Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

I seriously don’t know how you came to this conclusion.

Either way, I can still do some gammas fine on my 225 dk tank, sure it may not be geared to your standards and you want to speed run it but I’m not uber geared to it but all that matters to me is that are we clearing the dungeon?

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Guess thats why you are the way you are?

Ok Karen. @10char

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That’s the whole point of shadow and kelliste.

let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.

You don’t gem or enchant you don’t deserve to get geared up any further. Prolly don’t eat or flask either. Sounds about right.


Says the guy who ignores people who cal him out. Keep flaming them for running away LMAO

Daily reminder that the funniest part of all of this is that people like Kelli go to the forums to cry while the people doing the right thing are running content nice and smoothly

None of that is required for Gamma. Go make your own group if you wanna tell other people what to do.

These people probably flask for questing. It’s very hard don’t you know, you need to gem up and enchant to make quests easier!


Or see if your group wants to kick the kid. That’s cool and allowed too :slight_smile:

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Everytime you say you kick somebody you call them a kid.

How many kids do you think are playing a 15 year old version of WoW? Unless, you yourself at the kid?


Does it help if I refer to them as “Grown A’s”

They’re playing a game. Kids play games. They’re kids.

Point being, kicking goons who aren’t doing the bare minimum of gearing before hopping in dungeons is plenty kosher. No one is going into a group saying “Shadows” said I could play

Yeah, no kidding. The average Wrath player is a 30 something who was in their teens or 20s in 2008. Someone in their teens or 20s today is probably playing Dragonflight because it’s the current game.

Why are you treating dungeons like Heroic Raids?

Do you kick people in levelling dungeons because they don’t have heirlooms? Do you kick because they don’t enchant their levelling gear? Like, lmao.


They did do the bare minimum of gearing and got to 210ilvl. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to queue for Gamma. Blizzard is the one saying they can be there, not me.

He probably pops flasks on Headless Horseman! :rofl:

You guys are SO bad at metaphors.

Isn’t there some dungeon difficulty between leveling dungeons and gammas? Maybe a different spot where people can get gear before hopping in content people want to speed run so they can get to ICC?

You people really want some strawman version of the argument to laugh at and dismiss. Nah, you’re just being lazy


You probably haven’t even ran HH, you’re too busy crying on the forums about what people are doing in their own groups

Why would someone do Alpha or Beta if they are geared enough for Gamma?