Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Congratulations (or I’m sorry to hear that)

This is the definition of semantics. Do you just think that “arguing semantics” = “You’re wrong/your argument doesn’t matter”?

You are quite literally just arguing about the definition of a word. Which is not the point of the thread. You’re just being a debate lord and missing the forest for the trees.

I wouldn’t expect you to understand this given you don’t even know what arguing semantics is, but this is a logical fallacy and not an argument.


Given you’re being pedantic as hell right now, FoS is the de facto “I just want my daily as fast as possible dungeon”

If these people are suggesting you gear up with fresh terribly geared 80 with these dungeons what do you think will happen when people see someone like 3718 GS shows up in their “speedrun dungeon”?

It doesn’t take a genius to figure this one out, chief.


No, I am not. Please read the actual post about the ICC dungeons I linked.

No, I am not. Please read the actual post about the ICC dungeons I linked.

Here is the arrogance and the might makes right. Because they want that power and control over others. And because this is classic, Blizzard won’t take any action about it. because that takes development resources for an issue they likely consider not a problem. But ultimately the reality is these people are actively harmful to the game.

You should be banned from LFD for this kind of behavior. Abuse of the kicking system should be actionable, unfortunately it is not.

If people don’t like that Blizzard allows players under 5800 Gearscore to queue for LFD then they should make their own group. When I want to chain farm gammas, I make my own group. When I don’t care, I queue. Because that’s what the queue is for.

Just because you can do something doesn’t make it correct or acceptable.


You are arguing over what constitutes a gamma based solely on classification. That is semantics. Go back to school.


Luckily Blizz is in control and not forum sweats like you. Feels good to have the adults in charge

Then the semantics you claim are mine are Blizzards then. Which isn’t semantics when it is the actual definition of what the ICC heroics are, Normal Heroics.

They are not Gammas. Just because you all disagree doesn’t make it wrong or pedantic. Shadows responses are more based in pedantry that anything I have said here.

Be indignant elsewhere.

I like how Blizzard’s decision making is great when it favors you, and not when it favors me. All yesterday you were winging about how Blizzard doesn’t know how to code catchup mechanics. Then I pointed out how you didn’t know what you were talking about, and you ran away like a child from that argument.

Now Blizz is great because they don’t punish you for bad behavior. What a shocker. It’s fine though, I have a feeling you’re this miserable of a person because Karma decided to even the odds long before this game came around.

Diatribe after diatribe because people on the internet are playing differently than you wish they were. Seek help

Are you a special kind of stupid? I am not arguing over what is and is not a “gamma” by whatever metric you want to run. The post is about players getting kicked out of LFD gamma, which DOES include the ICC heroics. If you queue for a heroic directly, you get a lockout. If you queue for LFD you get no lockout. You are literally ignoring the point to drown the thread in a pointless argument and derail the topic.


If you are not following the discussion I was having with Shadows why are you weighing in with insults?

Your responses are entirely inappropriate and unnecessary.

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And yet, they’re queued for in the Gamma section and randomed in the Gamma random queue.

Cause that’s the difficulty they’re all at, outside a couple outliers.


You’re literally not worth any more of my brain power. You seem to only be here to insult others and brag about how you kick undergeared players for fun. Which incidentally is also against the TOS of the forums. What a shocker, enforcement never happens and it only helps the worst of the community.


Pot, meet kettle :rofl:

I’ve read the entire conversation. And my points are just fine. And your indignity and refusal to address my point doesn’t matter to me. Stop derailing the thread over pointless arguments. I made the same point shadow did, that this doesn’t have anything to do with the topic.

Seems you like most of the others arguing in this thread can’t stand to be wrong and are just here to argue. Or do you not care about the topic of players getting kicked from gammas for arbitrary gearscore values?


The difference in the type of dungeon does relate to this thread.

If the issue is being kicked from Gamma content, then using the ICC heroics to get the same Ilvl upgrades and stones/currency is a viable work around for not meeting some ones inane GS requirement when using RDF for a gamma. By using the ICC dungeons which drop gamma level loot and currency you can hopefully avoid sweat lords who only care about GS.

I have zero issue admitting fault or being incorrect. It is how we learn and grow. In this case however I am not wrong.

I do care, I do not find it as pervasive and as common as some claim in this thread but I do know it happens. I offered a potential solution and was called pedantic and insulted. The persons in this thread who refuse to admit their fault or incorrect takes do not include me in this instance. I have not once been insulting, nor have I shown any indignity in my posts here.

Save your vitriol, be better, and have a nice day.

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Do you not get or understand what I posted earlier? FoS is the de facto speedrun dungeon. And people who queue for a random Gamma get the random ICC dungeons as well.

If people kick in gamma dungeons, you don’t think they’ll kick for the ICC dungeons as well? Given the tryhards queued for a Gamma it’s a Gamma in all but name only.

Or are you seriously saying you queue for a Gamma dungeon and go “lmao wtf I queued gamma why did I get heroic Halls of Reflection! RDF is broken!”


Blizzard themselves have said they are not gamma dungeons. They give the same emblems/scorgestones/etc as a gamma, but they are not a gamma.

I don’t care, they’re queued for in the Gamma section so these toxic cretins will 100% kick people from them.