Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

It’s not “your group” if it was formed through RDF.

It’s not cancel culture if you’re breaking the rules.

Given that talking with all of you currently is like pulling teeth, part of the issue if you all are being kicked as often as you claim, could be your attitudes.

Self reflection and consideration of your actions towards other players goes a long way in a multiplayer game.
Some players do not want to have someone that is dragging the group down, so the vote to kick passes. This can be seen as unfair

Some think they are owed a spot regardless. This attitude is not fair to those who are ready and pulling weight.

Sounds like a textbook compromise is already in effect with how the vote to kick works currently.

INB4 dismissive responses and crying about GS that I haven’t once mentioned in this post.

We’ve literally seen in this thread people that form 4 man premades that kick the random they get that is below their expectation and people that kick as soon as the dungeon starts not even giving somebody a chance.

It ain’t about someone’s attitude.


What a projection, especially considering at least two people here have admitted they vote to kick at the start of the dungeon with absolutely no interaction.

The irony of this statement is astounding.

Some people think they can dictate the purpose of LFD to be for speed running exclusively too, but I don’t see you jumping to defend people who are doing their job or the people that don’t even get a chance to do it.


And thus the group vote. If i suggest a kick and thr group vote results in a kick, that is 100% within the rules.

No rules were broken. Blizzards own words say you can vote to kick for ANY reason. You may not like the reason it was done, but it was within the rules.

Weird how you keep refusing to acknowledge the settings configured on the vote to kick system that limits how often and when you can do it, and the fact that if you do it too often you can be restricted from starting a vote. WEIRD HOW THAT SEEMS TO IMPLY YOU CAN’T DO IT FOR ANY REASON ALL THE TIME.

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Rent free apparently.

I will say that if people feel unduly put upon by consistent kicks the best option is to report the situation when it happens. If there is something untoward happening then there could be actions.

However, yes, this is blizzards stance.

If you dislike what I say please do not interact, I have stated I do not want to interact with you and have placed you on ignore. Please do not continue to respond as I have no interest in viewing your ignored content.

That’s a whole lot of effort and an admission to reading blocked content. I believe this now qualifies as trolling and targeted harassment per the forum rules.

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Blizzard created the system where 3 opinions removes that person.

I’m using their system to manage my groups. Take it up with them.

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Try paying attention

If i vote to kick, and the rest of the part agrees on the kick, no rules were broken.

This means i was able to initiate a vote to kick. This also meams the group agreed with me overall. This means no rules were broken.

I have yet to vote kick often enough to even encounter a restruction on how often i can vote kick, because contrary to what you seem to believe, i dont abuse it. Im not kicking people left and right. I use it when i deem it appropriate. Now if YOU have encountered a restriction on vote kicking, that would mean you are using it far more frequently than i am, because i have yet to hit a cooldown for using it.

As much as you try to paint me as “the bad guy” i don’t vote kick just to be “a big meanie head” as you seem to think based on how you react to my posts.

There are already rules in place for this system, me using the system as it is intended to be used based on blizzards own words is not abuse of the system, it is not gruefing, and you do not have the right to any group you get in rdf because they are aloud to kick you with a vote kick.

Which means three random people usually have to agree that there is reason enough to kick someone. It’s pretty democratic more often than not.

And these people want it to be a dictatorship where they cannot be kicked :laughing:

First, there’s sufficient evidence to suggest the VTK system’s safeguards are not working. I haven’t tested it yet, but supposedly the leaver penalty is applying, which means the other systems might not be working either.

Second, just because you can do something doesn’t mean it’s ok. Ninja looting isn’t an actionable offense either, but I doubt people are going to agree it’s acceptable to do.

Third, if you’re not someone in here abusing it why are you in here acting like you are. Seems like we have one more troll to add to the pyre.

some people are just jerks

Says the guy quoting people he ignored.

The only one rent free is us in your head lmao.


Literally no one said this, also like most democracies not everyone is voting with a full deck of cards. But by all means, continue to prove to us you’re in here not for a reasonable discussion but to be rude to everyone else.

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Quack like a duck and all that.

And this is just sad as hell. Be better man.


I wont deny there are unhinged individuals who refuse to look past GS, however this entire complaint seems unique to the forums and not to the in game experience.

A lot of these posters act like it’s every dungeon they have ever done. Which, if that is the case, may be more related to the poster and not the other 4 people.

I have never once kicked based entirely on a low GS, ever. I think it is lazy to do so.

Asked them to not interact. So I repeated myself. If they aren’t interested in having a discussion neither am I.

We still doing this?