Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

What loot competition? My rogue is full Ulduar geared. I’m just there for scourgestones.

We all know basic math, the thing you havent proven is any meaningful increase in performance from these junk gems.

They are junk.

You also have to look at the gear with the gems. What would people be getting with gems slots, shoulder and helm from triumph vendor, next to nothing from the ICC dungeons have gem slots outside of some 2h weapons and the select spell power plate items. If people are getting the triumph tier then they are most likely going to gem that with at least blue quality gems. No one should ever go out and get the junk gems you are saying they should to show “effort”.

Its 100% a waste. The heroic dungeon hit cap is much lower as well. MUCH MUCH lower. While you should be aiming to get to hit capped for level 83 enemies for raiding… the key word there is “raiding”.

He just wants to make excuses for toxic behavior.

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Yeah, no kidding. It’s not like I was dying to frost patches or anything.

You keep proving why myself and others do not enjoy interacting with you.

You were not kicked for “no reason”. You were kicked because the group democratically voted to remove you.

Maybe don’t bring your inferiority complex to the forums?

What legitimate reason is there to kick when the dungeon had just started and was in the middle of the first trash pull? No one had died and everything was going just fine.

All reasons are legitimate. You can vote to kick someone for ANY reason.

Look at that. The anti-rdf troll Bloomer is now using the system to grief players, just like we knew would happen. I’m shocked!

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Wrong. Kicking someone because they don’t meet an arbitrary gear requirement is a violation of the Code of Conduct.

Just buy BoE and farm holiday stuff…

Not wrong. These are Blizzard’s own words:

You should really try reading the CoC before claiming things violate it.



“Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.”

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I have.

“Behavior that intentionally detracts from other’s enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, ect) is unacceptable.”

Kicking someone for not meeting an arbitrary gear score meets this criteria. Especially when you know it will give them a 30 minute deserter debuff.

Not when:
“Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.”

This says otherwise.

No it’s not. Blizzard doesn’t classify that as griefing as shown in the support article I already linked to you.

It’s Blizzard’s game. Not yours. They decide what griefing is. You don’t.

Quoting for visibility since it seems to be needed.

I thought people didn’t do gammas for loot?

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I love how they can’t keep their story straight.