Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

kicking for pvp gear is pretty stupid since its better than all the garbage 225 Ilvl and 200 ilvl pve gear lol, especially the weapons are solid, imagine paying 15k gold for a garbage boe 251 ilvl battered hilt weapon, some of them are worse than the furious and relent weapons.

on alts I just buy the 245 ilvl totc crafted pve gear than fill rest with pvp gear, after a day or two of grinding i’m full 5400 gs pve gear, most of the kicking comes from benediction players.

The lvl 200 gear i can agree with, but not the 225.

Every item has a stat budget and pvp gear loses a lot of pve value due to the star budget going into resilience, which is essentially a useless stat in pve.

It doesn’t lose 20+ ilvls worth of stats though for a lot of the items.

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They did put in effort. They got to level cap and 210ilvl. If that’s not good enough for you, too bad. Either accept the random nature of RDF or make your own group.

It loses one secondary stat, usually hit or expertise. It’s not a huge deal in a 5 man.

He literally admitted to queuing with 4 man groups in order to kick people…

Hit is more important, but can be gemmed and enchanted for. That’s what I did at the start of Wrath.

The “nature” of RDF enables me to kick players for whatever reason I deem appropriate.

For a guy kicking people for lack of “effort” gearing, you sure have a lack of effort getting 4 other toxic friends to queue with you. Lmao.


Yes it enables you to troll because of blizzard didn’t implement features that would prevent so.


I’m not toxic at all. You guys on the other hand…

Sure bud.

You need a 5th to carry you and when they don’t you kick them. Not toxic at all.


Being toxic is the whole point for people like him.

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I’m helping the playerbase be better. Don’t be lazy, don’t get kicked.

Yes, God forbid people do content that drops the appropriate gear they need. :roll_eyes:

God forbid people not treat 5 man dungeons like heroic progression raids…

This sweatiness is one of the reasons I don’t like M+ on Retail. Thank Elune H+ doesn’t have timers or the toxicity would be much worse. :scream:

They can do it just fine. Enchant and gem your gear before doing group content. If you want to be lazy, go quest.

Gem and enchant your gear for heroic ICC? Absolutely required. Gem and enchant your gear for heroic dungeons? Absolutely optional.


It does however lose a whole secondary stat that isnt useful to anyone other than pvpers.

You can also get minimum hit capped usually with pvp gear. a Warlock only needs to get like 10% hit, you can get 3% from suppression, 3% from Improved Faerie Fire or a shadow priest misery talent, and then 1% from heroic presence (alliance only). So you need like 262-341 hit depending on group comp.

The gamma dungeons were done with I think ilvl 200 on the ptr. Higher GS doesnt mean better, ive seen people 5700-5900 do some pretty dumb stuff, stuff that negates the work of other people completely. Bromjahm for example, 5900 tank brought Bromjahm to the corrupted soul negating like 50%+ damage output we did, mainly me and a mage. Standing in front of Wailing Souls, Forgemaster is pretty bugged so you cant really fault anyone on that fight, doing Ick and Krick completely wrong like not running away from Pursuit, Poison Nova or even Explosive Barrage, they get targeted by Rimefang on Scourgelord and run towards people or not away from others that have it. Ive never seen so many people screw up mechanics so bad in a 5 man outside of LFR.

Thats not even gamma dungeons so no wonder why they want everyone to be overgeared, they cant do the mechanics so they try to brute force it, aka bad players.

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