Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

People do normal ToC / ICC dungeons that are fresh 80s or people with crappy weapons/trinkets. There are several easy pieces of gear to obtain that increase survivability substantially. The badge grind will go much faster if you’re doubling your output.

But yeah, people complain about getting kicked because of low item level. Then, get better item level.

So not part of the discussion cause you can’t queue for Gamma in the first place?

Weird tangent, but you do you I guess.

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No tangent at all? The guy I was replying to was saying “No one runs normal heroics anymore”

Plenty of people run them because you aren’t 210 as a fresh 80 unless you kitted yourself out with BoEs

Had a completely ungemmed and unenchanted Ret Paladin in my Forge of Souls run again. This time I tried to be “less toxic” and decided I would not kick him if he at least buffed with a blessing. I asked 5 times (just incase he didn’t see) for him to buff. No buff.

Nah, my original thought behind this was correct. Lazy players who refuse to gem or enchant their gear shall be kicked. They’re all the same.

Ill take things no one believes nor cares about for $300, alex.

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37 Night Elf Druid

Opinion completely discarded.

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Cant tell neck from chin.

Completely irrelevant

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Imagine hiding on a level 37 because you’re too afraid of posting on your main. Lots of small, tiny people on these forums.

Imagine using character level in a 20 year old game as a flex.

Sooo irrelevant its hilarious


Too afraid to post on his main, on a video game forum. Probably afraid of the sun too.

Too afraid to take words at face value, instead of using some psuedo clout from being an 80 or something.

Extreme irrelevance is quite the horror to you isnt it?

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Incorrect. They specifically say you can kick anyone for ANY reason. There are no exceptions listed.

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There doesn’t need to be as harassing and griefing is against the ToS.


But they are doing appropriate content to get better gear.

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There’s no way to harass or grief with the VTK system. You are allowed to kick for ANY reason. Kicking someone from the group can never be considered harassment or griefing.

Sure there is, if the intent is to harass or grief, which you can do with the vote kicks :slight_smile:


That’s like, 99 paladins out of 100.

No there isn’t. That’s why they specifically say players can kick for ANY reason.

I have a challenge for everyone that thinks other people should “gear up” their alt through means other than gamma. Have you tried that yourself? Or are you just someone that got your gear up through content releases and now demands others be at that level too so you can have an easier time?

What are the suggested content to do? Because people don’t do alpha or beta anymore, they do gamma. No one’s doing older content either, older raids aren’t really being run. So not like you can do that content loop.

It’s easy to tell other people to “gear up” if you don’t actually care about it and just want them to go away. And this is coming from a 5800 Gearscore player without an alt to be biased towards.


That’s exactly what they want. Elune forbid they are slightly inconvenienced by having a “scrub” player in their group, making the dungeon take 5 minutes longer.

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