Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

To a degree it is.

If you chose to live in an area of high crime, if you chose to do nothing to prevent a robbery (you can lock your door, put bars on windows, get a security system, reinforce your outside doors/locks, get a gun for self defense, etc), if you chose to just keep getting robbed and take 0 steps of effort to prevent it, then yes to a degree you are at fault for it continuing to happen.

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I’ve made my way from fresh 80 solo to almost 5.1k gs as healer and I can tell you that the experience is awful by queueing (specially on weekends) on solo gammas. Either you have friends to carry you or you’re pretty much open for any sort of kicks and expect them if things go south if you’re tanking or healing… the dungeons can be a slog to go through with certain comps and people not doing basic things such as interrupting or killing images or moving out of the frostbite… etc…

You cannot constantly kick people, there’s an increase in time between each votekick each time you do.

1 Is using the system and getting screwed over by elitests.

2 Is using the system that goes against their elitism.

2 is the idiot in this story, sorry bubby.

How do you know? Trying to kick that much to find out? Because the rest of the system doesnt actually work how it did in Wrath so you cant really use that.

Right blizzard is at fault as they control vote kicks.

Using RDF doesn’t preclude you from having a good time. Just as you suggest people that want hyper geared groups should not expect it from RDF, I shouldn’t also have to put up with low gearscore underperformers that haven’t spent any time outside Gamma gearing either.

There is a REASON that gamma requires 210 ilvl. It’s not your first stop on the gearing patch. It’s not the entry.

Or they were underperforming, or they were clearly not meant to be there, or any number of other reasons.

If your believe is you can just walk into Gammas by the virtue of reaching 210 ilvl by itself then you are the problem. That is a RETAIL mindset. Go play retail.

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And I will.

Here is the patch note in question:
The Heroic Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two [Emblems of Frost] no more than once a day.
The normal Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two [Emblems of Triumph] no more than once a day.

Back then you could get two different emblem rewards per day from LFD. Today you can get two different emblem rewards per day from LFD. The reward was changed from 2 triumph to 3 frost. This does not inherently change the system, only changes the focus of the reward. They decided to increase the reward. Sorry that you don’t understand that. GO PLAY RETAIL. CLASSIC IS NOT FOR YOU. (but you don’t actually play classic anyway so that’s kind a moot point)

I wasn’t aware you were a dev. I guess when the devs tell you something you don’t like you just stick your head in the sand like a child.

Well yea DUH, it’s a mechanic for catching up. Are you really this ignorant? You don’t need catchup mechanics in Phase 1, hence why it wasn’t there. WOW. Phase 2 introduced them, wow!

I never made the argument of length of the phases, you are thinking of someone else, because you’re literally just arguing and not paying attention. No big surprise.

Pot calling the kettle a troll is funny. I called THINGS moronic. And sometimes the truth hurts. Cry about it.

You dont need to be, its pretty self evident at this point.

Where? And they say a lot of things.

No its not.

Are you really this toxic?


Liar says what?

I haven’t been kicked once… and most of my alts (5 out of 7 so far) went from 4k to 5k doing Gammas in just a couple of days.
Maybe I’m lucky? Or maybe I don’t suck?
I dunno. :man_shrugging:

Who’s basis should we go with the game’s ilvl requirement to queue for something, or the playerbase’s where they believe you should be 5k+ before you do Gamma’s. Which at that point you don’t even need gamma’s anymore.

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Nope, wrong again.

Yeah… suuuure.

No, it absolutely is not.

You kind of prove yourself wrong here.

You havent presented ANYTHING. You have made baseless claims and called people idiots.

What? Really? Well you dont say, who would have ever wondered that if you didnt do ICC than your emblems of Frost came from another source. What is the point of this? You cant keep on topic or something?

The entire point is titan protocol is for the extra emblems. They had to make an incentive to do them or else they would be dead and you would just go blow through a normal heroic for your 2 current emblems.

Irrelevant to the topic at hand.

What? My suggested rate? Where are you getting this nonsense from? Maybe stop screeching and calling people idiots and actually follow along. Also, no you wouldnt be getting 24 from sources outside of ICC under whatever suggestion you are going off of which isnt mine, but it would be 14 from dailies, 10 from the weekly and another 4 from Toravon. Or if we go off of Wrath completely it would be 23. Either way you are wrong.

Thats wrong again. You dont actually play Wrath do you? You are just on here trolling looking up wiki and still getting stuff wrong. Lets do the math again, That would be 35 just from dailies, 10 from the weekly and then another 4 from Toravon for 49 a week, or 44 with the OG wrath values since the weekly only gave 5 Frost instead of the 10.

You can do that without 5 emblems of frost from the daily, and you have yet to reconcile why the previous tiers had the 5 current emblems as well. Why did Ulduar have 5 Emblems of Conquest per day from the daily alpha yet you couldnt get your 4pc from it, in fact you didnt even need to buy the tokens, you just had to do ulduar.

What are you getting from the Ulduar emblem vendor that increases the rate at which you gear? The 2 tokens? WOW so much faster! Its even faster if you just get the drops.

Emblems of Frost is the current progression. Everyone is on that progression right now, so who is it meant for exactly?

So you did it again? You know thats against the CoC right?

Oh, and those 2 words are equal. Look up the definitions before you start trying to weasel your way out of your own toxic actions.

Extremely irrelevant. You’re posts have been flagged. Please stop replying to me. You have proven yourself to be the most toxic and the most consistent violator of the CoC. Further targeted harassment and intentional abuse will be met with more reports. Thank you.

The playerbases. The game’s ilvl is not meant as a metric of viability, it is merely a baseline screening. That’s why raids don’t have ilvl requirements.

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Yet youll be getting a forum vacation. I thought you were going to ignore me long ago? Cant say its harassment when you are replying. But bye bye.

Dungeons prior to RDF didn’t have ilvl requirements either, because people vetted the groups before going in. Get invited, people see GS and kick if they didn’t like what they saw. Or, if you made the group yourself, they might leave to hope to get another group. or they stuck it out and ran anyway, take what you can get.

With RDF you get random teammates in exchange for not having to go through the hassle of organizing a group yourself. So, why is it okay that now it’s expected to use RDF and measure up to some joe schmoe’s expectation instead of people getting 4 other pumpers and then queue for a dungeon, they get their fast dungeon, they get instantly teleported, everyone wins. But instead you have people who don’t wanna do that, use RDF, get random teammates and throw a hissy fit because one of the random teammates isn’t up to their GS standard. And don’t say “oh maybe they got kicked because of performance”

What kind of performance can you show off if people kick before the first pull?

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Right, which is the exact stance I am taking. RDF doesn’t change that. It’s just a way to facilitate cross realm groups and matchmaking on a more effective scale.

That’s an aspect of the system, but not the purpose.

Because it’s not some individual random person wanting the thing you just said. it’s 5 people coming together that want to clear the content. And “clearing” it is entirely determined by the player. You seem to be under the misconception that just because RDF was added to the game that somehow fundamentally changes the way groups are handled and content is cleared. It doesn’t. It’s merely a system that more easily facilitates cross realm grouping for 5 man content. Nothing else. You are still required to coordinate with the other players.

It doesn’t vet players by their spec, by their gear types, by their abilities. It doesn’t for instance make sure you have enough interrupts for content that needs that. it doesn’t make sure that your spec is correct. it doesn’t do anything other than take 5 players who qualify for the arbitrary ilvl requirement and the roles and slap them together. The rest of that is on the players. If you don’t like how random players behave in RDF, stop doing RDF. This is what it means to socialize. You have to deal with other players. You can’t force them to believe the way you personally believe.

I can no more force my guild to accept my meme specs for raiding anymore than you can force players to stop expecting a certain level of gearing for harder content, even RDF.

No, they don’t want to waste their time. Because their time is valuable too. If you’re not willing to do easier content until you have a better relative gear to progress into harder content, what you are saying to the geared players is “My time is more valuable than yours, you should suffer for my sake”. That’s the message being sent.

Now, we can have a discussion on what is and is not a reasonable expectation of gear, where players should look to get better, what kind of attitudes to have, and whether gearscore makes sense in some scenarios. But if your stance is that just because you can hit a button on RDF means other players should have to deal with having you in their group, we will never agree.

You can show a LOT before the first pull just by the gear you are wearing. The problem you are having is you aren’t being nuanced in your statement on gearscore. You’re not saying “I have a reasonable gearscore for the content, AND I have my gems and enchants, AND I made sure to get the priority pre-bis pieces first.” What you are saying is “I can hit the button on RDF, why aren’t the groups accepting me?”

The effort that you put into your gear before queueing for the hardest available content in 5 mans does a lot to show the kind of player you are. Your attitude, your viewpoint, and how likely you are to be a drain on the rest of the party. If I am a 6k gearscore dps and my tank is 3500 gearscore and my healer is 3200 gearscore, I am NOT about to have a good time. Because either I will have to spend my time offhealing to supplement the healer, or I will be pulling aggro the moment I sneeze in anything’s general direction. Is that fair to me? Should I now have to pull extra weight and double duty just because I am geared and they are not?

Gammas are not the first available content in the RDF. You can’t do them right away. You can’t just queue for it immediately. It is a PROGRESSION based system, just like raids. You don’t go from ulduar to ICC with minimal gearing and no preparation. You spend time getting your set bonuses, enchanting gear, targeting your upgrades. Why should you not be expected to do the same just because RDF lets you queue for it? If anything it’s more toxic, to me, to demand that other players who are geared, who did the work and effort to get that gear, and who are putting in their time, effort, energy, and money for that to have to conform to taking anyone and everyone who thinks they should be in the content.

I get that it’s frustrating and annoying to be denied groups you think you are ready for because you want the gear. And if your argument is “I have all 232+ pieces, the only upgrades I can expect to get are going to come from running gammas” or “I’ve got a very sensible full 210+ gearset, and I can benefit more from gammas and I can run them effectively too” we wouldn’t be in disagreement. But that’s not your argument.

Your argument is “I met this arbitrary ilvl, why aren’t other players forced to play with me?” Which is a very terrible and really bad argument to make. You can’t force them to have to take you along. Your point isn’t nuanced at all. And it’s a really scary viewpoint that is very self-centered overall.

This is not entirely correct. At 5k you’re sitting on 234 gear with some 245 pieces… you still need gammas even after the daily considering that you should be on a guild that at least allows 5k players to get into their 25 Togcs but even so if the guild you’re in is very nice can really help you on icc 10 normal which only then and there you could say you dont need gammas anymore except for the daily quest…

I really want to highlight this again here, because I think this really highlights the situation. A lot of people thought that RDF was going to solve the vetting process for dungeons. That magically all the people deciding that you were not ready for dungeons they were running before would be forced to put up with you once RDF hit. Like it would be some magically utopia for group denied players. It’s not. It never was going to be.

You still have to put up with other people and their views on the game. And if the overwhelming majority of people think differently than you, you might reconsider the game you are playing or at the very least who you play with.

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