Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Again… wrong.

If you paid attention to what was actually being said, you’d realize that players are pretty happy with RDF, just not the retail BS that Blizzard decided to add.

Blizzard never should have implemented that idiotic deserter debuff for getting kicked. It’s stupid. There’s no reason for it and it needs to go.

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That’s not an RDF problem. That’s a Mythic dungeon problem. A problem created by the Classic team by adding that crap to Classic.


Not far more likely, slightly more likely. For me and many others that trade off is fine. Even with the ease which slightly more people kick I still get to do many more dungeons. Most people seem to prefer the trade off that is rdf than not or most people would continue to use the pre-rdf ways of finding a group. If you don’t like that trade off don’t use rdf.

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This thread is the same 4 or 5 people crying. This thread is in no way indicative of a widespread of sweeping issue. Heck, most of the people in here crying about being kicked haven’t been kicked, don’t play, or are just flat lying so they can pretend to concern troll.

You have your view on RDF and that is fine, but the issue being presented here regarding some being kicked for, I guess any reason at this point since the trolls aren’t keeping their stories straight, is largely and near verifiably fictitious.

Do not act like people wouldn’t still be requiring high GS for normal heroics, because they did before and they would have again. Gamma dungeons are fine.

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Why would they? It’s literally not worth the effort to be picky about gear for regular heroics. Noone cared about it before alphas were added and that was when we were only in Naxx gear.


So it’s okay to be picky about gear in Gamma dungeons then?

People want smooth, fast, efficient runs more often than not. Doesn’t matter that Normal heroic Gundrak is so easy a caveman can do it, 5K gs or higher will clear it faster by sheer output. Thusly, people will want that to ensure the type of run they want. Was like this in OG, would be like this again.

False, but that requires you to have been actively playing outside the forums.

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The only reason people want high gear scores for H+ is because the affixes are purely obnoxious. Those of course don’t exist in regular heroics so people didn’t care.

I can only speak to my server but by and large noone cared about gear score for heroics until alphas were added, they just invited the first people who whispered I’ll go.

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Still false, and showing you either didn’t play in OG or are just consistently pushing some narrative. It also supports that you probably don’t play now.

People want smooth runs. Higher GS usually equates to that. Heroic affixes need not even factor into this. You didn’t need 4K or higher GS for naxx but people still asked for it and it has zero affixes or hard fights.

Copout answer but sure I believe you believe this.

I’ve done this circular arguing with you before and I am gonna stop myself from it happening again. Enjoy your echo chamber and congrats, you win an internet argument over a fake situation you created.

Cool, I am happy for you. Currently that is not the case and as gear went up both now and in the past GS requirements did even for simple things. I am not saying EVERY group requires this but I am saying that Heroic+ or not people would still be wanting higher GS players for smoother runs.

NO ONE cared about GS. Doing world tours, the majority of us didn’t even have Naxx gear.

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Sure for Naxx people wanted high gear scores, pro tip Naxx isn’t a dungeon.

For dungeons noone cared because without god awful affixes that weren’t added until H+ it just didn’t matter.

/shrug yes my experience is anecdotal, but pagle is a large server so it is representative of a decent amount of people.

Now you’re being intentionally obtuse, I was right to move on.

I’m accurately pointing out that being geared mattered for for actual raids than for heroics dungeons :stuck_out_tongue:

In origional wrath they definitely did. More towards the middle and end as addons like gs really starred to become popular. But it was definatly a thing back then, eveb for heroic dungeons. Now it wasnt as widespread as today, but thats also in part because the playerbase now embraces addons far more than before.

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For dungeons people largely did not.

The only reason people care in wrath classic is because of the affixes in H+.

They did on my server. And in rdf back then they cared as well. Again. It wasnt as bad as today, but it was definatly there.

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I have to agree with this. While some people may have checked gs before starting the run if it happened it happened so rarely to me I don’t even remember it happening. And I did a lot of dungeons in og wrath.

They didn’t. Not at all.

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You can always tell when people didn’t play original Wrath.

Imagine saying anyone was scrutinized for their gearscore in a Wrath Heroic. :crazy_face:


Nah, just watching the disconnect of hearing nothing but anecdotal evidence from the trolls actively making things up as they go compared with those same people instantly refuting equally valid anecdotes to the contrary.

But that’s fine, ya’ll can make up whatever you want for your narrative.