Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

When did I say gems? Hmm? I said enchants. ENCHANTS.

Not only do you not know what you are talking about, you cant even read what is up on your screen, try turning your monitor on you might do better.

Again, why spend all that gold on throw away gear when the Gamma buffs make up for it? Save your gold for gemming and enchanting 245 gear so that you’ll be ready for ICC.

Can’t even keep the lies straight.

Because that chest enchant will shave .001 seconds off of the dungeon run YOU GOTTA HAVE IT!

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Stop embarrassing yourself man.

You’re demanding them to get lesser enchants as well so… no, this just isn’t true.

But you’re literally asking them to put in the effort of green gems…

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Still idiotic to do dungeons without any gems or enchant… they are literally given away in the AH, you don’t need epic gems or the top enchant, but if you can’t spend the less than 10g it will cost, it’s a bit sad really.

And it’s sadly why Blizzard started to remove enchants, meta gems and other min/maxin fun from the game because people were not passing the wow armory audit and got kicked in random finder.

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Not really because just getting a new piece is a much bigger gain while leveling or while doing the dungeon climb at 80 than gemming/enchanting.


Is 200-300g really to much for you?

You can make that much gold with doing just a few dailies.

Do the cooking daily for 3 days. Convert the tokens to spices and sell them on the AH for 1-2g each. You have over 100g now from the quest gold and the spices being sold.

So one week of doing ONE daily a day can yield the gold needed to put basic gems and enchants on.

I dont expect you to put epic gems and bis enchants on that gear, but put a little effort in.

Heck, just do green quality gems will mean you spend around 3g a gem. Are you to cheap to spend a few gold to just put basic gems in?

You do know some stats have deminishing returns right? So wheb you are low geared the stats gained from gems and enchabts are actually more impactful.

Because it at least shows they put some effort into their gear.

Im not expecting them to spend 3k gold gemming the gear they will replace soon. But even just getting all green quality gems for around 50g (depends on total gem slots available) shows they put some form of effort in.

Which ones’d these be, just outta curiosity.

But they did. That’s why they’re capable of queueing in Gammas in the first place.

It kinda sounds like you are when you acknowledge that green gems are virtually useless.


Gems and enchants are free on the AH? News to me.

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I disagree

AHAHAHAAAAaaaa… oh… that wasnt a joke? Its 100g just for a +15 spirit chest enchant that would increase my spell power by an entire 8.

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Because that’s gold that could have been put towards epic flying, leveling professions, ect.

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so do terrible players, gearing is soo easy that even a caveman can do it. stop gatekeeping just to be a dick lol


Everything has an opportunity cost.

If a few hundred gold is to much for you, you are just bad. Just doing the quests from 70-80 will provide plenty of gold.

They aren’t though. When you use them you are more so focusing on budget efficiency. So you go for the socket bonuses and get extra stats that way. And the extra stats from gemming+socket bonus compound with basic buffs like kings, haste effects, etc.

If i see someone with 8 missing sockets and no enchants, they havent put even the smallest effort of being efficient with their gear. I get that not everyone has a lot of gold, but if you cant even put green quality gems in your gear, that isnt being cheap, that is being lazy.

As for stats with diminishing returns. All secondary stats have it to a degree.

The socket bonuses you mostly completely ignore at raid level? Those? Yeah they don’t impact dps lol.