Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Go form your own group if you want to be picky about gear. LFG is still in the game.


Nah, I’ll use the votekick function to kick lazy, cheap people looking to be carried.



No one is getting “carried” if they meet Blizzard’s minimum requirements. Kicking them is just toxic behavior and shouldn’t be tolerated.


This is totally, absolutely false. If players have zero enchants and gems in their garbage PvP honor gear, I will initiate vote kicks on them. Minimum effort is my standard for grouping with me.

Blue gems, cheap enchants. Put something on your PvP gear you’re bringing into PvE dungeons or don’t be surprised when you’re waiting for another queue.


YOUR standard, not Blizzard’s. By using RDF, you agree to Blizzard’s standard. Form your own group if you have such high standards. Gems and enchants are NOT required for queuing into RDF. Besides, the buffs make up for those.


No, no, don’t you see? He needs his whole party to massively overprepare for dungeons because otherwise he’s incapable of clearing them himself, y’know?


I find it funny
 you never blame players for thier behavior. Its always the devs fault.

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people kicked often should get deprioritized from queueing since they dont vibe well with their groups. this is a social game afterall.

How many times have I called players toxic gatekeepers? If you took a shot every time I did, you’d be long dead.

But Blizz did help create these monsters. And the changes the clueless Classic team made to Wrath encourage this kind of behavior.


And blizzard also says you can kick them. So get over it.


little bro is inspecting people before gamma runs lmfao


Today I learned that “high standards” means enchanting and gemming your welfare PvP gear you’re using in PvE content with SOMETHING, rather than leaving it completely bare bones.

I will votekick players who are too lazy and cheap to put any effort into their characters.

The inspect usually happens after a Ret Pally manages to do 2k DPS on an AoE pack.

Uh huh. I’ve already farmed over 100 of those scourgestones with no problem. Still not going to carry lazy DPS queuing into them. Votekick it is.


the vote kick option is really dumb af tho, i got remove from a Pit au Saron group cause i tried to do my quest for HoR, and im 5.5k gs, and i got kicked by a group with 4.5k gs at best so ya people are something

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Stop griefing players, Gammas aren’t charity runs, if you’re not 5.5k Gs at least you’re out. Follow the rules of the game first, then join Gammas

If you’re 5.5k gs you literally have no reason to run gammas

Also, the “rules of the game” as you put it says you only need 210 ilevel, which is around 4k-ish gs. So
follow the rules of the game


That would be the case if you couldn’t buy Primal Saronites, so your point is invalid

Secondly you first get greens, then blues in normals / Heroics, then you go do Alpha Dungeons to get epics of low ilevel, Then you do Beta dungeons, thirdly get into pugs and do Normal/ Heroic TOGC, and last but not least run Gammas and get ready to do ICC.

Those are the rules of World of Warcraf but no
 there’s always these type of players who play the victim, want to jail break the game and get gear they are not ready for essentially griefing the entire player base that worked hard to earn their gear throughout whole WOTLK

Good players do mechanics correctly. Having good gear doesn’t = good player. In most MMO’s there is more than one route to good gear (Including the dreaded pay vet players for gear.)

But taking FF14 for example as I play that more often you can get the higher end gear playing the game casually with tomestone gear. It doesn’t make you a god who can dodge aoe’s or keep your teammates alive. I never heard of gear giving you practice.

It is like the memes of the player expecting the BiS weapon in Elden Ring to carry them through the game and then the realize they still have to learn how to use it, getting their butt handed to them by basic foes in the process.

Gear isn’t what makes you a pro, your knowledge of your class, of the game ect does. All gear does is help you stay alive and kill stuff faster. (and in the case of WoW overcome dps check, tank and healer checks.)

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You’re embarrassing yourself


you shouldn’t join as a level 19 ,dummy

Blizzard needs to address this issue. People are abusing the system. There should be, at the very least, a period at the start of the dungeon where you cannot kick someone. Maybe 5 minutes, maybe 10. And if not, it’s just absolutely absurd that getting vote kicked gives you a 30 minute deserter debuff.

I was just kicked literally 5 seconds after the start of my gamma dungeon by four people with 5.8k+ GS from the same guild (wtf are they even doing in there?). I had 4.8k GS as an affliction lock. Fully enchanted and gemmed. I do more dps than many random 5.4k+ people I’ve grouped with.

I submitted a ticket and reported them all, but I’m not counting on that actually achieving anything.