Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Lol yeah I’m getting carried from the lowbie alt my logs are pretty average nothing to be upset about them nice try.

That’s what losers cope with.

the realization will pop into your head soon. I understand looking outwardly at how you present yourself is hard sometimes. It isn’t for me but I understand that it is for you.

I am. Currently. You just haven’t caught up yet.

Oh its here and you’ve seen it, just hasn’t clicked for you yet. Give it time, your inability to read responses is becoming a further hinderance to you here.

Don’t get 11k plus posts without being a Karen along the way. Lol

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Oh I know exactly how I present myself to people annoying me and I really dont care.

No you actually arent. You think you are but you arent doing anything, you are flapping your wings trying to fly but havent moved an inch.

Then it should be easy to show. Or are you just being annoying to be annoying?

He doesn’t understand that scourgestones for gear or saronites to sell and the badges for gems while doing one dungeon a day is what people do and expect it to be a fairly quick easy run. He Just sticks to his you can do it without gamma ree. And says it’s more efficient to not run gamma completely missing the above statement about why we run the quest in gamma lol. All while having no clue what il gamma drops and accusing me and everyone else of needing to be carried by a 3k ret paly lol

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Sure you do, which is why you entirely understand why every post you make is met with almost unanimous push back. Further proving my point and adding to the pretty clear example of you as an overly vitriolic poster who only enjoys creating arguments for entertainment. Which is fine, just please be more self aware.

I guess that’s fair, I’m just working with what you’re giving me and for someone so intent on never accepting asinine comments you seem eager to engage and further the claims I have made about your attitude.

I am a human, why would I even think I could flap my wings and fly? Why are you still posting off topic asinine comments when you claim to be against them in a discussion?

And it is, and it’s very amusing that you haven’t seen it yet.

I have never been annoying in this thread, only factual.


And that is why he is angry.

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Unanimous? No. Its the same 3-4 people.

Um… excuse me? Do you even know what my point is?

Why would anyone just accept asinine comments? Hmm? Thats just asinine in itself.

Its not asinine, im saying you think you are working and achieving something, yet you arent achieving anything.

Then show it if its so easy.

So annoying to be annoying. What are you, I think the 5th toxic person I have put on ignore today.

Oh thank god.

Sure it is champ.

I don’t think you even know. Unless your point is to showcase yourself as a angry ball of rage, in which case your point is crystal clear.

No idea why you would make them to begin with either.

I am achieving more than you know.

It’s right in front of you, has been this whole time.

I already answered this, I am a human, why keep asking asinine questions?

Annoyed… ive already said it there is no reason for you to blatantly lie… which just furthers my annoyance.

It’s illogical to kick for GS since you have no way of knowing who the next player will be, or the next, or the next. Nor do you know if that person will do mechanics.

It’s especially silly when you can only get frost badges from running the dailies. Not sure how the 5 minutes you may or may not save helps you there.

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The DE option is also missing which was added specifically for cross realm.

I’d like to have it be added back, was a nice feature.

We arent lying to you. You are just reading 2 sentences, and inventing the rest of what we said in your head and claiming what you invented is what we are lying about.

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You’re being generous here.


Yeah, its just another Blizzard blunder. Cant do RDF right, couldnt get the exp math correct in D4 where they were trying to show how much more exp you would get trying to show it was going to be a 400 exp increase if you get 1000 exp normally… when in actuality it was only 40. They didnt even have to do much really.

DE, bring in RDF as it was, and use a calculator.

Lying about lying. A new low.

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Same with the proper need over greed system and, yanno, the topic of the thread.

It’s just a mishmash as it is right now.

The classic team is really good at corrupt a wish games :stuck_out_tongue:

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Told ya, too generous.

It definitely has the appearance of being the same tool, but using it there are a lot of appreciable differences.

I lost The Lady’s Promise to a tank… I just moved on. I dont think they had anything in at the time in Wrath to stop people from rolling need on stuff they couldnt use.