Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

They didn’t role based loot wasn’t added till later.

Need Before Greed

Need Before Greed will be the default and unalterable looting system for all groups formed through the Dungeon Finder (excluding premade groups of five). This system has been revamped and will now restrict “Need” rolls based on several factors:

  • The player’s class must be able to equip the item, either at the time of the roll or at a later level. For example: A level 38 shaman would able to roll “Need” on a level 42 mail item; however, he or she would not be able to roll “Need” on a plate item.

  • The armor proficiency of the player’s class must not be higher than the item being rolled on. If it is, the player will unable to roll “Need.” For example: A level 75 warrior would unable to roll “Need” on certain mail items. (This restriction will only come into play for items with an iLevel above 70.)

  • If a player’s class is pure melee, he or she will be unable to roll “Need” on spell power items. Pure melee classes include rogues and warriors. Druids, paladins, death knights, and shaman may still roll “Need” on spell power items, provided that the above two conditions are met.

All players may roll “Greed” or “Disenchant” on items which drop within the instance, however, regardless of class, level, or armor proficiency.

Yes that roll probably would’ve happened in the original RDF.

Its still need / greed, just not finished it looks like. Typical Blizzard fashion these days.

I do always seem to have to high of expectations for people on these forums.

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Should have higher expectations for yourself. You called me angry after I said I was annoyed… first lie. Then you said you werent lying… which is another lie. Its blatant at this point.

You claim annoyed, but your responses portray anger. Wonder who the lair is here :thinking:

Edit: also annoyance is a synonym of anger so…


Because I am.

No on is a lair.

Annoyance and anger are distinctly different, if you had emotion you would know.

I am going to assume you meant to say “no one is a lair.”

Yet you called me a lair a moment ago.

So you have said 2 things that cannot be true at the same time. Which means you told the truth for one and lied for another. Thus you yourself are a lair.

This is just logical reasoning at work here, but im glad we were able to find the answer to this previous conundrum

We have our answer folks.


Yes, no one is a lair… you know… its a dwelling, like where dragons live and stuff.

I never called you a lair.


You have to be trolling by now because you cant continuously spell liar wrong this many times and not catch it… its like 5 times within the same post.

No this is a spelling error on your part.

delusions arent good, I would seriously get that checked out.

No one is.

I mean this is just sad… you think you have a gotcha but you played yourself lol.

so…Cataclysm. You guys are arguing for the systems put in place during the Cata expac.

That expac everyone claims they hate, but keep thinking all the stuff they liked about it was from wrath.

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Please educate yourself on RDF, especially when solo queuing, don’t expect RDF to meet your standard when RDF does is put you with 4 other people who you have no clue what their gear is.

If you do not want <5.5k gearscore individuals, then you should consider making a premade group.

How is my ilvl 225 dk (idk what the gearscore is, sorry I’m too retail andy to understand gearscore) “griefing” when he has been doing gamma dungeons just fine?

How is my 225 ilvl DK going to get gear then?

I can say the same question back to you.

My DK has the gear to do it, and I know what I’m doing, Gearscore/ilvl =/= Player skill.

Or, bear with me, make a premade group 5 stack so you won’t get someone that doesn’t meet your standard.

If you are queuing solo, expect players the likely hood that players aren’t geared to your level and just deal with it.

Like I said, make your own group if you don’t want someone that is <5K gearscore.

RDF queuing solo just pits you with people who may or may not be as geared as you, thats part of matchmaking, you either deal with it or you make a full premade group.

Like I have said to the people above your quote, make a full premade group.

Expecting RDF to pit you with players of the same gear is unlikely and your better off doing the dungeon as is and see how it goes, remember Gearscore/Item level isn’t some indicator of player skill.

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No, RDF literally launched with a revised need over greed system.

Not tied to spec, but certainly better than what we have in this mishmash of a joke.

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It’s gear to get dungeon gear in preparation for raid gear. You must be the sweatiest dungeoneer in the game.

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Kicking undergeared kids is dealing with it FYI

/shrug yeah it’s dealing with your own weird hang ups that don’t have anything to do with how well the run will actually go.

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Scentsy is literally a forum troll. They attempted to do the old invincible invisible troll in another thread and no one bit.


Just ignore, they have nothing to contribute.

It’s the majority’s choice (whether it jives with you or not).

If it’s easier to stomach, take it as a dislike of laziness and selfishness. You can easily exceed 220 ilvl with regular heroics. If you think you’re above that, you’re probably not a great team player

Oh, I think we all know why he’s angry.

This kid is upset that I made an unproductive comment on a troll thread :joy:

Ok - We’ll go with that :smiley: