Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons


Good luck with that. We’re queueing in groups of 4 and kicking the lazy noobs.


Yeah, and denying being toxic whilst doing it o/

The classic community is absolutely the worst part of the classic experience.

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The raiding population right now is actually on a decline from phase 3 and this is the ICC patch. It could spike up, but people are just more likely to quit because of the toxic playerbase than to work through it.

Which is arguably a good thing :stuck_out_tongue:

It probably is. Its sad though when most people actually like Wrath.

I do think I kicked someone from a FoS earlier that was from benediction, but not for being on benediction, for going afk.

Benediction players are something else.

Finding a 5th is too hard for them they get a random and when the random doesn’t carry them they kick them. What a joke.

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We do Forge of Souls in 6 minutes with no tank or healer.

Good for you. Have a cookie.

Awww, I’m touched you felt so offended you had to look me up. Are we dating now?

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Thanks for confirming you guys are just looking to troll people in RDF.


It is amusing he thinks 5 mans in classic are s33ryUz b1znu$$


For everyone complaining about the kick feature, I distinctly remember trolls queueing as “tank” and refusing to move, in original wotlk.

They would set a campfire at the entrance or /lay down. We couldn’t kick them for 15 minutes. The 4 victims would have to abandon and eat the debuff, then queue again waiting the max time (over half an hour for dps), or wait 15 minutes to kick the “tank”.

It was too tempting for trolls. They could log in, hit a button and instantly have 4 troll victims within seconds.

I think it would happen less now since most players are in their 30s instead of 13 like back in the day. Anyway with the new instant kick feature this won’t happen, but clearly it has given rise to upset low-GS players

I spammed RDF a million times in OG and never once saw this. If it was Occulus or Halls of Reflection and the tank didn’t want to do it, they just left and we got another one.

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That’s completely false. We’re looking to kick freeloaders. People who put a tiny, little bit of effort into their characters are free to stay.

Get a 5th.


He’s also incredible selective about this, he would never ever look up someone with the stance that RDF is bugged who has decent parses.

So queueing up just to kick people.

Nice :+1:

Clearly not since the 210 requirement doesn’t fulfill the arbitrary “tiny, little effort”.

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And Pagle.

Perma ban those people then. But I did RDF hundreds upon hundreds of times and I dont remember this happening. I remember people leaving. Must have been your battlegroup if thats the case.

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