Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Aww, youre just precious. Trying to pin the blame on the people who never wanted RDF in the first place instead of the playerbase whos toxicity is WHY we never wanted it in the first place.

The rest of your post is a glorified NUH UH I CANT HEAR YOU.


I hate how narcissistic behavior is so prevalent nowadays. But i guess broken cultures produce broken people.


Uh huh, this is a thing that happened lmao.

The situation currently is still miles and leagues ahead of what it was pre-RDF, but the tool does need to represent the one we originally had, not whatever mishmash they’ve attempted to botch together.

Levelling dungeons being impacted by classic specific anti boost measures is peak classic devs.

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Yeah, pretty much. I think the healer went oom trying to keep everyone alive.

No, it isnt. Pre-RDF the worst you had to worry about was struggling to find a tank or healer. Now you have to wait for RDF to struggle to find a tank or healer for you, hope the 4 people you get put with arent braindead, hope one of them hasnt preemptively decided to grief the other 4 of you for fun and hope one of them doesnt take the opportunity provided by the quasi faceless anonymoty RDF provides to just roll need on EVERYTHING. And hope your tank or healer doesnt pop with 19k health/13k mana and no idea what theyre doing because theyre a level 80 boost in Secondhand gear.

You also have to hope you dont get into a partial guild group that votekicks you purely because they feel like it.

Hmm… but there’s a large overlap of people who didn’t want RDF and people who freely admit they troll and kick based on gear score.

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Yes, it is. There are tons and tons of dungeons being run now that simply wouldn’t prior to the addition of RDF. It did exactly what it did the first time around, revitalized the dungeon scene in a big way.

If you’re that elitist just queue up with a full group, lord knows there’s plenty of folks spamming lfg/trade on my server for exactly that.


The anti-RDF people are the toxic ones. They have even admitted to doing toxic stuff in RDF.

You mean by the anti-RDF people like yourself?


Im pretty obviously anti-RDF. Not only do i not do those things but i am anti RDF because it enables people to do those things.

You mean by the anti-RDF people like yourself?


Youre gonna have to do better than that, broccoli head. Ive had more experience first hand with narcissists than youve had first hand with life period. Reading you people is easier than reading a Facebook post.

For example, your next attack is going to be to try calling me crazy and/or asking who hurt me. Afterwards itll revert again to trying to pin the blame for the issues with RDF on the people who never wanted it in the first place.

Deflect, deny, devalue, run. Always the same pattern when confronted.

So the toxic one.

People can do those things regardless of a tool existing or not. A lot of people just cant understand this for some odd reason and always call for the removal of tools instead of holding the toxic people accountable for their actions.

Oh, and I have sat there for over an hour as a tank before RDF just because no one was doing that content, now its around 8 minutes to get a group even as a dps… maybe 11/12 minutes depending on the time.

Thanks for proving my point of you being toxic.

Because you are around yourself every single day?

Which it does much more rapidly and easily than pre-rdf. As for the rest of your post, I never worry about those things since they happen too rarely to be concerned about. But if they concern you you can choose not to use rdf. Your problems are solved!

Feel good laws that accomplish nothing.
2A pew pew

The RFD system is absolute trash for gearing. Its only purpose is to get fast queues for people with 5400+ GS to get their dailies done. Any player trying to learn fights or farm gear is 100% going to get kicked from Titan Rune runs.

You can do Beta/Gamma runs with full phase 1 BiS gear which lands you around 213 ilvl. The idea you need 25 man TOC or ICC gear to do them is comical. Amazing gear might make them easier, but I have seen 5500+ GS players die to mechanics a 4200 GS player easily avoided.

Nah even with a few haters kicking for gear score queueing gammas as soon as you can is still the best way to gear up.


If this is a constant for you, it may not be a “them” problem.

Most people do not care unless things go south. Which is why this thread is entirely concern trolling and massive hyperbole.

Making your own groups is still just as viable if you want to avoid whatever boogeyman you have created.

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My RDF pops in a fraction of the time it took me to spam for a group. With my healer it’s ALWAYS under 2 minutes. I don’t even have time to get my JC and cooking dailies done. That’s definitely an improvement. RDF is a good change, but the deserter debuff for getting kicked is stupid. There’s absolutely no reason for Blizzard to pollute Wrath with even more retail stuff.


So you don’t actually use RDF. Maybe you shouldn’t form an opinion without knowing how it’s really working.

They’ve sabotaged RDF in Wrath Classic, but it was amazing for gearing alts in original Wrath. Imagine saying getting a full 232 set in a couple days simply by running random Heroics is trash for gearing alts.

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Must be the guy that was complaining about not being able to get into ICC groups on his 232 character. :rofl:

The current dungeon system is amazing for gearing, I know you refuse to accept it, but it is actually much faster and smoother than previously.

I can hit 80 and in, at most, a week be 5k looking at ICC 10 normal.

Of course because it almost completely cuts raiding out of the equation and you can just spam gammas in RDF to get ICC ready.