Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

True, but this isn’t a big deal for Gamma other than maybe tanks.

True to an extent, but I believe trolling RDF is the main objective. One of them even admitted to it here on the forums.

It can be completed, no doubt, but its still just reduced secondaries which will cut your dps pretty heavily. Instead of having resilience and crit, if I had haste and crit it would be soooo much better.

Yeah, but I havent ran into any person on these forums in game even through the RDF, so its just bad players with high gear as far as I am concerned. Sometimes you wonder on a fight and forget something… but a tank trying to dps a corrupt soul is a no no. But it was a 2h frost tank so I shouldnt expect less to be honest.

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Remember when you hid your WCL parses because Drinknblink made fun of you? I regret only having any empathy at all for you.

Gem and enchant your gear or don’t be surprised when you get kicked.

I’ve never been kicked. My gear is gemmed and enchanted. Raid parses have nothing to do with heroic dungeons. Don’t need your empathy.

Just because I haven’t been personally affected by vote to kick abuse doesn’t mean I don’t recognize it’s a problem.

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It’s not abuse to use a feature as it was intended, sorry.

Let’s not pretend you have some moral high ground. We all know even if people did that you’d still kick them because their GS is too low or not to your liking.


Kicking people for low GS when they meet Blizzard’s requirements to queue is abuse. Keep it up. I bet we’ll see a change to the kick feature soon, as well as suspensions to those who abused it.

I don’t do that.

There will be zero punishments for people who are meeting YOUR criteria for abuse, and I totally expect a change.

False, blah blah blah. Not responding to you anymore because you’re not entertaining enough.

So it’s all about the entertainment. As expected of a troll, wanting bites.


I’m one of a handful of people on these forums who actually put time into helping others when they have an issue. The problem is most of you just use these forums to whine, so the actual threads worth a damn are few and far between.

Ah nothing says helping others like kicking people with your 4 man premade because you can’t get a 5th.


Yeah, but 5 man content isn’t level 83 so you don’t need that much hit anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

The hit barrier is easily cleared with pvp gear.

These are raid hit rating values :wink:

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More proof that PVP gear is just fine for dungeons.

Yes. But its not better than even emblem gear. While a hood might have the same spell power to that of a 245 emblem item, the emblem item is still better due to having more useful secondaries. If you calculate spirit into the equation for warlocks its hands down better especially when paired with Demonic Pact. I would be giving 260 spell power to everyone and im just self buffed with very little spirit.

More spirit = more spell power, more spell power = more raid damage.

No one has said as much, but on the other hand the hit and expertise ratings you need for raids aren’t needed for 5 mans simply cause of ilvls so for 5 mans pvp gear matches up pretty well with a lot of raid gear that has “wasted” hit and expertise stats.

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We still doing this? Haven’t been paying attention, I’ve just been running content and kicking kids that come into gammas undergeared. Not enough downtime to post on forums to complain

No you haven’t.

Ope, I guess I haven’t then. Weird

Some actually have.

But the next step is raiding so might as well aim for it. Whats 5 extra defense, or the extra what 100 spell hit to get the the 262 from the 157 you need for a lower level. Its better to get it and have it than to specifically gear for 5m content. That number is for a warlock though and other classes might be different based on their talents.

You posted like 40 times yesterday, and today is just getting started.