Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Did you miss the other threads I linked?

I’m not gonna bother making a long post, but it happened to me, the other day, running Halls of Reflection again, on normal. This one guy, points out that my GS isn’t high enough and that he had failed miserably with a pug who had 1k+ GS more than me. Before I could link my achievement and even explain that I know how to play, they had already vote kicked me.

It’s not like I need to prove anything. People obviously kicked people in RDF groups for their gear back in the day, everyone knows it. I just wanted to link something the trolls couldn’t deny, but you all still manage to try. Like, there’s dozens of threads on mmo champ complaining about it. How many do I have to link before the regulars stop trolling? 10? 20? not enough?

50? We both know the answer; nothing will be enough because you guys don’t care about the truth.


You proved that anyone who claimed it never happened was wrong. But it happened so rarely that it might not have happened to them. It’s always a mistake to claim something “never” happened on the internet because there are so many stupid people on the internet that everything possible no matter how stupid has happened at least once on the internet. It’s extremely rare that anyone on your links said they were kicked for GS. I looked through your linked threads and most of the replies were like this.

I’ve seen a lot of truly random behaviour in groups lately but being kicked wasn’t one of them. Maybe I’ve been lucky or it’s just something that doesn’t happen to me.

I’ve never been kicked from a random group at all. Unless there’s a good reason, I usually vote against kicking someone. Which rarely happens anyways. It’s very rare that I play and I see a vote to kick someone in a random.

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LOL, he did exactly what I said he would. Spent hours trying to find one post to back up his claim. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Imagine looking at a thread about RAIDS where almost all the posts are universally mocking people obsessing over gearscore, only to single out one post speaking about HoR (the hardest dungeon) a week after the dungeon was added.

Grasping at straws doesn’t begin to describe this.

The fact remains you had a higher chance of getting struck by lightning than getting kicked from a Wrath dungeon because of your gearscore.

These guys just can’t stop proving themselves wrong.


About 30-35 minutes at this point, far less time than you spend whining about anything and everything on this forum.

Well, that’s just extreme hyperbole if I’ve seen it. Anyways, I was right (as usual) and the trolls were wrong (as they knew they were.)

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They do have to prove stuff, and a lot of people are hyperbolic. I bet 90% of the people complaining they were kicked because of GS werent playing properly and using it as an excuse. I was asked what my GS was once in OG wrath and they still took me even though it was low.

BAHAHa… HoR? Let me guess, they were actually not LoSing, interrupting the priest or mage and then was kicked and decided to blame GS. Bet.

I’m sure it happened. Rarely. That being said, there was no deserter debuff for being kicked.

Dozens?? Really?? Out of 12 million players this happened to DOZENS??? :astonished:

Past all the hyperbole and back and forth banter, its still okay, and the proper route, for people to do gammas at 210 Ilvl.

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I just leveled a hunter alt, got to 80, cheesed the ilvl requirement of getting into gammas, and started doing gammas at about a 3200 gs. I never once got kicked out of a dungeon, and am now at 5.3k GS. (Took only a week from dinging 80, to 5.3kGS). If you are getting kicked, then there is likely another reason, not just your gearscore. If you aren’t doing mechanics, are causing a wipe to the group etc, yeah you are gonna get kicked. If you are playing a meme spec, and doing no damage forcing the group to carry you, yeah you are gonna get kicked. Deal with mechanics and you won’t be. At low GS I was dropping feasts, flasking, and using potions to increase my dps, and never did I get kicked.

I’ve literally seen people try to kick healers because of “low gs” like 1 pull in a dungeon. They still had mana, nobody died, things were fine.

People absolutely kick purely because of GS, it’s cope to say “It doesn’t happen, you must have been doing something wrong.”

Something I noticed though, it happens most often when faerlina players are in the group.

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