Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Talking about the DK who’s popping on me in every thread

Yuppers, I am too.

Nope, that’s just being a jerk.

The requirement is 210, not 220 or whatever moving goalposts you want it to be.

He is literally a troll. Just ignore them.

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Requirement to use the tool, not requirement for your groupmates to accept you

If you dont want to run with randoms then dont use the tool. Make your own group.


Thats not a consideration unless factual issues arrive.

Presuppositions about others invites them upon yourself.

Majority Rules.

There is no majority within an mmo. Everyone pays to play the game, only people with a chip on their shoulder playing a 20 year old game actually consider themselves above others.

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There’s a majority in a 5-person group. You don’t need to get salty because YMMV in an online game

All 5 pay to play the content, you have no more say over how its played or whats required than anyone else in the group.

3+/5 of the group have plenty of say about how the group is ran. If you want full control over 4 people, feel free to make a group. Can’t force them to play nice if they don’t like your rules though :+1:


Then why does Vote to Kick exist? If I want to just chat and cheer on my teammates in the dungeon and not participate in combat, and I get vote kicked out, is that fair? I’m just playing how I want to play.

Its a literal troll. Ignore them.

If people dont want to play with randoms or have the chance at getting lower geared people in their group they should make their own group, they are just pissy that it actually made it in game and are scared that a lower geared person is going to blow them out of the water in dps.

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None of the “trolls” are advocating for high iLvl players to boot low iLvl players. All of them have argued that if you don’t want to be judged by random players, then dont play with random players.

The main problem people have at the moment is the deserter debuff for getting vote kicked.

If you keep getting kicked because you feel your gear is too low, make your own group with like minded people.

If you keep getting grouped with undergeared players, make your own group with like minded people.

No one has a right to other people’s time.

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No, they are literally a forum troll. Its been proven, ignore and move on.

I also havent been kicked once. We are pointing out the blatant toxic nonsense these people are spewing. If you do not want to deal with randoms or people having lower gear than what you want, then make your own group.

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I was willing to do anything to run gammas. Anything but be geared.

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Now sing it like Meatloaf

quite literally, you should be taking your own advice, :troll:

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