Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Because I don’t have an alt I have an already got mine mindset? But I am in support of other people getting gear. What? Your logic makes literally zero sense. And at this point you’re just making up stuff so there’s little point in continuing this discussion.

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Your logic makes no sense. Like everyone else saying “get in a gamma once you’re 210, Blizzard said it’s fine,” your argument has no legs to stand on because you can readily get 232 and 245 gear in regular heroics. Is it grindy? Yes, but you aren’t entitled to a carry

And who exactly is running these regular heroics?

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You’re also shouldn’t be entitled to kick people from groups just because you don’t like their gear. Everyone else in this forum is telling you that even in 232 gear people are getting kicked from gammas, and your argument is that’s fine apparently. Or honestly I don’t know what your argument is but it’s stupid whatever it is.

You can queue for gamma at 210, gamma drops gear that players can use, if people that are performing but are lower ilvl join you shouldn’t get to kick them just because their ilvl is lower, and farming heroics for 1/10th of the gear is not a real solution. Get over yourself.

No one that’s the point. They don’t care about the low ilvl players as long as they aren’t in their group. This is big “make the homeless people stop lowering my property value” energy.


At a bare minimum, everyone short of 210 ilvl? What is this question lol, unless you buy a full set of BOEs, you’re not skipping regular heroics when you hit 80

Except in this situation, “the homeless” aren’t facing systemic hurdles or anything that keeps them stuck in a caste. They just need to put in time and actually run content. Players getting kicked from gammas have full autonomy to set themselves up for better outcomes down the road. It’s clear you have no alts when you think regular heroics aren’t still being ran

And this is why everyone simply grinds out Honor to get a full set of 238 pvp gear. Is it optimal? No, but it’s enough to shut you people up who only care about GS and kick others who aren’t up to your standards. Instead of creating a 5 man premade or running with your guild, you’d rather get randoms, cry and complain the randoms then put in the effort to get liked minded people.

It’s hilarious.

It’s like crying nobody is willing to drive you to the grocery store but you also don’t wanna just call a taxi.

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I really feel like this is just proof you don’t objectively look at things. What are gammas:

Heroics with increased difficulty, that offer special rewards over other content. You see unlike Alphas and Betas where only the completion rewards the token for purchasing the gear, Gammas reward one off each boss which adds an incentive for players only looking for stones to clear all the bosses for the drops. But the drops didn’t get updated.

So you have a dungeon that rewards lower level drops, and tokens that can purchase higher level gear, offering both a reward for overgeared players running these dungeons and incentive for them to clear the bosses for the gear drops that lower geared players can use. it’s actually perfectly designed to provide a benefit to BOTH parties for doing the content.

The problem is that overgeared elitists want their scourgestones asap so they are willing to vote kick anyone that could potentially be viewed as slowing them down.

It’s really funny how you demand that lower geared players must suffer through an insanely long grind of heroics for emblems, but have literally no self awareness for the people hijacking LFD pug groups for their own scourgestone and daily dungeon speed runs.

If it’s on the players to grind out heroics and they are not entitled to a carry, it is equally true that it’s on those speed runners to create their own premade groups and stop gatekeeping content.


Who is doing that??? A majority of people in WoW don’t even like pvp. That’s more of a dreg than running heroics. That sounds more like some forum-cooked strategy than reality. You can queue in <10 minutes on regular heroics on Faerlina. That’s more than reasonable for a DPS (especially when gamma are ~8 minutes most of the time)

No one’s crying. One kick and you’re back to rolling. It’s not nearly the dramatics you people rely on to oversell the situation

My analogy stands and you’re not worth discussing this with anymore. You’ve made your stance very clear in that you are 100% biased and refuse to look at the situations from both ways. The players kicking get the right to kick and the players getting punished get nothing, and there’s no double standard here at all where the players doing the kicks should get out of PUG groups if they don’t want lower geared players in their groups.

No one is saying that someone should be able to walk into gammas at fresh 210 no effort ungemmed and unenchanted. But if someone has optimized the gear they have, put in the effort of gems and enchants, and is performing there’s no reason to kick them from the group just because they don’t have your arbitrary gear requirement. That’s the ENTIRE ARGUMENT you have completely avoided and tiptoed around this entire time. Because again, you DO NOT CARE AT ALL ABOUT THOSE PEOPLE. You just want to stop seeing them in your groups because you’re the worst kind of MMO player.


Except this ignores the fact that players are using tools provided by Blizzard to play the game as they wish. “Start your own group” is a cry from people who feel slighted, but it isn’t a guideline anyone needs to follow. It’s a meme argument asking people to go out of their ways to make sure people don’t feel bad because they got called out for junk gear.

Upscaled heroics with additional mechanics. More damage and mana/health pools make it a faster and less painful experience.

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Well that explains everything I need to know on why you’re such an insufferable person.

It’s a moronic analogy focused on trying to establish moral superiority. It’s a video game and no one is stopping you from putting yourself in a better position. Sorry that it’s grindy, that’s kind of WoW’s MO

No one’s stopping people that want to be elitist and gatekeep in LFD from forming their own groups. Sidestepped the point yet again. You really are a piece of work.

There’s no necessity for either side to take on the burden of making their own group. This is a meme argument; Blizzard’s random queue tool has its natural check in place— vote to kick. It works wonderfully

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Yes there is, it’s the same reason you want people to run normal heroics. It’s not a one way street. If you want something, and there is a method to resolve it, then you should do it. Your own logic.


That’s exactly what I’m doing— running gammas on characters geared for gamma and running regular heroics on characters that aren’t at gammas yet. When kids are undergeared, I kick them and move on. It’s all easy and doesn’t require making my own group ever. If you don’t like the outcome of using Blizzard’s own system, I guess that’s when making your own group would make sense.

Kicks usually happen before they have a chance to “prove themselves.” Judging a book by its cover is an easy way to avoid wasting time when your gut feeling was right

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You literally can’t queue for Gamma if you’re undergeared.

Real might makes right argumentation here. I don’t care what the repercussions of my actions are because I am allowed to do it and you can’t stop me. The mask finally comes off.

This right here in the problem. People that abuse the kick system like you should be restricted from using LFD. That’s the argument being made. You are in the wrong and don’t deserve to group with others.

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By whose definition? Blizz isn’t there to veto vote kicks, so it might be smart to match the player base’s definition.