Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

No one is forced to use RDF…

Do you understand what the term deserter means?

Spare me the gaslighting.

I’m not. Deserter means you chose to leave. Getting vote kicked means you were forced to.

And as the OP, myself and a bunch of others have stated, being votekicked applies the Deserter debuff.

But please, keep telling us it doesnt. Our eyes and/or our UI are clearly lying. :dracthyr_shrug:

Of course it does. Our point is that it shouldn’t.

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Round and round we go… :dracthyr_tea:

No, you arent. If you arent abandoning the group then you are not a deserter.

Which it shouldnt.

Not at all what they said.

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Read the post i already made directly above yours for my response.

Round and round again :dracthyr_love_animated:

Edit: i want to add for funsies that this would not be an issue at all if the beyond-caricature toxicity of this playerbase didnt exist.

Has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

being kicked is not congruent with being a deserter.

Players also shouldnt inflict punishment on other players, they dont have the authority to do that and shouldnt have the authority to do that. Getting kicked shouldnt come with a deserter punishment because thats not what a deserter is, I dont know why you find that hard to understand.

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Oh, it has everything to do with it. Not wanting to accept that it does foesnt change the fact that it does.


No, it really doesnt.

Not accepting what?

RDF is a fundamentally broken system, at its very root, purely because regardless of which way it is enabled - with or without Deserter - it cam be, will be and is being abused by this toxic playerbase. And it always will be, no matter what direction you try to tweak it in.

It is at its core every bit the bad idea that D3s RMAH was. It can never be fixed, it can only be scrapped or allowed to fester and rot.

And that is precisely why so many of us were so adamantly against it for so very long. We fought tooth and nail against its implementation because we understood what you did not: that it can never be implemented in such a way that it DOESNT do more harm than good, purely because it cannot be implemented in such a way that prevents its abuse and weaponization against others by a playerbase that has repeatedly demonstrated both its propensity for and absolute lust for doing. Something that MUST be accounted for by any system this playerbase has at its fingertips and something that Blizzard has long struggled with being able to do.

So to add to my experience after a couple of weeks. I have been kicked a couple of times on my shaman here and there where the group wasn’t going to succeed with a higher geared healer because they refused to do the mechanics.

I’ve seen people leave due to people having low gs or wanted to kick because of it. I even had a tank blame me for a wipe in AN Gamma and then he left and the next tank came in and we did the whole dungeon without deaths after. The biggest kick in the pants though was being removed from a ToC Gamma where the DPS just sat and attacked Paletress instead of the add. Got the 30min debuff because of it.

That was my experience too, people only start even looking when there’s a wipe and then they usually just scape goat the lowest GS player.

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Thats the fault of the playerbase, not because people get to do dungeons more than before.

No its not.

Yes, yes it can.


Because you are toxic and cant control yourself. What is funny is its the toxic people that were against RDF and that are now doing stuff within RDF to make it look bad.

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Coming from the person who attacked logs, got proven wrong, tried to preach stat weights, got proven wrong, and have yet to admit you were wrong and just started calling people toxic.

Yeah, this happened to me on my rogue in ToC yesterday after wiping on Black Knight.

Yep and it probably wasn’t because you were dying to one shots or the groups was missing dps checks, let me guess people were dieing to ghoul explosions and the like?

This all boils down to yet another semantics argument. Your entire point evaporates if they just change the name of the debuff from “deserter” to “weakest link” or something to that effect.