Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Crap gear was irrelevant in original Wrath Heroics. And turning players into elitist min/max tryhards by adding Mythic dungeons is no excuse to make it easier for those toxic players to kick people from dungeons, who then get a debuff that prevents them from even queueing again for a while.
It’s just a mess.


Put effort into your character, otherwise don’t be surprised when people don’t want to carry around deadweight.

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I’ve done a ton of Gammas and have only seen 1 person kicked for low GS (which I voted against). Considering most of these posts are from low level sock puppets with no posting history, I’d say they are just trolling in order to discredit RDF.


the debuff is trash i agree.


If you can queue for Gamma, then you have put sufficient effort into it. Go form your own groups if you want to be picky.


No, if you’re lazy and have no gems or enchants then you can be kicked and wait.


Yeah I should know better than to believe posters, but the thing is I’ve been seeing these toxic anti-rdf posters for a year now saying they would do precisely this kind of gatekeeping if rdf was ever included. They seem proud of it and try to pass the blame onto to players who don’t take a video game quite so seriously.

God forbid you aren’t perfectly geared, talented, enchanted. Somehow Blizz turned Wrath dungeons into the most tryhard, toxic, elitist experience in WoW’s history. Just shows how bad the Classic team has failed in capturing the Wrath experience. And also how toxicity is encouraged by changing dungeon difficulty.


I’ve seen nothing even close to this. Groups I’ve been in range from low 4000s to mid 5000s. Gamma’s are chain pull clearing every single time with ease and zero communication other than asking if ready.

Either I’m super lucky every day or it’s the people getting kicked…


Get off your high horse. We’re talking about dungeons, not heroic ICC.


Some people are just starting. They don’t have classic resources to buy the best gems and enchants. I put green and blue gems in my gear just to have something in them, but I didn’t want to spend the gold on epic gems for catch up gear since it’s my first wotlkc character. Also put a cheap enchant on weapon and didn’t have the rep for helm and shoulder enchants right away obviously.

Nobody ever commented on it or tried to kick me. People that do regularly kick at the start should be added to some kind of blacklist and de-prioritized in the queue. If you want to micro-manage your group, you queue as a group and micro-manage before entering.


good players run content they want, and can derive their pleasure in the game from more than power… rather than just play for gear. that’s for bad players.


“This is cope” is all I hear from that post

Otherwise you’re implying that a fresh 80 can go straight into ICC and be perfectly fine, because raiding is fun

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listen to this: “Stop chasing BIS and enjoy the game”.

thank you.

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It’s impressive how far one will bury their head in the sand in order to pretend they’re winning an argument


Aquila non capit muscas.

Important people have better things to do than troll a video game forum


Full PvP gear is like 5.4k GS. You can get 264 ilvl in several slots for honor.

I started Tanking Gamma in Full PvP gear then started getting actual avoidance gear. You will at least do a lot of damage.


You cant even do that so even suggesting it is just bad faith arguing. You have to be ilvl 210 to even queue for one.

No, you quite literally arent right. They are at least in 210 ilvl if not a little higher.


Gems are cheap enough that it’s whatever, but please don’t suggest enchants are a necessity for dungeons of all things. Like, do you drop 500g everytime you get a piece of temporary gear?

I guarentee you, even if they had spent the money and enchanted it people would find another reason to kick the guy anyway. “Eh, I don’t care if you bothered gemming and enchanting your gear sucks.”


Look, you can choose to be lazy, and inconsiderate of the group. The rest of the group can choose to drop you from their shoulders.

Take the votekick and enchant your gear.

Cheap enchants exist. Put some effort into your gear or accept you could be kicked by people not willing to entertain lazy, cheap people in their groups.