Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Wow… did you just turn 8 or something? If you are going to insult someone… really insult them. Dont pull your punches because you just look lazy and petty, but thats nothing new.

Right, so it’s not the RDF of old at all, it’s just some random mix of stupid.

Why can’t they just do it right /sigh

You didnt agree with your reflection. Aka, you are just looking to argue.

Hey, your friend just called, he wants his daughter back… with playground insults he knows you took her.

Well, i have to use insults you will understand. Short and simple, as you cant seem to read past the first few sentences.

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Reading is not a strong suit on these forums. Some people do not even know what the topic of the thread is. :sweat_smile:


So you admit to insulting other people… good to know. Hello report. If you are going to risk a forum ban, do it on something that isnt some lame, lazy, uninspired, petty, low grade, softball, weak little baby insult.

I guess you are the insults you use though.

We know the title, the topic has qualifiers to it that you are ignoring. I know context isnt your strong suit, and it never has been, but this is just getting sad.

I know it’s hard to keep up when you don’t play WoTLK, but there’s 264 gear on the AH from ICC, Kelliste.

Really? Oh yeah lets go waste 17k gold on the ah for an overpriced ring… or I can just go do ICC.

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This kid still talking?

He said “only 11000 posts over 6 years” and yet he’s probably posted 200+ times today

No, I don’t respond to asinine requests for the obvious. (it is great that you don’t get the joke though)

That’s a lot of words for “I refuse to read”

Cant show what you dont have.

If you dont want to read it, fine. But it didnt open with a bunch of nonsense so thats on you.

Only when they earn it through their actions. You have shows a refusual to read past the first few sentences people post. And when links are provided as proof you are wrong, you ignore them and claim no proof was provided.

you could keep him going all day. you should the DK forums :joy:

Then dont open what you say with nonsense. That just tells me the rest of it will be the same. I dont know what you expect.

Yeah, they are absolutely dead and a lot of people were perma banned, some even threw out threats.

Once again, you obviously own zero mirrors or your hypocrisy would be so much clearer to you.

Oh, the evidence is pretty open and available. Shouldn’t have to provide proof for the obvious. Stop bringing up asinine things, thought you hated those?

What hypocrisy… im not complaining you didnt read something like you guys did to me.

Then show it.

Thats what people with no proof say.