Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

They literally did. You are just wrong. This is EXACTLY how it worked in original wrath.

The notes straight from patch 3.2.0:

Emblem System Changes


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Original wotlk had two daily dungeon quests, one for normal and one for heroic. Identical to how it is now, except that it’s the gamma and any dungeon. Same exact concept. In original wotlk the normal dungeon gave triumph and the daily gave frost.

In classic they decided to make them both frost and increase the count, with the primary goal of getting players frost emblems faster, partially because it makes things a lot easier and more rewarding for players overall, but ALSO because ICC release was not gated, and players can run a full 12 bosses from the start. Since the gearing and mechanics back then were designed around a progressive raiding system, and tier sets were gated behind emblems, they increased the rate of emblem gain of frost to get players into 4-piece tier faster.

It’s not a hard concept to follow. You clearly don’t think past your own idiotic opinion.

Oh yeah, that blistering accumulation of 2 emblems of frost a day from your first random heroic.

And the daily dungeon quests were removed when RDF was added.

Dude, stop.

We had that same normal quest in classic until RDF as well.

We did NOT have a bag (and in t10, a second quest) for 3 extra current gen emblems in the original. It was not a thing. It is entirely tied into this titan forged crap.

The normal daily was for a rep token.

The ONLY thing that changed in p4 is that they moved the emblems from a bag to a quest. We’ve had it since Ulduar.

Glass houses.

Ulduar had achievement runs, people gearing mainly did the weekly, VoA (most current boss) Onyxia, and spammed heroics and did the icc dungeons. That got you into ICC in no time.

There wasnt even a heroic quest with RDF, it was made into the system. First one of the day gave you 2 frost and eventually they made it so you could do all 7 in one sitting if you wanted to or do multiples. Only 14 emblems per week could be gained.

What we have now is just a continuation of what already existed in classic for 2 phases. Hes also just extremely toxic.

Perfect examples of needing a forum vacation.

Yup, and I don’t understand why they didn’t do that this time around but rather went with “you can queue specific dungeons” - it goes entirely against the fabric of rewarding people for queueing up with strangers that RDF fundamentally is all about.

Because this new team hates the old devs, but they have to try to bring them back because they are failing. If WoW and the story was doing good they wouldnt have brought back Metzen. But the damage has already been done and unless he makes it so Shadowlands isnt canon, it doesnt matter what he does.

This dev team for wrath cant even read the documented changes for Wrath to make it accurate

Hey a case where we’re both wrong, I guess they did upgrade them with ToC release. But they didn’t do so with ICC release so we’re both half wrong. And of course there never were sidereals or defiler stones.

There was also no second daily for extra good badges.

They did.

Which I specifically asked you about and you said no, it was about the emblems.

Which I addressed already.

RDF rewarded two rewards once per day. They weren’t quests, I wrote a long post and used quest mistakenly here, does not change my point AT ALL. You had two DAILY rewards. One for normal one for heroic. One was for two frost and one was for two triumph. All this new system does is turn those into quests instead, focused on the new content, and update them to frost.

I like how you literally ignored every actual point I made to nitpick over my choice to call the daily rewards “quests” as opposed to just saying rewards.

You are a literal troll. You are a miserable person who is only here on the forums to complain about a game you don’t play that other people are having fun with because you aren’t. What a waste of a life.

They weren’t removed, they were rolled into the system. Instead of being a quest, your first RDF rewarded increased gold and emblems. And what’s exactly the difference here? They are giving you 5 frost instead of 2. So they are ACCELERATING the number. What exactly is your point?

That the dungeon dailies were removed. Just being accurate. Yes, the rewards were baked into the system.

I don’t know what your point is with any of this.

Mine is very simple. In original Wrath the RDF and emblem system was a simple, effective, accessible catch-up mechanic. Adding Mythics to Wrath had been an unnecessary, toxic, gatekeeping mess.


And every one of those are still available. You have MORE options for gearing up now. Not less.

I know, the quests are classic specific.

In OG we ONLY had 2 tokens/day from heroics (and 0 from normal).

The second one was a rep reward (and it applied to normals in RDF).

The 3 frost one? That’s classic. Only classic. Cause it’s tied into the titan rune garbage.

Dude, mirror.

Please. Back in the day we got 2 current patch emblems per day for doing the random heroic, whether through the quest or through RDF.

In Classic we’ve gotten 5 since phase 2.

And them being quests is entirely irrelevant. It’s a different delivery system for the exact same mechanical function, a once per day reward for doing dungeons. Your complaint is over the rewards themselves not the delivery system.

" * The Heroic Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two Emblems of Frost no more than once a day.

  • The normal Wrath of the Lich King Daily Random Dungeon option will award two Emblems of Triumph no more than once a day."

Man it’s so weird how it took me literally 30 seconds to look this patch information up. You got 2 sets of rewards for the dailies back in wotlk. Triumph and Frost. Is it different? Absolutely. No one is arguing otherwise. But does the addition of 3 frost emblems in place of the triumph cause a significant change? My opinion is that no, it merely bring the rate of content in line with how they have chosen to roll out ICC, and also brings it in line with their fix for gearing and catchup mechanics in original wotlk (which are almost universally agreed upon to be garbage)

Yes, they CHANGED the reward from 2 triumph to 3 frost. That is literally the ONLY functional change in reward. And they have chosen to move that incentive from normal/heroic to any/gamma, as gamma is now the highest level of dungeon content. This is not hard to follow.

Original WOTLK highest 5 man content was heroic, the reward was applied there.
Classic WOTLK highest 5 man content is gamma, the reward is applied there.

And the only difference there is the rate of gains. So what’s your argument? All you seem to be doing is being a child and throwing a tantrum because they made gearing easier and there is content you don’t want to do.

Want that ORIGINAL style of gearing and hate gammas? DON’T DO THEM. Problem solved.

This thread basically went from “Don’t kick me from gammas” to “Gammas are terrible” to “I’m mad that they did changes and therefor I want everyone to be as miserable as me”

Like, there are at least four different people in here that started out arguing people shouldn’t get kicked from gamma content based on gearscore that have now decided that gammas themselves are absolutely terrible, and their ENTIRE arguments are contradictory to each other.

It’s almost as if they came here to these forums and this thread with the explicit intention of arguing with people for no other purpose than to argue, and are willing to take up completely irrelevant or opposite positions just to complain.

The kind of thing people are usually banned for in functioning and healthy forums. Weird.

The extra 3 frost emblems are heavily in part due to the fact this phase will last 50% (or maybe closer to 60%) less total time than og wotlk icc patch did. We get emblems and catch up gear faster now, but the total time before cata hits will be much less as well.

Not really, us getting 2 badges from our first random dungeon enforced a random spread of dungeons being done rather than just FoS and Occulus.

The difference is minor but still incredible impactful if you’re trying to gear from dungeons since you want to spread out the people rather than just feed into the toxic “I gotta do this in 2 minutes” culture.

No they didn’t.

There’s 2 daily quests now, one for 2 and one for 3 current emblems. Take note of the phrase current emblems.

The 2 one has been there all through WotLK and it has been a random dungeon until phase 4 where it was changed to just being whatever.

The 3 one is titanforge specific, being the first one you did in phase 2 & 3 and now a quest.

Back in the day you could get a max of 2 current emblems from heroics per day.

All through classic past phase 1 this has been 5.


Cause it was a response to you saying we had a normal daily that no longer exists. The normal daily quest never ever awarded emblems. Not in OG nor in classic.

It rewarded you with 250 faction rep tokens that were utterly useless past a certain point.

My guy, why on earth where they present in phase 2 for emblems of conquest and phase 3 for emblems of triumph then?

Or maybe we’ve just been opposed to this titan forged crap from day 1 and knew it would cause problems, particularly when they introduce RDF in the halfhearted way they did.

Please, you spent 10 posts arguing about sp/spirit gems in a reply to Redheadchild about pure stamina gems for mages, do you never get tired of being a hypocrite?

So then it’s not about the rewards, the quests vs LFD, or any of that then. Glad we just want to pivot whenever it suits your argument. Setup that strawman somewhere else.

In original wotlk you got two sets of 2 emblems. Triumph and Frost for doing normal and heroic.

In classic you get 5 frost. A set of 3 and 2. Tied to any dungeon and heroic. It is THE EXACT SAME TYPE OF INCENTIVE/SYSTEM applied to the classic era content.

You just refuse to accept what other people are telling you.

YES IT DID. It wasn’t a quest, but it was the same effective thing. I LITERALLY POSTED THE 3.3.0 notes.

You’re not for or against anything. You’re an intentional troll in here attempting to derail the thread. That’s against the CoC. You should have been banned a while ago.

Not even remotely the same thing. Please do us all a favor and stop replying.