Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Well, thats not how that works, there is a guideline to meet (ie a specific item level) once you achieve this you are granted the ability to run rdf heroics of that nature at will.

At no point, ever, does it stipulate that the people within the group have to exceed this amount in order for the group to move foreward.

This kind of thinking, where you believe you can arbitrate someone elses playing time because of a elitist attitude you hold to yourself is pretty bog standard in gaming these days, but majority made the truth makes not.

I have no requirement to supplement what I bring in order to play the game, you have no say in my gear spec or playstyle.

IF im trash, then kick me. If you kick me before you even get to that point, you are the very definition of gatekeeper

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With RDF, group decides, not the individual…
Those are the facts, regardless of if anyone likes them or not.
Until Blizzard changes the rules or the tools, those are the parameters in which you have to work in.

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Ok so what if you get an another undergeared player and you need to vote kick them?

Just reinforces my point that you need to make a group with like minded players.

Same logic can be applied to high geared players if they simply do not want <5k gearscore players in their run, make your own group with those like minded people.

I get it, no one has a right to others people’s time but at the same time, RDF while queuing solo puts you with 4 other random people with their ilvl ranging from 210 to 250+ and varying skill levels and you have no control over what RDF does put you with others, only way you have some sort of control is to vote kick but then again RDF gets to decide on the replacement and it could be another undergeared player which at that point you are better off just letting him do the dungeon… unless he is problematic.


What if you don’t? Most kids running gammas aren’t undergeared, I’m happy to take my chances

ironic you say that when you could just make your own group with like minded people that dont kick others for having low GS :joy:

but as always, it’s rules for thee not for me.

Always. It’s always these people defending this.

Clearly not since you have a high standard and kick anyone who doesn’t meet them.

Not really taking your chances are if you throw a hissy fit when you get someone not up to your standards.

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If you sign up for the tool you sign up knowing that the requirement is 210.

If you can’t accept that, that’s on you and you should find a group that suits your very peculiar needs.


I don’t know what’s a funnier bit to have to argue, “everyone who disagrees with me is throwing a tantrum” or “here’s a metaphor where you’re basically engaging in racism”

You guys are coming to the forums to cry. People kicking lowbies are playing the game smoothly. Who’s having a bad time in all of this? lol

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I’m on these forums to call your behaviour vile.

There isn’t a snowballs chance in hell I’d get kicked from a 5 man.

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He is literally a troll. Just ignore him. We all know these peoples thought process is of that of a nuclear waste cooling pond, toxic.

You should know by now that I don’t care :wink:

Racism? No. Bigotry? Most definitely yes.

Ultimately they are just showing how deep the cesspit is that is their thought processes.

Requiring to have a higher GS than that of what you get from the thing you are doing is the dumbest of dumbest thoughts in the entirety of the wow community. Even changing the body types to “type 1” and “type 2” but they still call your character a man or a women. This whole 5.5k needed to do gammas is just idiocy at its finest.

Which is why I don’t care, they’re presenting loud and clear what Blizzard is doing wrong on their own forums.

I could not make a better argument for fixing RDF than they’re doing.

My dude brought up “type 1” and “type 2” body types :joy:

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Probably because there is no such thing as a type 1 or 2 body.

Just like there is no restriction on doing rdf after you reach 210 ilevel, unless you are being purposefully denied by people too afraid to get out dps’d by a dude in naxx gear

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What is your point? Clearly its not that your reading comprehension is top notch or anything.

And quite frankly Blizzard doesnt care. Unless money is being hit in some way it flies under the radar.

Just start kicking people from these mega servers. If people can discriminate based on some arbitrary number that doesnt tell people anything, then everyone else can discriminate based on server which at least it saves people the possibility from toxic behaviors that have been fostered on these mega servers.

Which I presume is how we got RDF in the first place so that’ll just repeat.