Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Yes, gear upgrades happen. So why didnt the guy you linked gem some expertise to get to cap?

Also, the guy that you linked on Rotface isnt the #1 Frost DK, and he was beat out on Rotface by KM by about 600 DPS. But I dont know what im talking about?

Pretty sure white damage hit cap is 24% for dual wield, and itā€™s why hit sims better than a lot of other stats past the yellow hit soft cap for classes like Frost DK and Rogue.

When you have 90% armor pen your white hits do more than any other part of your damage, and hit increases that even past 8%.

But that would require people to know the game, the classes they play, sim gear, read guidesā€¦

Some people just think they are intuitively right about everything and never reflect on their own play to get better. Which is why those people only post on their retail character so they can hide their WOTLK logs.

Whoa, are you starting to understand yet? Youā€¦ donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about.

So why didnt he?

27% and its not worth it.

Its for KM procs.

The Frost DK guide is pretty bad.

You are not getting rid of Twisted Faith. Why would you drop Mind Flay damage increase when it does so much damage of a Shadow Priests overall damage?

Look who is extremely confident in saying you drop Twisted Faith (that you call Twist of Faith multiple times) yet the bad guide that needs an editor doesnt say to drop Twisted Faith and common sense says dont drop Twisted Faith. 45-50% of your damage comes from Mind Flay, why reduce its damage by 10%?

Did I say that you go for white hit cap? No. I said that hit past the cap still has value.

And white hit damage, one of the largest portions of dps for every single dual wield melee. Killing Machine, Blood Caked Strike, Necrosis all get better from hit rating too. Wild.

Well they canā€™t be THAT bad unless you wrote them.

Because the Enlightenment spec gives you 4% spell damage to EVERYTHING and 4% haste. The loss of 30% spirit to spell power doesnā€™t matter when not a single piece of gear you wear has any spirit actually on it in ICC bis. The enlightenment spec in full bis sims 400-500 dps higher than the standard spec, and even does more Mind Flay dps.

If you knew how to do sims, and would actually research a class you clearly donā€™t play you would know why. Does it hurt that I call it something else due to the fact I have played the class for 19 years and tend to get Twisted Faith and Twist of Faith mixed up since they both use the same icon? Iā€™m sorry that you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about, donā€™t know how to sim, and probably grey parse if a guild will even LET you raid with them.

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Eh, to be fair anyone in Ulduar gear will be over hit cap. Seems like almost every piece of gear from that raid has hit on it.

He 's here, just arguing to argue. What could be wrong?
He pulled you all far off-topic

No, but you did say it was 24% when its not. Maybe do some researchā€¦ does that sound familiar to you?

Because its based off of auto attacks. Melee damage should be 2nd in terms of overall damage output whether you have 8% hit, or more. Going over the 8% cap doesnt have any real benefit in terms of dps output.

They actually are that bad.

What spec would that be. You say to read guidesā€¦ but its not on there anywhere. But you saying it gives 4% spell damage would mean Focused Power and Enlightenment but to get to that point you lose out on a LOT of actual damage talents.

I know how to do sims.

Yes, it does. It hurts your credibility.

You sound extremely salty.

You also talk about hiding behind a retail character

Butā€¦ what exactly are you posting on? A retail characterā€¦ doesnt that sound like the most hypocritical thing you can do at this point yet you want to talk down to others? Seriously?

No that was the guy that got banned recently. He claimed he carried people and he doesnt. He does tank damage. Please do follow the course of the discussion.

I didnt realize doing 2-4 times the damage of the tanks (looking at the attempt you claimed he never casted pestilence, prot pally and blood dk tanks, one is at 3.5k the other 2k) is doing tank damage. He did 7.7k dps for reference. But yes, doing about 2-4 times the damage of either tank is clearly doing tank damage :laughing:ā€¦

In the raidā€¦ but I didnt say tanks in the raid now did I?

Protection warriors are up in the 5-6k range, Prot pallies are in the 6-7k range, blood is around the 4k dps range, bear druids are around the 5-6k range as well.

But this guy is below the average, hes not even average yet hes talking like everyone else is garbage and hes carrying everyone. Hes around 5k below what he is simming as well. No clue why any of you are even attempting to defend this guy. But hes banned, like we all knew would happen. I called it out a few days ago this guy just says inflammatory stuff to get banned.

Another 100 parse for the GROOB:

Kelliste continues to 0 parse the forums.

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Living rent free in your head I see. You are going to have to try a lot harder than gloating about your normal blood parse. Ooooooo

Iā€™m a better DK than you and I know far more than you. Thatā€™s all that matters. Iā€™m playing Blood because Iā€™m good at the game and I outdps most players with this meme spec.

I played Frost one time in Ulduar and mostly got 90ā€™s and a 99.

no1 plays blood dps

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How do you know? Sounds like you are insecure about yourself and have to pat yourself on the back to feel better by attempting to put others downā€¦ again you are going to have to try a lot harder lol.

Blood is also the most simple of the specs to play. There is literally nothing to it.

Thereā€™s 466 Festergut Heroic kills with Blood DPS. Thatā€™s not a lot, itā€™s also not none.

Cause I can see your retail failures on that retail DK right there.

You donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about.

Ohā€¦ rightā€¦ the character that I dont actually play. Is that how you have to make yourself feel better? Play one of the most simple specs in the game and compare it to a character that isnt even played because retail sucks? Is that what you are trying to do here?


Anyways, youā€™re obviously too embarrassed to post on a WoTLK character and Iā€™m done punching down. This is Delimicus, btw.


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