Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

You claimed he was doing tank damage in the fight you were referencing.

But ok, lets assume you were refering to a different tank for the same fight.

This is a 100 parse blood tank. Cissy

Still 5.7k dps.

This is essentially one of the best tank parses there are.

So, if this is your definition of tank damage for this fight, comparing his dps to a top tank parse, he still did about 2k more dps than the tank.

So please enlighten us on what you meant by saying he was doing tank damage, because he is clearly doing more dps than one of the best examples of a tank out there.

So… check mate. You ready to admit you were wrong or are you going to tripple down on this when you have clear math showing you are wrong.

Neat, now show logs from any other thing, because two showings is an outlier at best

He is the one making a claim.

I am showing mathmatical data to show he is wrong.

I took one of the best possible tank parses and compared it to the dps he is claiming is tank damage.

Taking one of the best tank dps possible which is is the most supportive of his argument, and it shows he is still wrong.

Outliers arent proof, their outliers

What about their outliers?

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Um. Do you not understand what his claim was?

He claimed one of rhe dk in this thread was bad and doing tank damage.

The dps he claimed was tank damage was 7.7k

I compared it to the damage of the tanks that were in that dks raid group. Which was 3.5k and 2k dps for both tanks.

He then claimed he didn’t mean those tanks specifically, so i linked a MUCH better tank than what was in that dks raid. And low and behold it was still 2k dps less at 5.7k dps.

So i think you may be misunderstanding the data i was using to prove him wrong. I gave him one of the highest parsed tanks (for that fight) as his “tank damage” example (so one of the best tank parses possible, which is as close to in his favor as possible) vs the dks 7.7k dps. And there was still a difference of 2k dps.

Since you seem to not be keeping up, i am proving him wrong, after already having proved him wrong about the pestilence use of said dk. He claimed it was 0, i proved it was 10.

Hes been wrong on basically every aspect he has tried to make a claim on in this thread.

Yes, tank damage, which tanks are showing to be doing 5-7k depending on the tank class. What dps was he doing? 7.7k… prot pallies are pulling high 6 creeping into 7k dps… thats tank damage. Again I didnt say he was doing the damage of HIS tanks, you injected that into the argument.

Also on icey veins blood tanks are B tier.

I linked you a 100 parse tank doing only 5k dps for that fight

Have you considered the mechanics of that fight that cause melee to lose dps?

You really just cant accept being wrong can you?

1 Thats still not how statistics works.

  1. No he hasnt.

Blood is the lowest damage output tank currently. I can show a prot pally pulling 8k on the same fight and difficulty.

If we want to go down that road, he’s doing below tank damage.

While the average of tank specs are low, if we want to go by that, he’s not even doing average Frost DK damage especially for his ilvl. But he claimed to be a carry so he should be judged by a much higher standard instead of the average.

I also said tank damage. Not the damage of his tanks. He’s being disingenuous like always and acting like he accomplished something meaningful defending a guy that was banned. Toxic attracts toxic.

This is a great question! Why would they run it then? LOL

Yet it follows the most similar tool kit to a frost dk. Having similar strengths and weaknesses in how it applies its damage. Making it the most reasonable comparison because it is effected in a similar way from the mechanics of that fight.

Lets also not forget i gave you a top parse from a tank to give well above the average “tank damage” for that fight and spec/role.

And yet, still a 2k difference. You are just unable to admit you were wrong.

There’s a whole lot of “Nuh uh” from people that know absolutely NOTHING about other players, classes, and the game in general in here.

Im just amazed he is still defending his claim of that dk doing 7.7k dps as “tank damage” with the hard evidence i used to refute his claim lol.

You chose THE lowest DPS output tank, not because of the toolkit, but because it was most favorable to you. Using any other tank shrinks that gap to 1k, 500 or even out dosing him. Want to use a top parse? He was out dpsed by a prot pally.

He used dnd which you shouldn’t use, a lot of icy touches that he said was to damage the boss while in bonestorm, doesn’t explain the plague strikes unless those were in an attempt to fix his screw up trying to get his runes back in order from using Icy Touch and dnd. Or his diseases fell off which is much more likely.

If people want to bring sims into it, he’s 5k under what he should be doing. That’s almost cutting your damage in half. He was doing tank damage and he’s barely doing better than people back in Naxx. He’s being carried.

I chose a tank with the closest similarities to a frost dk mechanics wise AND i chose a 100 parse tank. Something FAR above average.

Still a 2k dps difference.

No, you chose it because its the most favorable to you. The way it plays and so on doesnt matter because damage per second is damage per second.

I wasnt using top parses… but since you wanted to bring in 100 parse tanks.

  1. Guardian is 6318 dps currently on that fight,
  2. Protection paladin is 8,122
  3. Protection Warrior is 6,265.

You wanted to bring in top parses. ~1.4k to being out dpsed. Hes doing tank damage especially when he is leaving almost 50% of the damage he should be doing on the table. He isnt carrying anyone.

He is doing what the average arcane mage was doing back in Naxx.

So chosing a 100 parse tank is the most favorable to me … :roll_eyes:

I didnt chose the average tank dps, i chose one of the best for the class/spec that most closely mached the mechanics and play style of the frost dk.

Ok so 3/4 tank classes/specs at 100 parse still did about 1k less dps than the frost dk. You realize this doesnt strengthen your stance right?

The numbers we are currently using as THE BEST tank parses. And 3 out of 4 still do less dps than the frost dk. If we look at the average (50ish parses), which is near what that frost dk was at with a 56 parse, he is still doing substantially more dps than any tank in that parse range.

You are comparing his dps to THE BEST tank and parse class possible to claim he is doing tank damage. You are a fool.

So now you switch back to frost being best?

Neato, still waiting on your flex about blood.