Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

You cant there a item.level restriction but good try

Run regular heroics, get 232 from the ICC/HH dungeons and 219s from the TOGC dungeon, and use emblems to get 245s. It’s simple.

You don’t need to run alphas, betas, or old raids. You could get full 232/245 from just what I mentioned, but that’s not necessary. Just at least try to get something respectable (220 is fine) before jumping into gammas. Undergeared people make it less likely the run goes smoothly (and can even be the reason it doesn’t end up working).

Having to do a little grind to not be a total drag on the group isn’t a tall ask

Shhh you are giving the hidden secret to the scrubs! Lol…

But yes it isnt hard at all.

Or you could just queue Gamma and get the ICC dungeons anyway as well as scourgestones for 245 gear.

Hopefully you don’t get kicked!

Watch out, Delimicus might look up your level 37’s logs and call you trash. His ego is huge from getting a good healing parse in 10 man.

I really wanted to believe that knee-jerk dungeon kicking was a few and far between occurrence, but it’s just not. If you don’t meet a certain threshold of DPS, Gearscore, and Spec, you can expect to get dumped from a number of groups regardless of performance. And the 30 minute debuff makes it pretty much unplayable.

And if you’re one of the people who kick others because they’re not carrying you hard enough, may god damage your house.

Heroics give you ilvl 200 gear, HH gives you a single ring, and the heroic ICC dungeons that drop that 232 are, gasp, GAMMAS! What a shocker.

You cannot get full 220 from the activities you listed. This is what I mean by people that don’t actually care making these arguments. And also, if you were full 220, you’d still be getting kicked in these gammas. I’ve seen it happen. If you’re below a 5k Gearscore people lose their mind.

You should NEVER get a debuff to dungeon finder because other people chose to remove you from the group. You should ONLY get that from making the choice yourself. Blizzard just doesn’t care enough to fix that.


Heroics give you emblems used to buy 245 items, HH gives melee 3 pieces, heals 2 pieces, and casters 1 piece, and heroic ICC dungeons aren’t as up-tuned as gammas.

Can you read? 5 dungeons currently give >200 ilvl gear and all heroics drop emblems for 245 gear (that you can even down-cast into emblems for 232 gear if you need to fill other spots). You can absolutely hit 220 without stepping foot in an old raid or gamma.


Which is why Blizzard made the requirement to queue for Gamma 210 and not 220.

You know what else gives emblems? Gammas. Gammas also give usable loot. Ask yourself why they didn’t update the loot table of gammas.

I just love the casual “please spend 20x the effort to grind just emblems before you set your pleb foot into my gamma” stance without a shred of internal reference. I agree that you should make some effort to be ready for a Gamma before going into it. But the length to which people want you to be “ready” is asinine.


You are suprised by their lack of reading what you actually posted?

Correct, so people should not be getting kicked out of dungeons if they meet the requirement to queue for it.

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They did that because they’re clueless and made a few errors:

  1. Gammas shouldn’t drop 225 and 200s. It should drop 239s and 225. They lost track of the idea that the dungeons are catch-up mechanics

  2. If the place dropped better gear, it’d be easier to put an appropriate ilvl requirement on it. It’s a beta dungeon with extra emblems while still being uptuned (so ilvl doesn’t match content)

  3. Deserter shouldn’t be a thing for people who get booted. Hair-brained issue

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Because Blizzard forgot what heroic plus dungeons were supposed to be. They just made a more upscaled dungeon while still dropping the same gear

I just love the casual “I don’t want to break a sweat in a grindy MMO” stance without a shred of internal reference.

I never said 5K should be the bar. But 210 is well below it and I’d expect most groups to kick the person if they’re a DPS.

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I think it should be a thing, but be a compounding punishment system.

First kick in 24 hours is a 1 minute debuff, 2. 5 min, 3. 15 min, 4+. 30 min.

It helps prevent the trolling/hostage group issues while being far more reasonable to people getting kicked for asinine reasons.

I don’t think it needs to be that deep. Could people grief the system? Sure, but I don’t think it needs to be an over-engineered solution

They updated the gear for Alpha and Beta, but just somehow FORGOT for the last one? Perhaps the reality is they knew exactly what they were doing and you just don’t like it.

Except the very first thing I posted was that I have no alts to bias my opinion and run a 5800 GS on my character. Introspection was done before you jumped into the conversation. And since 210 is the requirement for the queue, seems like Blizzard has determined that is acceptable. And since I am telling you that people are kicking for having arbitrary gearscore, the post is about being kicked for having arbitrary gearscore, and you don’t seem to understand that, I don’t know why you’re even here.

If your goal is to deny other people their reality you could have done that and left already.


I actually agree with this.

Except that’s a bias. “I already got mine and don’t even need to run gammas” is more of a bias than my situation (over 5K GS on main, <220 on alts (alts I don’t run gammas with)). It’s easy to understand that people don’t owe you a carry because you want to save time catching up

Making gammas be a half-baked solution to catching up sounds like typical Blizz design. It’s not a surprise that a mechanic was implemented poorly