Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

You are the wrong person to talk about post counts lol

You are the one that brought it up buddy boy.

And if you don’t, the optiom of getting kicked is there.

Its not a big ask to use green or blue quality gems and get some basic enchants.

Its not like we expect +10 to chest for gamma dungeons. 6 or 8 will work just fine, just have something.

Its not a big ask. If you are really hurting on gold go to helfire peninsula and buy the vendor gems for all we care, just put SOMETHING in them.

Which is why you’re in the 5 man to start :wink:

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What, exactly, do you think an 8 stats enchant on an ilvl 210-220 dps does for them?


Really? I thought it was to get carried entering gammas at 1000gs without any gems or enchants and no weapon equipped!

Mostly nothing. Warlocks want the +15 spirit… so as a demo lock you get like 7 spell power from that with Fel Armor and Glyph of Life Tap… and then 10% of that goes to the rest of the raid or group. So that would be what… .7 of a spell power? That right there is going to shave off like… .001 second of a run right there!

Bingo, literally wasting more time waiting for a 5th than the enchants shave off the run.

It’s petty and stupid.


In a raid setting enchants and gems are like 10% increase, in 5 mans its less because you have access to less buffs so you might get 2-5% from enchants and that isnt going to cut your clear time in half like some people want to suggest from a run taking 8 minutes to 35 minutes if you dont have enchants or if you arent over 5k gs.

Most of the people on the toxic side are just trolls. Its pretty blatantly obvious just like its blatantly obvious that +8 stats isnt going to do much. It does almost nothing for spell users. A demo lock can make use out of it from Demonic Knowledge slightly but you dont even get 1 spell power from 8 stats. 1 stamina = 0.09 spell power from demonic knowledge so .09x8 = .72 of a spell power. You get a tiny bit of spell power from the int as well, 1 int = 0.036 spell power so that would be 0.036x8 = .288 + .72 (sp from stamina) = 1.008 spell power. Then the spirit is only 8 so that like 4.72 spell power. So ultimately you are looking at 5.728 spell powe compared to 8.85 from Major Spirit. Either way your run isnt getting any faster realistically, at least one that isnt even noticeable. Its like taking an eye dropper and dropping 1 drop of water into a puddle… you arent going to notice it.


More like 20-25%.


The rest of your post is just words without meaning.


No, its true.

Glad to know that you admit to not knowing what you are talking about. The +8 stats would be increasing a 3k spell power warlocks spell power by like 0.16%. Thats not going to budge your dps output.

The way you keep talking about “kicking kids” tells me you’re pretty young yourself. Probably a Zoomer that never played OG WotLK.

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Being petty is the whole point for them.

Absolutely false. Enchants and gems are about a 20-25% increase to DPS in a raid setting. This is a fact.

No, it’s not.

We’re talking about dungeons, not raids. The Gamma buffs make up for any missing enchants and gems.

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Ret Paladin p3 preset - 10,630 DPS.
Ret Paladin p3 preset with no gems or enchants - 8,617 DPS
23.3% increase to DPS using BiS gems and enchants.

Once again, Kelliste showing he’s only interested in raising his post count, not in accurate information.

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No they arent.

Is is absolutely true. Again a chest enchant is only increasing a warlock spell power by 0.16%-0.27% if they have 3k spell power and that is for a Demonology.

You dont know what you are talking about.

So as a thought experiment I went and changed all my enchants and gems on my sim and going from all str to def/parry and spirit nonsense, ie, nothing affecting my dps I still did 82% of my dps.

And that’s a damned sight higher ilvl than you’d be expecting and with the best enchants available.

But this is also in a raid setting where you have every buff available so you have to shave a fair chunk off of this for a 5 man, all depending on the luck of the draw. 10% is likely very highly shot at a 5 man if it’s 18% fully raid buffed.

Just a side note.

We are talking about lower ilvl people, so gems and enchants are MORE impactful because they are seeing less diminishing returns on specific stats (minus specs designed to function off high stats, life fire mage and crit).

It also depends on the quality of gems and enchants used.

Green queality gems would be a much lower difference thab epic quality gems.

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Not all classes are created equal either. For a demo lock its up to 10%. Enchants for a warlock give roughly 230ish spell power. Thats not even 10% increase in spell power for a 3k spell power warlock. If you are an enchanter it goes up with another 74 spell power on average from Lightweave embroidery and another 46 from enchanting rings which would put you at 346 spell power. That would be round 10% on average. That 346 is much more beneficial at lower ilvls than higher ones. The better your gear the less you gain from these enchants.

Not really, especially when these people are saying 5k+ gs.

Retail player pretending to know more than me, lol.


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