Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

That’s the funny part, they’re usually getting kicked because they’re not geared enough for gammas

Farm your emblems and carry your weight please

Wrong. If they weren’t geared enough for Gamma, they wouldn’t be able to queue for it.

Sweet summer child…

Queue up for gammas as 210 and lemme know what the players think. I’ll wait

I don’t care what some edge lord thinks of it. 210 is the minimum requirement for queuing as set up by Blizzard. If you don’t like it, then make your own group.

Or just kick lowbies for being lazy. That also works :rofl:

Go queue for an Alpha right now. Tell me how that goes.

Nobody runs Alphas or Betas.

And even if someone farmed normal heroics, you think that ilvl 200 gear is gonna make you happy? You literally say you kick people who meet the bare minimum. And that gear is worse than the minimum needed.


Queuing for appropriate level content is being lazy?

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You get 5-6 emblems of triumph for each random dungeon and there are 5-6 232s available between the ICC dungeons and the HH event. You don’t even need alpha/beta to get to 220 or well above it

Does your response change if I say yes or no? Or is it scripted

So what? The requirement is 210, not 220, or 230, or whatever moving goalpost you come up with.

Enjoy your deserter debuff ig

You get 1 per boss. Plus 2 for the RDF completion. let’s assume you get 5 per run. Triumph Gear costs anywhere between 35-75 emblems. Now, keep in mind where nobody really runs normal heroics anymore because why would they when gamma’s give everything they do but better and more with scourgestones.

And funny enough I’m sure people kick others even in the ICC dungeons, especially HoR.

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Because people at the bare minimum need at least 30 ilvls of improvement from fresh 80 to the “requirement” for gammas. People are still running normals plenty.

Hard to say. Worth a shot!

Good for them. All my 80s are over 210ilvl, so I’m not going to be wasting time with Alpha or Beta.

Looks like you’ll be wasting plenty of time with deserter though :rofl:

I’ve never been kicked. DK has TOGC gear, rogue and paladin have Ulduar gear.

Good for you, Special K

Looks like you did your work to not leech! I’m proud of you

Someone in Naxx gear will be 210ish ilvl. Are you seriously going to call them a leech when Gammas are easier than Naxxramas? And yes, Naxx is easy too. Players cleared it in blues and greens in P1.

Naxx was stupid easy. But it’s multiple patches ago and you’re not going to be pulling 245 ilvl DPS with 210 ilvl gear. Gammas aren’t “hard” but their mechanics are scaled to where ~210 people are just annoying to deal with

245 is Trial gear. You don’t need that kind of DPS to clear a Gamma. Go make your own group if you want to outgear content.