Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Except clearly the playerbase doesn’t agree. You have more people in here disagreeing with you.


Because the majority of people with my mindset are just playing the game. Forum lifers with thousands of posts disagreeing with me aren’t indicative of the player base either (at least most players don’t have on the upwards of 10000 posts on a forum for a game that’s right there available to play

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These are the same people that demanded full Ulduar gear for Alpha and Trial gear for Beta. My paladin was constantly denied group invites despite being as geared as I could possibly be from normal heroics. Anything under 4k was considered too low. Now it’s anything under 5k. This is why I wanted RDF, so that I could bypass these gatekeepers.

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So not only are you the arbiter of who gets to do gamma dungeons, you are also apparently the arbiter of who gets to have an opinion, who counts as a player, and whose opinions matter.

Is there anything you can relinquish control of? Or do you think you’re the singular most important person in the world?

You’ll never bypass these gatekeepers. They have to leverage their control in the video game for whatever reason. I’m just waiting for the “LFM TOGC Normal, link Heroic Lich King achievement”

I started in Ulduar era, after having quit for 2 years. I grinded up eventually to 5400. But it was nearly impossible to get into even normal heroics back then. In heroics gear, I was being denied heroics invites, HEROICS, because I wasn’t in Ulduar gear. They have no self awareness and again, as long as it doesn’t affect them they don’t care.


Please tell me you’re getting a bulk rate on all of this straw

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Gatekeep harder. Not content with gatekeeping gammas you’re now trying to gatekeep the playerbase too. You are a joke.


Why so hostile?

If the dungeons aren’t smooth for you then you’re the common denominator, not the slightly lower GS who is probably doing comparable dps anyways lol it’s such a waste of gear lower GS should be queuing more especially dps players you’d have to have a full crew on 200ilvl players for it to actually be a drag


An actual zero parser:

Guild name fits, no further comment.

“slightly lower GS”
“comparable dps”

Right, someone farming scourgestones is only marginally more productive than a fresh 210.

This bit is so boring. Right, I’m sure the scenario is chad lowbie vs. virgin raider. Of course lol

Did the boss die? Yes? Then stop complaining or make your own group.


I easily demolish 5.8k gs whatever class players on my 5k boomkin, higher gs a lot of the time will just basically /follow or might as well looking at their activity whereas lower GS feels pressured to over preform

Yeah, the geared players (at least DPS) are watching Netflix on their 2nd monitor and not really paying attention to the dungeon.

If you’re not farming scourgestones from Gammas what on earth are you doing outside of FoS?


Lmao, you f-ing want people to grind Triumphs in normal heroics to be “geared enough” according to you, where each piece of gear costs anywhere between 35-75 triumphs.

WG gives you like 8-15K honor per match and more with all the weekly quests, AV weekend also gave a lot of honor and nobody takes AV seriously it’s just rush boss kill boss rinse repeat. But this is what people must do because it’s quite a bit faster to gear up this way than what you’re suggestion, also bearing in mind you’re telling people to run normal heroics. Normal heroics nobody runs.

With 1 WG bg you can buy a 238 weapon, and a piece of a armor. Both 238.

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Most who agree or partially agree with him are busy playing the game instead of trying to run to big brother blizzard to “fix” what they view as a problem.

I dont care much about parses. But that is embarrassing…

Normal/heroic icc dungeons and toc dungeon give a lot of gear upgrades at the same time (for a fresh 80). If you can get HH done before it is gone that also can give some upgrades.

Gearscore addons should be against TOS.

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wotlk community seems to be filled with people who have never touched grass in their lives.
“If you dont have X gearscore and X talent copypasta’d from wowhead, you are a bad and don’t deserve to play this game” - every grass non-toucher.