Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Lemme know where Blizz is when we’re in a 5-man

Blizzard rules dont say all 5 people have to respect the mechanics for you to get through a gamma dungeon. Thats your rule.

It definatly makes it easier on the group overall if everyone is respecting mechanics, but it isnt required.

You are gatekeeping people who want to afk or ignore mechanics. Shame on you!

I refuse to believe anyone is this stupid unironically.

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Blizzard’s rules say that you can kick anyone for any reason.

You know there’s a fine line of difference from trying your best and not trying at all, right?

Let’s take AV for example. Should we kick people who show up in quest gear trying to get honor so they can buy pvp gear to do better in pvp? If so, why? Because they’re not up to your standards? Well, how do they get honor if you kick them from the activity that gives them honor?

Now, what about leeches. Those that show up to AV but afk at base. Oh, they might be well geared but they’re doing actually nothing

If you kick them why?

Is redhead actually coming in here and defending leeching?

He is forcing his rules onto others.

Kinda like some people believe you should have a reasonable amount of gear with gems/enchants before you should be in a gamma.

Some people have higher expectations than others. And some people believe they should be able to afk or ignore mechanics and still get through the dungeon and get loot. On the horde side these type of people are typically refered to as zug brains, but they do exist.

No one is saying AFKers or people who ignore mechanics shouldn’t be kicked. They should because they are hindering the group. We kicked a tank from VH yesterday for ignoring mechanics and then going AFK, causing a wipe. Our issue is with kicking people over ilvl when they meet the minimum requirement to queue.

There is an expectation already in place, the game forces you to be ilvl 210 to even queue for Gamma. You might not like it, but it’s there.

Just like how level 71’s can queue in the 71-79 bracket in battleground

And 10-19, and 20-29.

Do you kick all the level 10’s and 20’s and 71’s?

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And people try to bypass those requirements by holding onto wrong spec/class gear that they “can” equipt.

You can go into a gamma dungeon with 0 gear on you or in your bags. And 0 spec appropriate gear in your bank.

The problem with rdf requirements check is it can easily be fooled to let a person with far worse gear than 210 for their selected role in. Which is part of why players can kick. Are some people expecting WAY to much from others? Sure. Are some exciting way to little of themselves and expect to still get carried in gammas? Absolutely.

This problem goes both way. The best fix is group with a friend (s). The more people you group with that you know, the more control you all have over the group. It is how democracy works and the vote kick is a democracy vote.

During prepatch people were reporting anyone level 61-69 in AV as AFK just because they weren’t level 70. Didn’t matter if they were following objectives, anyone under 70 got reported even though the system allowed them to queue for AV. Probably the same people vote kicking in RDF now.

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I’ve never seen this. At all. I’ve never seen a DK/war/paladin buy cheap cloth pieces to bypass the GS/ilvl requirement.

But even if it does exist that’s griefing in a sense, you don’t have the expected power level you should be at.

However, that’s not really what the argument is, people in this thread just look for excuses to kick people that honestly don’t deserve it. “Your GS isn’t up to my standard, kick.” “What you didn’t enchant your gear? Kick.” “You mean you can’t afford rare/epic gems? lmao kick.”

We literally have the guy’s own admittance they queue as a 4 man premade just to kick people. Actual troll behavior.

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I’m not seeing people wearing the wrong gear, they are just lower gear level (under 5k GS).

OK but that’s not what the thread is about though, so this is literally just you moving the goalpost to set up an argument.

I wonder where I’ve seen this before…


At this point, I’m just convinced Shadows is operating purely on here say and is just sitting on forums complaining about what they see others talking about

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I’m so sorry you had to learn this way ;(

They dont have to buy them. As an example lets say you do a normal heroic as a warrior.

Spell power trinket drops and you put it in your bank. Your trinkets are still quest items with ilvl 150ish. The game will calculate that spellpower trinket in your bank in place of one of your equipt trinkets for if you are eligible for gamma.

They dont have to wear it. It can be in their bank.

I’ve seen the vote kicks. Everything is going fine, and then then the window pops up to kick X for “low GS”.

I’ve never seen anyone with a low enough GS in Gamma to indicate they are doing this. They would have to be below 4k with equipped gear.

Shockingly, I have. My first ever random Gamma in RDF was an ilvl ~187 prot paladin (clearly a holy paladin who made a quest prot set cause he thought it’d be faster).

Would’ve been fine if he was more experienced honestly. He wound up leaving on his own though.