Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

5k is 239/240 average ilvl. That is more than enough to do ICC normal. I was going in icc at 232 in OG. It has to be balanced for that and they apparently havent tweaked anything. if you are just in a 10m normal guild the playerbase is now saying you need 245 to get into ICC, yet you earn 232 from the raid. That is either the biggest failure Blizzard has ever done or the playerbase now just needs to be overgeared to beat 11-12k raid dps for some of these boss fights like Marrowgar. If 6 people cant do like 6-7k raid buffed in 232 each then an increased ilvl isnt going to help because you are doing something fundamentally wrong.

Sure toxic players like you will occasionally result in people getting kicked. But over all people are able to run more dungeons than they otherwise would.


I know, cause you’re not reading anything anyone tells you. And it’s boring.

He opitmizes wall of text has crit you but refuses to make an actual point.

No, you just refuse to even acknowledge the point being made. Something you have repetitively done through every conversation you are a part of.

His point is that the normal daily quest got transferred into 3 frost emblems despite the rewards for the normal daily quest still being in the game.

It is categorically false, the 3 emblem rewards are classic only.

It’s the same nonsense he did when trying to defend your idiotic stamina gem take by going on a huge rant about Shadowpriests using spirit/spellpower gems.

Is there anyone that posts more misinformation on this forum than Kelliste? I would have said Zaalg, but Kelliste just rapid fires off things that are completely false.

Post after post, just constantly being wrong about virtually everything.

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Idk if you mean like high 5k, but early 5k can be achieved with Nax gear all 226 or lower ilvl. T7 full bis was 5200-5400gs.

What is the misinformation there? ToC gives 232, if you are in just a normal 10m guild then all you have is 232 gear… what are you just not supposed to go into ICC? ICC 10m normal is balanced around having 232 ilvl.

Come on answer up.

Are you denying that spamming gammas is the best way to gear a character and the you can start spamming them at ilvl210?


No one was talking about 10m ToGC. The guy you were replying to earlier mentioned 25m ToGC:

Are you confused, Kelliste? Virtually no one did 10m normal ToC either. I never saw a single advertisement for any group that wasn’t aiming for at least 4/5 heroic on 10m.

What is so confusing?

No one needs to for me to use it to make a point. So what problem are you having here? Its pretty straight forward.

No, but you are.

All this needs is 232 to do.

You made a poorly worded post.

Nowhere does this imply you’re talking about 10m ToC. It reads like you believe 10m normal ICC drops 232 gear and you’re complaining that it doesn’t make sense to require a higher ilvl than what the raid drops.

Either way, 10m heroic ToGC is easier than 10m normal ICC, so that’s the natural progression path.

No I didnt. If you are having trouble with me post thats on you.

Yes… yes there is. If you actually play the game you would know it. 232 is ToC 10m normal loot ilvl. What other 10m raid on normal gives 232? Hmm? Ony? Not really going to gear up doing Ony though, so its ToC 10m normal.

What is your point in all this exactly?

I’ve been looking for normal toc’s 25 and with 5k no one is currently taking a healer (hpaladin) because there’s better geared or it’s a gdkp that forces me to buy gear :man_shrugging: it’s natural path of progression if you’re not in a guild currently… you’re still doing gammas after the daily even at 5k and doing the weekly + voa and pray to get lucky. People saying that they arent doing gammas after the daily for gear arent really thinking outside their guild box… and that’s fine but it’s not the whole picture…

This isnt any sort of “complaining” post, as my hours to play wow are currently not NA friendly… I could probably join a guild and join one of their toc 25 or icc 10 normal with ease…

I just got out of a Gamma Nexus. Prot pally was 4.1k. Resto druid was 4.7k. Ele shaman was 4k. Only me (unholy DK) and rogue were above 5k at 5.7k and 5.9k respectively. This was one of the smoothest Gammas I’ve ever done because everyone was following mechanics. Gear isn’t that important in Gamma.

That you don’t play the game and don’t know what you’re talking about. Made evident over and over again with your rambling.

No one is going into 10m normal ICC from 10m normal ToC.

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Dont you know, you are supposed to outgear the content before it even comes out. ICC included.

So you get mad that you have been shown to not follow along.

Yes they are. If you dont have 11k raid dps to down marrowgar 245 ilvl gear isnt going to help you.

No one is going from 10m normal ToC to 10m normal ICC. You don’t play the game, so you don’t understand.