Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

You know a nerve was struck when someone makes their first few posts out of the blue after 20 years :rofl:

ā€œjust donā€™t be lazyā€


ā€œThen youā€™re gonna get kickedā€


-This thread.

Yes, this summarizes it.
There are zero legitimate complaints here.
A poor gearscore reflects laziness.
It takes a lot of hard work to spend real life money on tokens so you can outbid people in GDKPs.
Gearscore absolutely reflects player knowledge/skill.

I love how you bring up ā€œheroic ICC dungeons give gear upgradesā€ in a thread about getting kicked from Gamma.

Itā€™s chefs kiss

Peak ignorance.

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Iā€™ve been better than you in every phase, including this one so far. The ego on display from you over a 10m healing parse is so bizarre, man. Seriously. Just not a good look.

And you just gray parsed healing that same fight on heroic in 25m. Great job, bro. Youā€™re way better than everyone here.

I mean, I also have a 99 average from the last three phases, but sure that one BQL log is a great one to focus on.

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They are not gamma dungeons.

They do not have a gamma setting.

Does this fact upset you so much you would rather live in delusion?

Lol, your name says it all about him XD

And yet when I queue for Gamma, I can get those dungeons and the Gamma rewards. :thinking:


Yet cant use the gamma ring for the buff, it is listed under normal heroics, not just gamma, and the mobs dont have the gamma buff. Almost like it isnt a gamma :roll_eyes:

There is no ICC dungeon Gamma difficulty. Your own incredulity doesnā€™t change this. You can queue for it in the Gamma section but it is still the heroic difficulty of the dungeon, has no affix, and no buff. ICC dungeons have potential gear upgrades in normal heroic ICC dungeons. The normal ICC heroics also count for the frost badge gamma daily, which is why FoS is the best choice to get those dailies done asap.

This was announced by blizzard during the PTR and in blue posts.

So they are semi-Gamma. You certainly canā€™t claim they are normal heroics when they give Gamma rewards.

  • By default, the Heroic version of these dungeons will benefit from the additional rewards from Titan Rune Dungeons: Defense Protocol Gamma but will see no additional mechanics or difficulty adjustments as other dungeons are getting in Defense Protocol Gamma.
    • Developerā€™s Note: These three dungeons are some of our favorite content from Wrath of the Lich King, and we were concerned that if we added additional mechanics to these dungeons from Defense Protocol Gamma, many players may never get to experience this content in itsā€™ original Wrath of the Lich King iteration. Most other Wrath of the Lich King dungeons were available in their original form during the first phase of Wrath Classic had their time to shine before Titan Rune Dungeons were introduced in patch 3.4.1, but as these dungeons are only just now becoming available and are themselves a step-up in difficulty over normal heroics, we felt it was important to protect the original 2009 experience here. We will publish more information discussing Defense Protocol Gamma and how these three dungeons fit into the Wrath Classic patch 3.4.3 endgame content in the coming weeks.

No, they are heroic difficulty.

yes, yes I can. Thatā€™s what they are, normal heroics.

Of course, you donā€™t understand healing because youā€™re a 0 parser. 24 median on BQ, btw.

Iā€™ve outperformed you on my Blood DPS every single phase. Stick to playing Tetris or something, w00Pee.

Normal heroics donā€™t award scourgestones.

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Cool. these normal heroics do and theyā€™re still normal heroics. Per Blizzard.

Read the post I linked please. Otherwise you are going to look super silly trying to argue your incorrect point.

Open the dungeon finder and click on the specific dungeons list. Look under Gamma dungeons and youā€™ll find the ICC dungeons. The game literally lists them as Gamma dungeons.

Read the blue post please. You are absolutely still incorrect. They have no gamma difficulty and are normal heroics.

They are listed under Gamma dungeons and give Gamma rewards. They are Gamma dungeons, even if they donā€™t have the affixes the other ones do.

By default, the Heroic version of these dungeons will benefit from the additional rewards from Titan Rune Dungeons: Defense Protocol Gamma but will see no additional mechanics or difficulty adjustments as other dungeons are getting in Defense Protocol Gamma.

they are not considered Gamma difficulty, they are normal heroics. You are wrong. They count FOR doing a Gamma despite explicitly NOT being a Gamma

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No point in making them more difficult when they were already more difficult than the other heroic dungeons.