Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

I know quite well. I’ve been posting it this entire time. Here’s a refresher.

The Heroic Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two [Emblems of Frost] no more than once a day.
The normal Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two [Emblems of Triumph] no more than once a day.

I posted the blue response confirming that triumph would be the new standard replacing conquest in the same method as 3.2. You chose to ignore it.

You were wrong about 3.2, you are also wrong about 3.3. You don’t get to make more demands when you are wrong. You get to recognize your mistake, adjust, and move on. There’s no reason to throw a tantrum about it. We all make mistakes.

I know you’ve been posting it the entire time, you’re just repeating stuff I already said.

So now that it’s all you’re doing I’m just gonna do the thing you do and report you as a troll.

So they did not in fact do it. All you have to do is find it in the patch notes to prove me wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

You are also still refusing to address that sidereals and scourgestones weren’t in OG wrath at all, nor were upgrades to the actual dungeon drops.

Yes, because you constantly misrepresenting me and me repeating back to you my stance because you keep intentionally lying about it is trolling. Maybe, and this is a novel idea, you could stop replying? I’ve done nothing wrong but repeat my stance and hold firm against your attempts to lie your way out of it.

As of patch 3.3, you can gain Emblems of Triumph…

from each boss defeated in any level 80 5-man heroic instance (60/62 total)
from each boss defeated in any normal Icecrown Citadel 5-man instance (8 total)
from each boss defeated in all level 80 raids (except Icecrown Citadel raids, which award Emblems of Frost) (75 total each for 10 and 25 man)
two from completing your first random regular Lich King dungeon of the day
two from completing your second (and later) random heroic Lich King dungeon instances (the first awards Emblems of Frost) (max of 30 emblems)
five from completing the random Weekly raid quest.

That’s not how evidence works. You don’t get to demand specific evidence. You get to accept what is reality.

Ok? What do I need to address? I don’t care about that. I don’t have a problem with that. That is a good change. End of discussion.

What lies?

All you’ve done is repeat the thing I said an hour ago.


That’s literally all you’ve said for the past 45 minutes. And I already said it.

Do you really understand how RDF rewards work(ed)?

Have you noticed how your first random heroic dungeon in classic gives you 42 gold and the following one gives you 21? That’s how it worked. Not a quest.

None, no one was saying “gotta run my normal RDF run for the 2 triumph” since you would just do heroic and get a 2 extra triumph along with the triumph from the bosses after your first run for frost.

The entire point here is Amideus made a claim based on absolutely nothing and just ignoring phase 2 and 3 of Wrath Classic. The 5 per day is 100% from titan protocol dungeons and putting an incentive to run them. If they didnt give it then people would just go to heroic, blow through it for their 2 emblems titan protocol difficulty would be pretty dead.

You said that there was no daily reward of two emblems. Twice in fact. You then changed your argument to it’s not “quests” as if the semantics was the thing we were arguing about.

Again if you don’t like what I have to say stop replying. Getting mad at me isn’t helping your case any.

Yes. Here is a reminder.

The Heroic Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two [Emblems of Frost] no more than once a day.
The normal Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two [Emblems of Triumph] no more than once a day.

Is it daily? Yes. Is it a reward? Yes. Is it tied to the completion of a specific task? Yes.

Hmm. What does that sound like?

It is entirely because of the rate of completing content. Classic has a lot of other differences too. Like raid lockouts. So many changes has affected the design and development of content.

It’s not about pushing gammas it’s about offering faster access to tier tokens and gear to complete the raids. And this isn’t wild speculation this is literally what the devs have said. But of course you need to be able to both read and actually play the game. I don’t think you can do either very well.

They could have easily just straight up given people more rewards for the existing content. They decided to be less boring about it, and gave us more content alongside the rewards. Because shocker, THAT’S HOW GAME DESIGN WORKS.

Good effing lord.

Reminder that this all started cause you said this. Which blatantly isn’t true despite your spam cause even your spam says emblems of triumphs for normals. They are completely unrelated.

Which was the entire point. Cause the 3 are classic specific and classic only.

But I’m the liar.

Like a hypocrite who pretends a quest got changed into something it clearly did not.

The normal daily got changed into 2 last gen emblems and the previous reputation tokens they dropped moved to the last gen emblem vendor.

The 3 tokens are the previous titan forged crap bags moved into a quest.

No it started earlier. I see we are back to lying again.

How are two daily rewards for running dungeons that give emblems unrelated? Please explain in detail their differences.

Yes, the quest rewards 3 emblems of frost in Classic.

In original wrath it was…

The Heroic Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two [Emblems of Frost] no more than once a day.
The normal Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two [Emblems of Triumph] no more than once a day.

It’s really weird you don’t seem to get this yet despite the many times I have said it.

No, I am claiming a daily reward from completing a dungeon finder mechanic was changed into a quest. The difference is entirely semantic and not really important to my argument, but since you are so hung up on being LITERALLY correct in every word to where the smallest deviation from what in your mind is important is a high crime, if really feels like you should have gotten that correct.

Yea. That did happen. Don’t know what that has to do with anything.

Has nothing to do with titan forged at all. Because as I keep having to mention:

The Heroic Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two [Emblems of Frost] no more than once a day.
The normal Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two [Emblems of Triumph] no more than once a day.

3.3.0 had two daily rewards tied to doing the LFD dungeons. In Classic they have two daily quests tied to doing dungeons of any kind.

They are systematically the same type of reward system, tied to the highest tier of 5 man content available in each version of the game.

You’re anger and unresolved toddler tantrum over titan rune dungeons and the gamma system don’t change that. You want to make this all about that. I don’t care about that. I like that. And guess what, we got that. That is what Classic has. Don’t like it, don’t play…

Oh wait, you don’t play. I forgot. You’re just a forum junky that needs to make everyone else miserable because of how much you don’t like Classic. Don’t play it. Grow up. Go outside. Touch grass.

Goodbye. Future replies will be met with a reposting of the patch notes that you still can’t read.

No its not.

Yes it is. It’s been stated by the devs. It’s meant to allow people to get what they need. Classic has more structured catchup mechanics and a way of acquiring gear quicker.

Your “no its not” response is about as useless as every other response you have made this entire thread.

I logged in (haven’t played in a while, been playing other games) just to check. Normal dungeons in RDF reward only gold. No emblems. There is actually ZERO reason or incentive to ever bother doing normal dungeons.

Heroic via RDF gives 2 triumphs and 2 Frost with the daily.

Gamma also rewards 2 triumphs and 3 Frost with the daily. Because the prior daily counts there is no reason to do normal heroics either, just do a gamma and you get completion for both.

Of course, thanks to ICC dungeons counting as both you could just run FoS, be done in like 9 minutes and get both dailies done, no RDF bonus for 2 triumphs but at this point who cares.

Point being: Everything before Gammas are pointless and dead.


I’m not talking about the RDF rewards, I am talking about the daily quests.

WOTLK Classic daily dungeon quests are roughly equivalent to the original wotlk daily LFD rewards. The main difference being the emblems rewarded, the deliver system (which literally has no impact), and the content you do for them which is the lower and higher ends of 5 man content.

Yes. Which is in line with the system from before for method, functionality, and delivery. The point is that the current classic daily quests are in line with the daily reward for LFD from original wotlk. Equivalent, but not identical.

I mean I certainly did on the two level 80 characters that I geared to 5k+ gearscore in a week. In fact my paladin tank is now 5500 gearscore and hasn’t even done ICC yet. He is a backup for 10m when we need him.

Not pointless and certainly not dead. There are reasons to run those. I ran the normal heroics for a while until I got the pieces I needed on my characters to advance into gammas. Black Heart for instance for my tanks, or the 219 pieces from normal ICC dungeons along with the quest for the 6 emblems of frost.

once I was able to consistently tank gammas I moved to those, but I used the heroics, alphas, and betas to supplement my gear in the places I needed first. And I didn’t spend any significant extra time in queue for them either.

AND I met a LOT of players that were either just starting out or returning, and I was patient and taught many of them the mechanics for the dungeons we were in.

But all of that it kind of outside the point I was making with the original comparison. My point was that the current dungeon daily quests are not significantly different from the daily LFD rewards back then within the context of Classic with all the other changes around it. Both serve similar purposes, happen in similar ways, and give rewards in a similar fashion. And both are tied to the high and low end of the 5 man content for 80, while not being exclusive to it.

Still waiting for you to show me where that is in the patch notes.

And on top of the badges you’re getting scourgestones(which directly covert to sidereals) and the 225 gear from gammas.

Which goes back to the original point that once you hit 210 you are an idiot if you aren’t running gammas. Which is of course completely differently than OG wrath.

I told you not all changes are listed in patch notes. I have provided now about three sources to verify it. At this point this is spam.

Or you’re not ready for gammas. Get ready for gammas. Super easy. I did it. Twice.

Right except 210 is ready for gammas :stuck_out_tongue: and if you aren’t queuing for them you are only gimping yourself.

If you don’t like that blame blizzard for how they structured rewards.

It is spam you keep saying it happened but refuse to provide any proof even when i graciously provided the 3.3 patch notes for you.

Except nope that’s not how it works. AND this exact question was asked of the dev team on the live stream the other day. And their response was no they won’t be dealing with it. Because it’s up to the players. And the players decide when you’re ready for gammas. mic drop

I literally provided SEVERAL sources of proof, including old gearing guides for original 3.3.0, blue tracker posts, and even information from the wotlk wiki archives.

At this point you just can’t accept being wrong. But that’s ok. Back to reports for you.

It’s literally exactly how it works.

Once you hit 210 ilvl you can queue for gammas. And given the reward structure there is zero reason not to. Even factoring toxic players like you that might occasionally result in a kick it’s still a better use of your time to just queue gammas than gear up more.