Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Then you’re probably on the wrong side of this argument :wink:

You blocked them and still attempt to interact with them.

You can’t stop them from replying to your posts cause that’d be bloody ridiculous.


I will reiterate again, this is the behavior of an insecure child that cannot let go and walk away, but still wants to be part of the conversation. It’s weird to talk about dictatorships when you seem to want to have a one sided conversation.

Don’t want to be involved in the discussion, perfectly fine. Just walk away. I see I was correct. You are literally incapable of doing it.

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I’m confused. I agree with the distaste for kicking based on GS and somehow I am on the wrong side? Legit wondering why you think this.

Only when responded to and in a very short and to the point way. They can reply if they wish, I am letting them know that despite my option to view their content, I do not wish to. So they shouldn’t waste their time replying to someone who isn’t going to reply back. Not asking them to stop posting their views and opinions, just to stop directing their ramblings to me as they will go unanswered.

Im not acting like i abuse it. I just view all these complaints about being kicked as people making excuses for themselves because they have a multitude of options to mitigate or remove the chance they will be vote kicked.

The pro rdf crowd wanted us to believe rdf would fix “gatekeeing”. Yet here it is, and still complaining about being gatekept.

The only one capable of gatekeeping you is yourself.

You got kicked for low GS? Go farm heroics, do the toc and icc nornals and heroic dungeons. Go farm and buy/make some of the boe items. Or join a partial or full premade.

Multiple options to help fix the issue, but thats just to much work right?..

Then you’re not listening to anything people are saying, which makes it even worse. I’m sorry you don’t know how to read people’s comments and just make assumptions to support your bias.

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Cause you’re spending all your time arguing with people who think the same on the same side as people like Scentsy who adamantly claim to kick based on GS alone.

It’s that whole quack like a duck thing.

Not replying accomplishes that exact thing without looking like a petulant child.

They might not be replying to your post for your reply but simply to counter your points for others to see.

Yeah, cause this wasn’t possible in the original version of RDF. So it’s a classic exclusive thing that none of us could’ve seen coming.

Which is on us really, we really should know that classic is just a corrupt a wish version of the game.

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Blizzard doesn’t take action against people that kick others in retail either. For RDF to work you need to be able to kick others.

Why should they? Why shouldn’t they just kick anyone under their preferred gearscore?

Blizzard’s rules are what makes it correct and acceptable.

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RDF’s great, just make sure you’re queueing for the correct content

Again, this is what literally every exploiter says about their exploits every single time they exploit.

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Maybe if the rules allow behavior, it’s not an exploit, it’s just a feature?

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The rules allowed the platform on the lich king to be rebuilt by bombing it with saronite bombs.

How many “exploits” have support articles and forum support agents defending them?

Retail has other protections that don’t exist in Classic. That’s the point. Also, the playerbase and impact is different too. New situations require new evaluations.

Because that’s a violation of the social contract and derails LFD. Fortunately the number of people that do this are small, but if you want a speedrun don’t use LFD. Simple as that.

Yes because clearly Blizzard is a company with a reputation that doesn’t make this look absolutely repugnant.

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Not many, but it’s also kicking before a single mob was ever touched without any repercussions whatsoever has never before been in the game either.

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I wanted to put forward a way to hopefully circumvent the sweat lords in RDF and was promptly asked if “I was that stupid”. I did not come in here to argue.

Nobody is required to interact with someone else. They clearly showed a desire to be inflammatory over civil. I used the ignore function to not have to deal with that. I made the choice to remove myself from a situation, and to ask to not be replied to when all I was receiving back was irrationally angry responses and sarcasm.

Frankly, I would rather not continue to discuss this as I feel it will just become circular and defeat the point of not wanting to talk to or about those I have on ignore. Really odd to be asked to explain why I put someone on ignore.

Fixing the kicking to be delayed and have some repercussions for mis-use would be a good first step, kicking being enabled before people have a single chance to prove themselves is stupid.

But it’s still not up to you if people want to refute the points you made, whether you blocked them or not.

You put your opinion out there people will add context to it. Even Elon gets community checked on Twitter :wink:

I’ve never asked you to, I’ve told you it’s childish to reply with “content ignored”. If you block people, block them, don’t play around the bush.

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Are you still kicking people for no good reason?

In no point in RDF’s lifespan has anyone ever been actioned for kicking another person. That’s because Blizzard wants you to kick people. That’s why the feature exists and that’s why they give players the power to kick ANYONE for ANY reason.

Do you really think you are the first person to be kicked from a dungeon?

Everything could be considered a violation of the social contract. Have you even read that thing? You joining a dungeon group with a lower iLVL could be considered a social contract violation. What matters is what Blizzard actually takes action against.

It could be argued that people with low iLVL do this as well.

You don’t get to decide who uses LFD and how they use it.

Right, so why are you making a comparison between something Blizzard has come out and already said is okay?

This has absolutely been in the game before.

No, you made the choice to vocalize how you were ignoring us, but still somehow keep replying to us at the same time. And you don’t get the right to dictate how others use the forums. You don’t get to pick and choose who interacts with you.

You could have done that an hour ago. You didn’t. You went out of your way to quote me twice and replace the words with your own response. You’re not the adult in this situation.