Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

If they are level 80 and 210ilvl they put in sufficient effort.

Just ran into a 5900 2h frost dk tank (weird combination) that moved Bromjahm TOWARDS the corrupt soul. Was a little under half health by time the soul cameā€¦ and then he went back up to like 75% negating the damage we did.

Im running into this more and more that the higher the ilvl the more they think the gear is just going to negate mechanicsā€¦ thats not how it works.

If i ever get a gnome in my group, i will kick them. Filthy gnomes! (I play horde so it shouldnt happen lol).

Aw yes, the dk with spellpower/mana regen trinkets/rings/etc and the rest pvp gear with 0 gems and enchants (not even green quality gems) definitely put in the work :roll_eyes:.

We arent saying we kick people because their gs is low, we kick them when their gear is a disaster for their role and they didnt even bother to put a single gem or enchant in.

Mind you i personally dont even check this unless something is clearly wrong on the first few trash pulls, but it isnt exactly uncommon from the rdf pugs i have gotten.

I dont think expecting some basic gems and enchants with role appropriate gear is asking a lot.



Are you sure?

A tiny bit of effort means appropriate gear choices and basic gems and enchants to me.

Sure some may have different standards, but this is what most of us expect.

I have to admit ā€“ this reply did make me LOL

A million times huh? That sure is a lot of RDF.

Iā€™ve not seen a vote kick in our current version of wrath. By your logic, since you never saw it in original it didnā€™t happen (especially since you used RDF a million times on OG) and since Iā€™ve never seen it, it has not happened in this version of Wrath.

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This followed by a singular quote by the guy who quite literally says heā€™ll kick anyone below 220 is chefs kiss

Yes, I am absolutely sure.


Okay and thatā€™s fine if you donā€™t inspect at the start of a dungeon.

But this discussion is about people who do, and kick based on sometimes nothing more than gear score.

This isnā€™t whatā€™s happening. People see the low GS number and immediately spam the vote kick button. Had this happen in CoS. First trash pull and the tank was already trying to kick the 4.5k hunter. The gear was appropriate, just lower ilvl.

Try being a fury warrior who has tanks constantly player kill you after you are sitting in chat typing 5 pause, enter, 4 pause enter until you reach one, slowly walk to the mobs and start aoe rotation

Every tank seems to lower their actions per minute just enough to hold aggro on everyone else but let me die no matter what unless I do garbage DPS.

And Iā€™m not even a gigachad.

If Iā€™m waiting to attack and canā€™t even break into purple parses yet then itā€™s 100 percent the tank.

I donā€™t even run vig and I NEVER have issues with this even with 5.9k DPS who parse well.

People can rip aggro off of me if they screw up my los pulls or if Iā€™m in a situation where I have no rage, canā€™t charge mobs and start my rotation for 2 globals before they get there or something if they REALLY try to go ape and get aggro. They have to actually be trying to kill them self.

My problem is Iā€™m a DPS tank and Iā€™m trying to compete with the party in DMG. My ego is too high to let anyone die because of that.

However people will do this to me if I accidentally pull aggro on just a couple of mobs. They then play stupid and tell me Iā€™m a bad DPS when I canā€™t even use my class. Every other DPS class has an aggro dump besides us and they know it. Iā€™ve already lost probably a thousand gold in the past month because of this. They then goad me and instigate telling me how bad I am and put me on ignore before I can tell them to look at my anub 25 tank parse.

Would be nice if I could force these people to have the worst aggro offenders they have ever met and force them to watch me tank instead.

Sometimes if Iā€™m not burnt out on tanking my self ill just switch to tank mode and rip app the aggro from them and 50/50 get booted for it when the tank couldnā€™t do their job.


Fury warrior are a garbage class and Iā€™m only playing it for nostalgia.

I couldnā€™t get into 5 mans as fury until I hit 5.5k gs

And now no tank besides an actual parsing tank can hold my aggro

Conclusion: fury is the most useless class in the game.

This is yet another Jeynar lie.

Youā€™re probably right that that was Scentsy instead which doesnā€™t really change the reply much cause the reply was saying that yes, indeed, people are asking for higher ilvl than required.

Cause Redhead claimed people werenā€™t. Which is clearly a lie.

I donā€™t even use Tacotip unless Iā€™m specifically looking for my own GS to whisper a raid leader. I disable it otherwise because thereā€™s some bug with it where it takes multiple attempts for the inspect window to open.

I donā€™t care about peopleā€™s GS in these 5 mans. I care that they put a tiny bit of effort by gemming and enchanting the unoptimized PvP gear they used to obtain the ilvl to queue. All the excuses about it being transient, temporary gear donā€™t matter to me. All gear is temporary, if youā€™re going to use it you can enchant and gem it.

How many dungeons are these people going through before they replace it? 20? 30? Are the excuses going to apply to the gear they get from drops? Are they only enchanting the 245-252 pieces they get after 20 dungeons worth of Defiler Scourgestones? If youā€™re only gemming the 245-252 stuff, then that means youā€™re doing 100+ dungeons before youā€™re replacing some of your gear.

Again, I think people are just lazy and inconsiderate. Gems and enchants are cheap, you donā€™t need epic gems or 500g enchants.

Do you know how many times I have ran into this? 0 times.

Yes, thats what people are claiming and you are saying they arent.


I guess I just donā€™t really give a hoot cause enchants are so incredible minor in most cases outside of things like berserking (which is what, 200 dps at very high ilvls).

8 stats on your chest is simply not going to make your 5 man run more than a millisecond faster, if that. Thatā€™s why I donā€™t care.

And then you have the folks on your side in here literally kicking people cause of Tacotip.


8 stats on a str user is only 16 attack power, agi users only get 8 attack power since, int users get a small amount of spell critā€¦ like tiny and warlocks dont even want 8 stats, let alone 10 stats, they want the +15 spirit from TBC.

I also just left a group mid pull on my tank. If DPS are going off on their own then that tells me they dont need a tank, ill go do something else while they all get a grey screen.

been only kicked from 2 so far but its still annoying, they really should disable being able to kick at the start or something, idk what they can do but they should do something.