that long now”, a completely irrelevant reply.

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Until it gets that attention however it is up to players to figure out the best path for them. Which is sometimes going down a level or finding a work around for the content you want to do.

Players helping players find solutions in the absence of developer intervention is what the focus should be currently. Id love to have the 15min delay. It had it’s flaws, like people refusing to start/leave a dungeon while waiting on that timer to run out.

Despite the claims to the contrary, people did hold groups hostage in the old system. There isn’t a perfect solution to this without some way that it can be abused.

While I absolutely will not discount the claims of others I have been having a great time with RDF since it was added. I have had maybe two bad groups and kicked maybe the same number of people. One was a 5.6k(iirc) Holy paladin with two set T10 and Valnyr, couldn’t heal to save their life (quite literally) and one was a 4.6K rogue who did every mechanic properly and did good DPS.

I will agree that this classic release still does act like a monkeys paw situation fairly often though.

Edit: for full transparency I have been more willing to knee jerk kick people based on server than I have been to kick on GS. Too many consistent bad attitudes from specific servers. Still let it play out first before I do though.

They last considerably less nowadays, that’s the point that seems to have escaped you. 15 minutes is way too long to wait to kick someone that the group wishes to kick.

No, there shouldn’t. If someone is a problem in the group and the group democratically decides that they do not want to play with a person, the group should be allowed to kick the problem person immediately. One person should not be allowed to hold an entire group hostage for 15 minutes.

It was a “generalized” you, I’m not sure why you’ve taken it so personally but moving on.

No, you do that because you are incapable of offering a proper rebuttal.

Replies that you have no rebuttal for are not irrelevant.

The CD is 2 hours, the requirements to do so are unknown. This is information directly from patch 3.3.5 notes. The delay is stated to be 15 minutes, but it’s unclear what that actually is. Because the system has never been changed as far as I can tell.

You’re not generally replying to people, you are replying to me. Learn to speak to your audience. I get the feeling you have to make things up for you to keep arguing your points though.

That is not why the vote to kick system exists, but we can keep lying that’s fine. I’ll keep reporting your posts for violations of the forum code of conduct if we’re going to go down this route.

We cannot test all of them. We can test the dungeon finder deserter buff on kick. But the cooldown is an internal hidden tool. But it stands to reason that if one system is broken, other systems are as well. Also the delay clearly doesn’t exist either. So yes, I know some are and some aren’t. That’s how this works.

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FWIW, so have I for the most part.

I had one rogue try to kick a tank for making a mistake (with DI, it is what it is) and I scolded him for initiating a kick and the tank left in disgust anyway. That’s about all I’ve seen from the kick scene, but as a decently geared ret I can pretty much carry a group on my own so I have some sway there :stuck_out_tongue:

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As per Blizzard, Gamma is the correct content for anyone 210 or higher.

Then proceed to kill the first boss and kick him.

How do you decide this in 0.1 seconds?

What on earth are you on about, I rebutted it just fine and you even commented on my rebuttal in this very post.

And no, Gamma dungeons are absolutely not faster than heroics were back in the day, don’t be ridiculous.

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This is a level 11 alt troll character with a hidden profile. This person is an intentional troll, likely should have been banned from the forums a while ago, and should really just be ignored at this point.

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