Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

No, that’s not at all what it means. Even Blizzard doesn’t agree with you. it’s time to admit your mistake and move on sir.

Every indictment is a confession. No one here is having any problems. I’m better at this game than you are. You need to just move on.

I’m not the one wiping in gammas at 210 ilvl?

Then why are you the one complaining about the group kicks and other issues? Because it’s not me complaining and making silly arguments. I’m having no issues and don’t have any worries.

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Pro tip I’m not the OP of this thread.

What I have said is that I’ve factored toxic players like yourself into running gammas and it still makes sense to start running them ASAP. Because even getting kicked once or twice is still a better use of my time because of the reward structure created by blizzard.

Yea, the only person with any perspective that hasn’t been posting. It’s just a bunch of people using this thread as their personal vehicle to complain about how much they hate Classic and how bad the changes are.

Do not insult me like that. This is against the CoC and a lie.

Because you only care about yourself and nobody else. You made your self-centered views very clear.

But you said you don’t get kicked? So which is it. You do get kicked and still queue for gammas at the expense of the other 4 people forced to carry you, or you don’t get kicked and everything said here is a lie?

LoL your reading comprehension is pretty bad.

210 ilvl is demonstrably just fine to run gammas, that’s not an opinion. And getting kicked by toxic players like yourself is just the cost of doing business.

ilvl isn’t representative of skill (like so many people that couldn’t join groups because of ilvl said :slight_smile: ) or of how you interact with other people. The ilvl required for the content is the minimum required, not the maximum people can require of you.

Then where is your evidence? Because claiming it is because it’s the requirement on the queue is circular logic.

But I thought you weren’t getting kicked? (also once again you have directly insulted me. Please refrain from harassing language that violates the CoC.)

For sure ilvl isn’t representative of skill I’ve seen plenty of 5.5k+ GS players die in gammas.

And you are also correct that as is people can be toxic and kick just based on gear score. All I have been saying that even given that you are still better off queuing gammas ASAP.

I never said I was never kicked, I explicitly said even with toxic players kicking based on gear score it’s still worth it to queue gammas as soon as you hit 210 ilvl.

As for 210 ilvl being fine for running gammas? I’ve done it.

Then this isn’t true

Because if you’re not getting kicked then this isn’t a factor to begin with and you’re just making up arguments.

#AnecdotalEvidence the most worthless of all evidence. Aren’t you the same person that wanted me to post in triplicate and detail only specific types of evidence you were ok with accepting when you were 100% wrong earlier and refused to admit it?

Kinda weird that you’re now falling back on the “believe me bro” argument.

Wiling to be you got carried by someone better geared that you and refuse to accept that.

Actually it is :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure it’s anecdotal but in the case of you claiming it’s impossible to run gammas in 210 gear all I have to do is provide on example, in this case myself, to prove you wrong.

No the preceding comment you made. Follow along please.

That’s not what I said though. Glad we like to move goalposts mid conversation. You said that 210 ilvl gear on its own and nothing else is acceptable for running gammas. That means that you must run a gamma in only 210 ilvl on all the players IN that gamma, and complete it without issue, for all gear sets possible for 210 ilvl. because that’s your argument.

You being carried by other players is not evidence of anything other than your selfishness.

That was the exact fight I was referencing! LOL. My buddy was on his boomie in that fight, and I was like, “Man, I deserve a cookie for carrying that fight.” thank God Wind Shear is only a 6 second CD in WOTLK LOL so I was able to pump interrupts as much as possible (since the prot paladin, ret paladin, and spriest didn’t do anything). I don’t even know how many casts Grounding totem also negated, but lawd have mercy.

Which you refuse to quote, I have explicitly said I have been kicked from gammas :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep 210 ilvl is acceptable for running gammas.

Now I have not run a gamma with everyone in 210 gear because of how RDF works, so I cannot provide anecdotal evidence that that is possible. All I can comment on is how the current system works and in the current system 210 ilvl is fine, you won’t be one shot by anything.

You also refuse to address that a higher ilvl does not guarantee success either.

That fight is way overtuned in gamma and is considered the hardest gamma boss for a reason.

So prot and ret paladins can only interrupt once every 45 seconds, or twice with a second 2 minute cooldown exclusive to blood elves. There is no rebuke in wotlk.

And Shadow Priests literally can’t interrupt in PVE, unless they talent explicitly into silence on a 45 second cooldown, which requires spending two extra talent points in a worthless talent for PVE, imp psychic scream.

Unfortunately for the composition of your group the best person to deal with that fight was you, with grounding, tremor, and a 6 second windshear.

Most of the damage comes from the smite casts on random players anyway, so having a focus macro setup for windshear would have made that fight cake.

I have yet to be kicked from any dungeon in Wrath Classic. But toxic people will be toxic which I have seen in RDF but that has been once so far and those 2 people likely got a ban. No skin off my back, but 210 is more than enough.

People were testing gammas in 200ilvl, no more needs to be said


So then which is it? Because you keep acting like you don’t get kicked.

The exact response you gave to me pointing out you are complaining about kicks. because that’s exactly what you’re doing. Complaining.

Again why? By what evidence? By what metric? Yours? What if other people disagree?

Ah, so here we have an amendment. ilvl 210 for gamma is fine… as long as other people carry you. Now we are getting somewhere.

But you also aren’t necessarily doing anything either. I mean I could run a gamma with someone in 174 greens if I wanted, and we could complete it, because the rest of my group would be 6k pumpers. That doesn’t mean 174 greens are acceptable for gamma.

I absolutely did. Several times in fact. At least four different times in this very thread. Gear does not guarantee success, but it sure does help. People in higher gear don’t get hurt the same by mistakes, they have a greater margin of error, they are able to perform certain mechanics easier, and certain fights get easier too.

Classic example is Confessor in ToC. If you don’t have a group with good interrupts AND the dps is too low, that fight can be nearly impossible to do, because people will die in the fear and there’s nothing you can do about that. But players that have gear are usually going to do more damage even if they are playing suboptimally or just not doing mechanics. This is just fact. Some classes can AUTO ATTACK for more damage with enough gear.

So sorry if some people do not feel like carrying you for free gear. This is not Wrath of the Handout King.

Well no once again reading comprehension, I’ve said long term being kicked occasionally by a toxic player like yourself is irrelevant.

Would it be nice if it didn’t happen? Sure. Does it mean you shouldn’t start queuing gammas when you hit 210 ilvl , heck no. Queue those things up as soon as you can.

Okay? And someone with 6k GS could also being doing nothing and dying constantly to mechanics.

Stop breaking CoC to insult me.

Yes it does. You should try not to be a burden on other players. You clearly do not care about anyone other than yourself. Personally I find it sad you don’t get kicked from more groups. On any character regardless of gearscore. Just for that attitude alone.

Then kick them? Did I say you have to do dungeons with a 6k gearscore player just because of their gearscore? No. That’s your argument. Because you want handouts and to be carried.