Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Which is why they are unchanged in difficulty and are not considered a Gamma difficulty heroic dungeon regardless of where you choose to queue for them. The entire explanation of this is in the post I have now linked twice and quoted once.

They have two versions, normal and heroic, as per the blizzard post.

These were the OG Gamma dungeons, as they were a step up from the other heroics.

Calling the ICC dungeons “Gamma” seems important to you, I am unsure why you cannot admit to being wrong and feel the need to stretch this out.

Last night, I found out you can kick 3 people in a single dungeon. I was told that there was some inherent difficulty in replacing players after kicking them

They are literally listed as Gammas in game.

Cool, they are explicitly not Gamma dungeons. They may count for Gammas in regards to dailies but they have no Gamma difficulty, therefore they are not Gamma dungeons.

The above post explains this entirely, I highly suggest you read it.

Let’s be honest, the people being kicked from Gammas are being kicked from these dungeons too, which is the whole point of this thread. You’re just arguing semantics. As far as the average person is concerned, they are Gamma dungeons.

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Just do what the rest of the users are doing. Kick people who come into gammas undergeared and let them learn that they need to grind first. No one on the forums has more authority than a democratic vote to kick vote

No, I am not. There is a clear and correct answer here, ICC has no gamma difficulty. Only normal and heroic.

Those people would still be wrong. These are normal heroics. Which was known before the content went live.

Given your inability to be honest in regards to what difficulty ICC dungeons are, your credibility on this matter is questionable.

It’s impossible for someone to queue for Gamma if they are undergeared.

Unfortunately your opinion doesn’t matter

They are listed as Gamma, part of the Gamma queue, and give Gamma rewards. They meet 3 of 4 criteria for Gamma dungeons. The only thing they are lacking are the affixes. They are 3/4 Gamma dungeons.

It’s Blizzard’s opinion, not mine.

Neither you nor Blizzard are there in groups when votes to kick are being had. The only people that decide what is good enough and what isn’t are the 5 people in a group

They met Blizzard’s minimum requirement of 210ilvl to queue. That isn’t undergeared, it’s just enough geared. If you don’t like it then make your own group.

Last night I kicked two people from the same dungeon for being undergeared. Had new geared kids within the minute and continued without a hitch. No need to make a new group :slight_smile:

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Honestly this is hilarious at this point. I am legit posting the exact evidence that says you are entirely wrong here.
Read the blue post and understand or don’t and continue to be wrong. Either way be better and have a nice day, I am done with you.


Which doesn’t matter. Players have the final say in what the requirement is. That’s why players kick you for low ilvl even if it lets you queue.

If they don’t like it, they can just continue to kick people they deem undergeared. If you don’t like that people can be kicked for whatever reason the group wants, you’ll have to make your own group where only you get to choose who gets kicked and for what reason.

Yes, I clearly don’t play the game. That’s why I have two characters worth of logs and activity between classic AND retail. Unlike the faceless level 10 character purely here to troll the forums. Nice strawman, but next time at least make sure you’re not on the losing end of your own argument.

In correct. I ran 232 set gear for a while because the TOGC sets are terrible for shadow and 232 ulduar simmed better. It was the difference of around 200-300 gearscore. Gearscore is a way for bad players to assume they are good and discount other bad players.

The ilvl 200 trinkets in TOC 5 man, DMC Greatness, Even Dying Curse are all insanely powerful trinkets better than almost any other significantly higher in ilvl. And all of them will bring the gearscore down.

This thread is essentially elitist pricks that got gear handed to them without knowing how to sim or anything that now refuse to let others get geared so they can save 2 minutes in their daily. Because I have posted about 5 times now that people who have made a legitimate effort for their gear AND are performing should not get kicked, and the response to that was “No, low gearscore gets kicked on join” without any self awareness at all. So this is absolutely NOT about kicking lazy players, it’s about gatekeeping pure and simple.