Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

And players can vote kick you if you’re not ready for the content. You are not entitled to the group simply because you can queue for it.

And the devs JUST confirmed that on the last live stream. We’re done here.

Yep we’re done because you didn’t respond to the full statement as you have no response.

If you don’t like that talk to blizzard, they set up this structure not me. And I certainly didn’t ask for it.

Has nothing to do with the reward structure. Has everything to do with being ready, and player behavior. You don’t walk into ICC in blues and greens even though you are completely allowed to zone in. And the incentives for doing ICC are better than literally everything else. How come you don’t just do ICC right away at 210 ilvl?

Seems like you just don’t want to accept that I am right and you are wrong. Which isn’t new.

It has everything to do with the reward structure.

Like I said even factoring in occasionally getting kicked by toxic players like you queueing gammas at 210 ilvl is a better use of my time than trying to gear up beyond 210 before doing so. And since you keep harping on about how you are entitled to kick anyone you want since the game allows it, well those people are just as entitled to queue for gammas at 210 since the game allows it.

And yes no duh the rewards for ICC are better, I never said they weren’t. It’s almost like the point is to get good enough to run ICC.

I’ve literally never kicked someone for gearscore. In fact I vote no. Stop projecting your insecurities onto me.

Except if you’re not ready for the gamma even with your 210 ilvl. Then you’re wasting everyone’s time.

No I said that players determine when you are ready, and that Blizzard has decided not to enforce rules for kicking. Don’t put that on me. Take that up with them.

So why do you need to get good enough to run ICC but NOT get good enough to run Gammas?

Why is it that other people need to put up with carrying your useless alt in their gammas, but you don’t think the same of ICC?

Come on man, ICC is clearly the best rewards and structure and best use of your time. Just brute force your way into the groups. It’s your logic not mine.

You can walk into icc raid the moment you hit 80.

Doesnt mean you are ready for it.

Being able to enter is not the only requirement.

Well in terms of RDF having enough ilvl is literally the only requirement to enter :stuck_out_tongue:

ICC does not of course have a queue system.

To enter, but not to complete the content. A subtle and important distinction that you seem incapable of understanding.

So then the enter discussion is moot since you don’t have an issue with 210 ilvl players.

ilvl 210 is capable of doing gammas so…

The OP is literally asking blizzard to take it up so…

ICC doesn’t have a queue system in front of it :stuck_out_tongue:

And ilvl 210 players can complete the content? Not sure why that is confusing to you.

Not inherently no. I have an issue with your assertion that the only thing that matters is having 210 ilvl. It’s the exact same mentality of the people that kick for low gearscore. Thinking that only the ilvl matters.

Possibly. But not on the virtue of JUST having 210 ilvl. In fact I know some 5k gearscore people that can’t do gammas. It’s absolutely not about the ilvl. You need to perform too. And you need to prepare for the content.

And they just did a livestream where they said they won’t. But you’re not here arguing about the nuances of player behavior (and also don’t seem to realize there is nothing Blizzard can do to curb player behavior)

Does not matter. Go do ICC. Even better there is no queue system, there is literally no barrier to your entry. Right? Because that’s your entire argument. Unless you’re a worthless liar. Which sounds like you are.

Not always. And certainly not on the virtue of simply being 210 ilvl.

My argument is that people that can complete the content regardless of ilvl can complete the content, and that you need to perform.

Your argument is you don’t need to perform you just need to have ilvl 210 and people should carry you. You won’t admit that, because you’re a weasel. But that’s your literal argument.

/shrug I never said content didn’t require a certain level of gear to complete. I said that ilvl 210 is sufficient to complete gammas(which of course only drop 225 gear). A higher ilvl would be better for ICC, which of course running gammas will get you. And thanks to how the rewards are structured simply spamming gammas ASAP is the best way to that higher gear. Even if you get kicked a couple times before meeting the arbitrary ilvl of toxic players spamming gammas is still the best way to get ICC ready.

And you’re right being ilvl 210 doesn’t guarantee you will be able to do the content. But then neither does gear that massively out gears gammas since the issue is mechanics at that point either way so who cares?

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But not always, and not exclusively either. Something you implied repeatedly.

And for gammas. And all content really. Because optimizing your gear is very powerful. For comparison sake, most people in 210 ilvl gear are going to be doing around 3-5k dps in gammas, maybe 6 if they are a higher tier spec. I pull 9-10k on my 6000 gearscore shadow priest. I’m not expecting people to do better, but I can literally do two people’s worth of damage. Gear matters.

Yes, if you can do the groups. You’re not always able.

It’s not always arbitrary toxicity. It certainly can be. But there’s a level of insane narcissism in your post that’s just baffling. You recognize that YOUR time is valuable, but you never acknowledge the time of everyone else in your group. Why should a group put up with someone that is not pulling their weight in a group? Why is your time for grinding gear valuable but not the time other players are spending doing their content. You literally only concern yourself with yourself.

I care. For instance I usually skip the shaman boss in Old Kingdom unless the group running it has an incredible amount of burst dps, because that fight is overtuned even for gamma. She can usually one shot you without that buff and it’s rather hard to avoid sometimes, and it’s really bad if she gets the buff from the add, which is absurdly tanky on gamma. I ran that thing about 10 times, 8 of them I was soloing the boss as the tank because people were getting one shot by cyclone strike.

It’s not about whether you can do it or not. Some people are just not interested in wiping in gammas and dealing with people leaving. And sometimes the cause of that is low gearscore players forcing the rest of the group to carry their low performance alt.

And there’s a pretty be blur of this behavior all across the game.

I think gearscore makes people turn off their brains, but they also aren’t wrong to consider people in the bare minimum of gear dead weight.

My issue with gearscore is people don’t even know what gearscore is good or not for the content. Their assumption is arbitrary.

But if you show up in my gammas with 210 ilvl gear, a bunch of greens, no enchants, and no gems at all on anything, not even a single piece of crafted gear or profession enchants, you’re not lasting. And you can cry all you want about that. Put in work, get rewards.

Well yeah no duh the more gear you have the more damage you do, that doesn’t however change that ilvl 210 is sufficient to do gammas. At that point the issue is mechanics not gear, and being 6k GS won’t guarantee you can do gammas either so…

Well actually with RDF you are always able, you just run a risk of being kicked by a toxic player like yourself. But as I said even if you get kicked 1 out of 20 runs spamming gammas is still better than running lower dungeons.

Right and the same applies to you when you claim a higher ilvl than 210 magically makes someone able to do gammas.

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Except that I would take a 6k gearscore player that is doing 5k dps and messing up some mechanics (depending on the mechanics) over a 2k dps doing every mechanic perfectly in a gamma. There’s more than just mechanics. Doing more damage ALSO helps and gear reduces the strain mechanics cause.

Except no, that’s not what I mean. And also it’s rich for you to call me a toxic player when you know literally nothing about me.

Something I never claimed. I’ve kicked more people from gammas that had 5k gearscore than those with less. But please by all means run your mouth more about things you know nothing about.

That’s fine, and RDF gets around that gatekeeping.

Then you should more clearly state what you mean. Especially if what you’re saying is contrary to actual gameplay.

You can queue for gammas once you hit ilvl 210, ilvl210 is more than adequate to do the content, yes you might get occasionally kicked, but at the end of the day it’s still worth eating those kicks instead of wasting time in lower dungeons. That’s just the reality of it.

For example the last alt I started gearing post RDF/gammas. I started queuing as soon as I hit 210, still in some blues and 140 greens, by and large all the runs were fine, only got kicked once after a wipe caused by mechanics failures across the group not my gear. But had I taken your advice and geared more first my character would be significantly worse off for the same time spent.

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Just remember kids, you dont own this game, therefor arbitrary additions to the game makers wishes is self indulgent toxicity.

And players said you needed 4800 GS for beta’s before it.

Do you really think you wanna be on the side that says you need to overgear content before you’re allowed to do it? That’s right, no ICC until you have Cata gear. then you may run ICC.

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It’s amusing when people try to defend toxic gatekeeping.

But this actually is Blizzard’s fault. First, by adding Mythic dungeons to Wrath to begin with. None of this nonsense would be going on with simple Heroics. And secondly by changing RDF to allow the trolls to instantly boot people (which wasn’t in original Wrath), and then those people get deserter debuff (which also didn’t happen in original Wrath).

Trolls are gonna troll. Zoomers are going to Zoom. But Blizz has facilitated this behavior.


Patch 3.3.5 (2010-06-22): The functionality of the Vote Kick feature in the Dungeon Finder will now behave differently according to a player’s history with the system. Players using the Dungeon Finder who rarely vote to kick players from a group, or rarely abandon groups before a dungeon is complete, will find that the Vote Kick option will have no cooldown. For players who frequently abandon groups or vote to kick other players, the Vote Kick option will be kept on a cooldown. This functionality will adjust itself as a player’s behavior while using the Dungeon Finder changes.