Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Is that all you have? Talk about a swing and a miss… again try harder. Maybe you can step up from spamming heart strikes.

What does the hit talent in the frost tree say? Says 3% I believe. Which would mean you have 24% hit from gear to be working with if I am not mistaken.

This is a lie. Do a sim. See what happens.

What guide did you read? The wowhead one? It’s on the wotlk sim, and it’s also included in several of the video guides for ICC.

Aw except it doesn’t because I am still right and you are still mad.

Except my retail character is named the SAME THING as my classic character, Amideus is the only undead shadow priest on any of the classic realms, I am easily found without any effort. Care to try deflecting and lying some more?

Again my logs are easily found because the only undead shadow priest named Amideus on classic is me. There are no others. But there ARE others on retail. So you can find BOTH my character from this one character on the forums.

Blood is one of the harder dps specs to get to work, that’s WHY most people don’t play it. Frost is by far the easiest, and UH sits somewhere in the middle with the biggest complexity being your opening.

Nerves of cold steel gives 3%, but you didnt say that, you said melee hit cap is 24% for DW.

Stop with the sim nonsense, look what is actually happening.

Wowhead, Icyveins, looked at sims, looked at logs with people having the 4 set.

Mad about what? I find this hilarious at how you are trying to defend someone that not only got banned, but is sub par proving that gs and gems and enchants mean absolutely nothing and only come into play when peoples gameplay are up to snuff.

And I am supposed to know this how exactly? The on here deflecting is you.

Did i not say its the most simple spec to play? TO PLAY.

So you are comparing tank aoe damage in 5 mans to a raid fight that is almost entirely single target damage with forced downtime mechanics…


And we were talking about his hit rating on his gear. If you want to have a reasonable conversation deal with it.

Do you play a shadow priest? because I do. You don’t seem to play anything. Also “sim nonsense” is how the best players in the game update their gear and gain advantages in dealing damage.

But I didn’t say 4-set, I said full BIS. And how are you determining the spec from logs? My understanding is that classic logs don’t have the same API calls that retail does, which means they aren’t pulling talent choices directly.

WoWSims - Wrath of the Lich King has the enlightenment variant. And it is a variant dependent on full bis anyway.

I didn’t defend anyone. You are wrong about the ins and outs of shadow priests. That’s literally the only thing I am talking about. And if anyone should be banned, it’s you for constantly trolling and violating the CoC of the forums.

  1. I told you.
  2. I told others as well.
  3. All you had to do was look.
  4. Admit you were wrong, take the L, and move on, unless you’d like to share your non-existent wotlk classic logs.

That’s a distinction without a point. It’s difficult to play. Because if your argument is that you can just simply spam a single button, then you’re wrong because that’s why blood is considered a low dps class. The fact you think blood dps is just hitting heart strike is the reason why people can’t play blood. It’s incredibly cooldown and timing dependent, and sinks or swims on proper usage of frenzy and Dancing Rune Weapon.

To play = to make work. If you’re just rolling face, then everything is “easy to play” if you don’t care if it works.

It’s ok. They know how to play everyone else’s class better than them apparently while not having any actual knowledge of those classes other than superficial understandings and thinking that wowhead and icyveins are authorities on the classes as opposed to what they really are, baseline guides for general players.


I play retail a lot more than classic, mostly pugging high keystones. Of course there’s too much toxicity in both versions of the game, but the drama that goes down in gammas is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced in retail. I ran a Gundrak on my mage (then 4500ish gs) with 3 other guildies. The random pug healer (4850ish) was TERRIBLE and after we wiped to his garbage heals, he voted to kick me for “low gs” even though I was the last person alive on the boss and in no way contributed to the wipe. Something equally ridiculous seems to happen in like 3/4 RDF gammas, but in full pugs people just click yes without thinking and somebody gets a 30 min debuff. The system is way to easy to abuse and people are doing it so much that it just seems to be the norm. Join dungeon, scan for lowest gearscore, vote kick, then cast your group buffs and proceed.


No, we werent, you made a blanket statement that DW hit cap is 24%, and its not. Dont blame others for your lack of communication

Well, they arent because they arent following what the sims say. Why havent shadow priests shifted over to your hybrid spec yet?

The one guide on some obscure site says once you get 4 pc. Every other guide says ther is only one build and its pretty strict.

lol, you absolutely did.

We werent talking about shadow priests, thats something you brought up later.

After the fact, still doesnt change you are hiding behind a retail character.

Blood DPS is not difficult to play. It has no procs to react to, you keep your diseasescup which is even easier with blood, you convert your runeswith death strike and hit Heart Strike as much as you can with using RP on Death Coil. And no, the reason why people dont play blood is beecause its highly dependent on high armor pen, Shadowmourne and using Hysteria (now unholy frenzy) on yourself when you want to use it on other classs that perform better, mainly feral. Hysteria (UF now) is a 3m CD, DRW is 1.5m CD, and they arent hard to use.

To play does not mean to make work.

No, im comparing everything off the same fight and raid difficulty. Again with th strawmans I see

Defending a known forum troll again I see. No, I wasnt comparing aoe tank damage in 5 man content to that of a DPS in a raid on a single targt fight, that was completely fabricated. It was all off the same boss and difficulty. Dont know why people are trying to make excuses for someone doing almost half the damage they should be. They arent carrying anyone, not ijn raids and not in 5 man content.

I use it on our Feral almost every time.

That Putricide parse I linked earlier would put me at rank 70 in the world for Frost DK’s. That was without an UH DK in our raid, so I was down a little over 2% DPS from missing bonus disease damage. I would have done the same DPS as the rank 20 Frost DK. Most raids are still doing Normal Putricide as well, there’s over 23,000 Frost DK parses on him.

You still don’t know anything about WoTLK DK.

But you arent playing Frost, you are playing one of the easiest specs out there to play and the easiest dk spec to play.

Correct, I’m playing the spec that does less DPS, and doing top 100 Frost DK level DPS. I’ve already 95-99 parsed as Frost, it’s not harder to play. I played it for 1.5 weeks in Ulduar and this was the result with 0 practice:

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Frost is harder to play, objectively harder to play.

Maybe for you, champ. You have zero credibility here, nothing you say has any merit.

It’s objectively harder to play and the fact that you would instead go for an insult than facts about the specs proves me right. Another forum troll to put on ignore.

You have zero credibility.

This is a lie.

You speak none. Blood loses 10% damage from Blood Gorged when we fall below 75% health. That’s not the only thing you’re not considering when you claim that Blood is easy to play because:

His raids tanks were doing 3.5k dps and 2k dps. Even if we add them together thats 5.5k dps.

So if we are just looking at that specific instance and fight then tell me, how is 7.7k dps “tank damage”.

Remember he was doing 2-4times the dps of either tank, so chose your answer carefully here.

I too have been having this problem where I just get kicked feqently and randomly with no reason this one group I was even keeping up in dps …still got kicked it isnt right and it isnt fair please blizz do somthing for this like maybe put a auto report option every time you get kicked you have the option of reporting your group which can lead to a short ban I know I am not alone in feeling this way

I just got ported into a Pit of Saron group that had already killed the first boss, and it put me at the start for some reason, and they kicked me before I could even reach them.

I guess you could, if you werent already on it.

Lack of consistency is the name of your game I see

When did I say anything about his tanks? Quote it.