Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Well you get 2 from doing the daily heroic, and you get 3 from doing a daily gamma. So I’m not sure how you are getting 5 badges of frost without doing gamma. I guess on a technicality, the ICC dungeons give gamma rewards and are counted for the daily.

Well duh. I dont have a reason to run Deadmines either, doesnt mean deadmines is pointless. We stopped running Ulduar too at some point. Should they have not included Ulduar?

things in the game cost gold, and progression raiding requires goods.

Again, follow the course of the discussion… im done talking to you until you can do that simple task so I dont waste my time.

Then you dont know about the game.

Look at that you read half of what he put instead of the entire thing. What a suprise…

are you functionally illiterate. We were talking about heroics, I said i buy the saronite to sell for 1500g.
First you ask me what are you buying There isnt anything to buy.

Foolish of me to think we’re still talking about heroics and I said buying items from the heroic gamma vendor

Then you call me an idiot you meant gold. So I respond that I buy…you know goods with gold then say I can’t follow a conversation.

Reading this whole thread if anything shows you’re the one who can’t.

Yeah, no point in reading more. Its been explained several times within these forums, almost everyone at this point knows you just do a daily FoS/PoS/HoR for both quests. Its not my fault they dont know.

The 30 min debuff is what’s BS. bliz should add a drop-down as for why to kick, and let the person that got kicked see why they got kicked. Then if it’s not true, the person kicked can report the group.

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Yeah. but manually queuing for ICC dungeons to avoid using the Random Gamma Dungeon to reap the gamma rewards and being upset that people even interact with the gamma system while you also participate in the gamma reward system, is just being pedantic.

dawg, they legit included the ICC dungeons you just didn’t finish reading and quoted half of what they said in your response.

If you just wanna be indignant say that.

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Other than the part where he explained the one exception for having to a gamma to get the gamma rrward was the icc dungeons?

And then you claimed he didnt know what he was talking about when the second part that you refused to read showed the one exception…


And I admitted to it, if you open up with that nonsense, im not reading anymore of it.

Its not an exception.

He doesnt… or she… who knows.

You did indeed admit to not reading what they said.

Again, you just want to be mad. At least be honest in that regard and not lash out at everything breathing.

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And I explained the reason why. If you open up with 2+2-5, im not reading anymore of your post. Sorry not sorry.

“I am going to be hostile on my own choice through chosen ignorance and dismissing comments even if they agree with me”

This is you.

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Im not being hostile at all, just tired of being annoyed with asinine nonsense at this point.

Survey says this is wrong.

you must not own any mirrors.

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He broke all the mirrors he had because he disagreed with what the mirror showed him. :laughing:


Show me the survey.

I had the sense about me to ask “can I get the gamma quest done from the ICC dungeons” the first day of the patch, found out the answer is yes. Said a week ago you dont have to do gamma dungeons to get the quest done, some people said “no you cant” and I said “yes you can by doing these dungeons” then a few days later… “I dont know how you are getting the gamma quest done without doing a gamma dungeon, you are lying” so I explained it again and here I am again being told “I dont know how you get the gamma quest done without doing a gamma dungeon” and im tired of it like it hasnt been asked and answered already multiple times not by me but my multiple people.

So yes, its asinine nonsense at this point.