Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Sure they are. YOU arent.

Dont understand what? That the next logical step from ToC 10m normal is ICC 10m normal? Thats how its balanced. We didnt have gamma back in the day to give people free 245 gear. People were going in there and succeeding in 232. Just because you need all the help you can get doesnt mean anything.

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You are wrong.

Heroic 10m ToGC is easier than normal 10m ICC. This is a fact.

You know, this tactic only works if the person youā€™re replying to is a bad player. I was tanking Heroic LK on my alt DK last week. I did 13 games with WoTLK season 1 geared friends that came back today and we hit 1800 MMR as Ret, Blood DK and Disc Priest in those games. 0 resilience Blood DK, weā€™ll probably hit 2k tomorrow. Rank 1 is currently 2300~ something because inflation hasnā€™t kicked in.

Look at this damage. I basically soloed these three guys:

Regardless of difficulty, Iā€™m confident itā€™ll be easier getting into a 10 man ICC than a 10 man H TOGC. People arenā€™t gonna want you anywhere near their 50/50 TOGC unless you have a GS the point you barely even need to bother touching TOGC anymore.

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Well no, you actually donā€™t. Since I just came back with the addition of rdf Iā€™m far from doing the higher level dungeons. But when I get there Iā€™ll usually join with friends before we join the rdf queue. That means that they also have to put up with us and our view of the game. That will stop most of the gs kicks before the dungeon begins. If Iā€™m alone and someone gets kicked before the dungeon begins Iā€™ll let the group know that I think thatā€™s toxic and leave the group. Since I usually heal and healers seem to be a bit in low supply that will get some peopleā€™s attention.

No im not, you are just so anti-Kelliste you couldnt see the truth. That KDS is coming in strong.

Its not a tactic.

ICC 10m normal is easy, one bone spike to worry about, and you only need 11k total raid damage to down Marrowgar. If your group in 232 cam each do 6k each while raid buffed 245 isnt going to help you.

This is blizzard, who has 3 years to wait for these ignorant clowns to do anything, its become a joke, i was in one doing 12k dps keeping low on threat and got kicked after the second pack of mobs, they are now using it just to ruin you play time.

10m Heroic ToGC is easier than 10m normal ICC. This is a fact.

Raids are hard?

Anyhow, go join gammas at 210, just report kickers and stay calm!

Man, my experience with RDF at first was great, but it has gotten interesting. I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I finish a dungeon with the same folks that started the dungeon, lol.

I had a tank tell me I need to interrupt the boss (I am rshaman). I linked him the interrupts for the failed attempt, where I had 20 interrupts and one of the dps had 1 interrupt, and that was all the interrupts for that attemptā€¦ but yes, itā€™s the healerā€™s fault for not interrupting LOL.

Iā€™ve seen so many people pitch hissy fits for no reason LOL.

Honestly, a lot of the time I find it comedic the level of drama some of these folks exhibit. My personal favorite are the ones who talk mad crap and are the lowest on the meters in every regard, or donā€™t do basic mechanics.

Itā€™s definitely been an interesting experience, thatā€™s for sure.

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Mostly been an okay experience after boosting a Rshaman myself. Got geared enough for Gammas and had some success, some failure. No different than on my 6k GS Warlock.

However, I got into a COS group where the tank didnā€™t hold threat and I didnā€™t heal the DPS fast enough that pulled so they kicked me. I was kind of stunned and it wasnā€™t a big deal other than getting the 30min dungeon deserter buff, which is a little unfair considering I didnā€™t leave by choice, nor was I given the chance to actually participate in the dungeon much.

Also, got in as a fill-in for a UK:Pinnacle. They were at Skadi and had clearly wiped a few times. We get partially through the gauntlet and wipe. Tank says ā€œhealer canā€™t handle thisā€ and leaves. Group immediately says, ā€œhe was a bad tankā€ and a new one joins and we made it through without any issue.

On my Warlock, as geared as I am, I donā€™t get upset if the tank or heals is lacking, I just continue on through. Itā€™s not that big of a deal if you wipe once or twice (unless itā€™s VOA) in the grand scheme of things.


For what?
for using option in game?

Thatā€™s still interacting with people. You deciding to play pick up your ball and go home doesnā€™t change that.

The only kick I have had so far was in Gamma ToC after a failed Confessor fight where she blew up the healer. I was tanking on my paladin. Had two mages in the group. Before pulling the trash I said in group ā€œWe need to make sure the smite cast on the boss gets interrupted.ā€ Before the third trash pack I reiterated this. During the boss I repeatedly mentioned interrupting smites. I watched the healer die as I called for interrupts on the boss. I posted in chat the interrupts for the fight. We had two mages and there was also a ret paladin (who has 2 interrupts as well). I had 2 one of the mages had 1. I got kicked. No big deal. Healer told me later that they wiped again. Big shock.

Itā€™s the bad attitude of the ā€œThis is easy so I donā€™t have to tryā€ crowd that really ruins a lot of content. It is easy, but that doesnā€™t mean donā€™t try. Most people donā€™t expect you to be a super sweat but if youā€™re not even going to interrupt one single time in the entire dungeon as an interrupt class, thereā€™s something wrong.

In their mind they are the victims. Again, I do think kicking for gearscore at the very start outside egregious issues is poor taste, some of these people have an absurd entitlement of what that means.


Yes, trolling and harassment are reportable.

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Deciding that someoneā€™s gear is subpar for the content you are doing and getting the other people to agree is not ā€œtrolling and harassmentā€. You might not like their opinion on what is acceptable, that doesnā€™t make it reportable.


210ilvl isnā€™t subpar for the content, blizzard has explicitly made it clear that it is acceptable so yes if you are kicking solely based on that you are trolling.

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Blizz has stated that being kicked is not something that falls under harassment/trolling and wont investigate reports based on being vote kicked.

Interesting (not really) that you stick to vehemently to ā€œdaddy blizzard says I can so you have to let meā€ but entirely ignore the other statements made concerning vote kicking.

INB4 asking for proof, just read up, though I know you wont.


Says you. People donā€™t agree with you in all situations. You are not the arbiter of other players.

No they did not. They simply added a vague baseline requirement to the queue. That is not an indication of being ready.

Right blizzard explicitly states in the UI that 210ilvl is okay for gammas.

And it is, if you are unable to do gammas at 210 ilvl that is a you being bad at mechanics problem not a gear problem.


Thatā€™s not what that means. Blizzard has stated time and time, over and over, they do not police groups. The existence of a minimum ilvl to enter a queue is not an endorsement by Blizzard that you are ready for content. You are just wrong. End of story.

You fundamentally do not understand how wow Classic works. You need to stay in retail.


Itā€™s exactly what it means, 210 ilvl is acceptable for gammas.

And you seem to not understand how anything works if you are failing gammas at 210 ilvl. Moving from ice patches or breaking webs doesnā€™t care about ilvl.

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