Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Go make your own group if you think you might get kicked for being undergeared. Goes both ways (even if it gives you the cold pricklies)

How do you know you do more dps if you are getting insta kicked? :thinking:

I use RDF because I’m not picky about who I’m grouped with. You clearly are picky, which is why you should hand pick your own group and just stay out of RDF.

It takes two clicks to remove leeches from the group. I’m operating within the bounds of the tool :slight_smile:

I think it’s funny before RDF when people weren’t invited or kicked because of low GS people’s arguments were “Make your own group.” but now nobody wants to take their own advice. They queue up for RDF and instead of putting up with the random they’re given they don’t wanna make their own group.

Too much effort, I guess, right?


No one afk’s in a dungeon on purpose. They know they will be kicked. Babies wake up, work calls, the kitchen explodes… life happens. No one is a hero for kicking afk players. And this isn’t about afk players anyway.

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If I see you in my group, I will kick you. Guaranteed. You are not a nice person.

You have my permission, that’s fair

That’s just how it is with these people. Rules for thee, not for me and all that

“Make your own group” is a meme argument. I only say it because people like Shadow treat it like a gotcha. Blizz gives us the tools to handle this, but people don’t like that sometimes they aren’t getting the outcomes they want

Don’t need it.

You’re abusing those tools.

Incorrect. Blizzard says you can kick any player for any reason.


If 3/5 people are agreeing to kick you, consistently, then you are the problem

Does this mean you don’t “do the right thing” since you’re here all the time too?

Or is it possible that a person is capable of posting on the forums while doing other stuff?

30 ilvls? So did your arbitrary requirement just go from 220 to 240 ilvl right there? For Gamma?


The funny part is it’s never been easier to gear up.

Do normal ToC and ICC dungeons.
Do heroic ToC and ICC dungeons.

Spam normal heroics.

Try to get in pug VoA runs.

Within a week, be geared enough for gammas.

Who even does these?

Who does normal heroics?

The only one with actual merit is this one

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There’s only one tool I abuse and it’s not one provided by Blizz

You’re 220 ilvl as a fresh 80? Dang, lemme in on your secret. My DK is 187 and that’s even with a handful of 200’s

Indeed you can, but not if its griefing.