Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Its coming… again.

Then why are you doing tank damage?

Its not my fault you dont know how to manage your hit cap.

Again not my fault you dont know how to manage your hit.

Overcapped with hit in my gammas? Auto kick

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You don’t know how to play this game at all hence your forum home.

Sure thing that means I gotta come here and moan for 1000 posts about it ? Should I make a scrub low level alt to use to ?

If I didn’t manage it I’d be under hit cap smart guy. Proof you don’t play wow you just swap gear in the sims lol

lol, says the dps doing tank damage. Throwing out dnd which is a waste, throwing out icy touches that is a waste, still doesnt explain why you used Plague Strike so much.

8% hit is 263 rating, and that is before Nerves of Cold Steel which brings you down to only needing 5% hit so you only actually need about half of what you have. AND you have too much expertise given you are an Orc using axes, and Tundra Stalker that gives you 5 expertise thats 8 expertise that you dont have to worry about so you would only need 132 expertise.

Or you would be over it like you are because you arent managing your hit.

I don’t even know what this means.

You know DKs benefit from hit rating over the yellow hit cap, right?

And there is no reason to go over the special attack hit cap. Even for the KM procs from auto attacks, just not worth it.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. The top Frost DK in the world has about 80 less hit than Tyrmaull, the 2nd ranked Frost DK in the world has 474 hit rating:

Go tell that guy he isn’t managing his hit, and Kelliste of the forums who doesn’t play a Frost DK in WoTLK knows best.

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And thats still too much because people have way less doing as much damage.

Point me to him, ill go tell him.

Did you miss the link? Or do you not realize you can see his name in the log? I know reading logs is very complicated, so it might take you some time. Make sure you tell him that Kelliste of the forums thinks he’s using the wrong sigil too.

You don’t know what you’re talking about, btw.

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No, just didnt look at it.

KM one of the top Frost Dk’s has around 245 hit and 120 expertise.

Tyrmaull, 330 hit. Go tell KM he needs to drop 80 hit cause Kelliste of the forums knows best.

We still arguing with the glowing blue dork?

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Picking on people isn’t always correct but this guy needs it.

I already did. Thats too much hit. And that guy that you linked is under expertise so hes being dodged. You cant be parried from the back, but you can be dodged. 52 expertise is way under what you want.

5.1k GS mage, constantly on par or better than other dps that are 5.4k GS+ in Gammas. GS DOES NOT EQUAL output.

Look, you can keep blabbering all you want. It doesn’t matter, you don’t understand how this game works and how gear upgrades work. You get upgrades, sometimes the stat budget isn’t ideal.

Post on your WoTLK DK or stop talking about a class you don’t know how to play. Anyways, I’m off to raid. 33/50 Shadowmourne shards.

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Pretty sure they were trying to tell me how to gem a shadow priest and they didn’t even understand the points at which shadow changes their spec at different gear levels and the impact of spirit on a shadow priest. But they were extremely confident while being incredibly wrong.