Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Have you done for example a gamma Culling of Stratholme or Ulduar dungeons with more than 1 pvp geared dps barely hitting that 210 ilvl mark?
I have. It’s doable, but it’s not fun, it’s not smooth, it takes AGES to even push through the trash and with only 1 dps breaking the incredibly hard to reach 5k barrier the bosses take so long the healer will complain or just get up and leave.
I do not vote kick such players on principle but it’s really taxing and incredibly annoying so no wonder people remove such liabilities.


im sure it happens but i dont believe its as widespread as this thread makes it seem. the 30 min debuff should go away though.

but good players have good gear.

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First of all why are you like that man??, who hurt you?, second the rdf system algorithm is made so 4-3 ppl with higher Ilvl can normally carry someone with a low Ilvl, it creates groups to have a decent succes chance its always been like that, if it wernt the system wouldnt work or we would see massive que timers, normally low dps isnt a problem since the content is made to be facerolled thats why its called catchup,1 well geared dps can solo the place as long as the tank lives even i can solo dps and im only like 5150 gs this is with rare exeptions like the nerubian dungeons in those you kinda need all dps to atleast be there to free ppl from the webs

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maybe when people get kicked from a group, all the gear of the person geting kicked gets a buff to make it 100% better and they get a god mode bubble allowing them to solo icc 25 man heroic

no really people are going to be jerks and if there is a way to ruin someone elses day with no impact to them.

I always found it funny when people want you to have better gear equip’d fully enchanted and gemmed before they think you can do whatever dungeon/raid.

I see it starting to happen in hardcore wow classic now, I said i’ve love to try deadmines and they said sorry you need to be level 40 before joining the group… I havent done deadmines yet but I think even on hardcore at level 40, i should be able to solo the place

  • Doing their dailies to get 5 Emblems of Frost.
  • Farming Defiler’s Scourgestones for Primordial Saronite or 252 Ulduar trinkets.

Of course it won’t do anything, they used the vote to kick feature that Blizzard implemented.

Form your own group if you want everyone to be 5.5k GS. Stop relying on RDF to meet your ridiculous requirements.


This is a pretty serious problem, despite what the trolls are saying here. If I try to join a Gamma with dungeon gear putting my GS below 5k, there’s a ~1/3 chance I’ll get kicked with a 30 min deserter buff before we even begin the dungeon, regardless of the class/role of the alt.

My main DK is 5.3, so I haven’t had any problems with her. Rogue and paladin are 4.8 and 4.6, but I haven’t queued with them yet. I’ve had plenty of people in the 4k range in my groups, and only saw one warrior get kicked for it. Most people don’t care, because the buffs you get from the NPC make up for any lack of gear.

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At first I started to do Alpha and Beta’s because I dislike being carried, I feel better knowing I can contribute in some way, I started gearing up my warrior from 3.2k GS and I think around 3.5 I started doing Gammas, I think one of the reasons why I wasn’t kicked was I put effort into my gear, Whatever gear I had was properly enchanted and gemmed. It’s the first thing I notice when I entered the dungeon is other people looking at my gear.

My DK is 5600, I -personally- don’t care what Ilvl you bring into a gamma, I’m not going to make noise just because your gear is complete dook, I can carry, but not everyone is like that, A little effort goes a long way.

(A little edit: Queue times for Alpha and Beta are horrendous, everyone wants to do gamma, hence why I put effort into my gear so I wasn’t just -that- guy being carried.)


It’s the 30 min “deserter” debuff for me…
I didn’t willingly leave the dungeon, or go AFK. If we wanna say it’s okay to assume the run will go bad because a member is considered “undergeared”, and the vote kick can occur at the VERY BEGINNING of the group forming (not 15 mins in), then don’t issue a deserter debuff.
Ruining my time to play the game to gear up in content I “qualify” for, because other players want to deem me incapable of effectively participating, is utterly ridiculous!


You aren’t being carried if you meet Blizzard’s minimum requirements. There is no reason to do Alpha and Beta unless you are below 210ilvl or just want the achievements.


Unfortunately, many players don’t care about that minimum requirement, they expect you to contribute and some people won’t even care if you try, if the dungeon run takes too long, or if personal effort is too high, they’ll kick the lesser, just how it is.

It’s why I do what I can to avoid the kick lol, least I can do is try.

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Same. I’ve even had groups that have had to port out and port in for repairs. The only time I have seen people get kicked is either being AFK for more than 2 pulls, or running their mouth like they’re god’s gift to 16 year old content.


I love all these zero post count retail toons magically showing up now.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

It’s one dude just spamming these forums.


That’s the way it used to be. I have no clue why they changed it. Seems like this classic team just makes weird changes randomly.

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Again, these devs deviated from the OG game, not only with different dungeon difficulties…but with just adding RDF (amazingly).

They just can’t help themselves, they just HAVE to change something or it’s not theirs. The changes just cause more toxicity and they can’t even see it.


If you “keep” getting kicked then you are being kicked over and over for a reason. Ask, (nicely) why you were kicked? They might be toxic and just say you are bad but if you ask in a manner that you really want to understand and fix what is wrong they might tell you. I don’t see the being kicked is a thing right now on the forums so.


RDF originally game into the game at this point – they didn’t deviate from OG by adding it.