Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Better than the alternative is what you said. If you’re going to just start lying then I will put you on ignore like the rest of the trolls. I don’t really care that much.

Ok well we’re just going to report, ignore and move on then. Have a nice time ruining the forums intentionally for others.

The point is that people leaving immediately is bad. You argue that people leaving after the first boss just adds a slight delay, which makes it better than the alternative because the point of the system is to delay people from leaving. You have argued for me and against yourself here.

I know the conversation moves fast at times but please keep up with your own argument.

To the detriment of people getting kicked from parties at the start. meaning you can accomplish both your solution AND not negatively impact other players. I get that you’re a callous intentional troll that is abusing the private profile feature to prevent people from blocking you on the forums because you know Blizzard won’t ban you because they don’t take action against trolling despite it being literally against the forum CoC to do what you’re doing, but please keep the insults to a minimum because they might actually take action for a change.

This doesn’t change your argument which is in favor of my position and not yours. Also, this was already addressed, please read things. The solution is don’t get kicked at the start. It is completely preventable. Come to a dungeon prepared, with a good attitude, and you will never be kicked.

Yeah, I guess you haven’t seen anything I’ve been typing. I came to the dungeon prepared, had a great attitude, and got kicked in less than 5 minutes.

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Dude is an intentional troll. Only an active troll has a low level troll forum face with a private profile. He’s basically an example of why Blizzard has ruined their own reputation, because he would have been permabanned from the forums back in the original era of vanilla-wotlk.

It’s faerlina players being faerlina players, honestly.

I wasn’t in your dungeon, I have no idea of knowing if you were prepared and had a good attitude.

I find your accusation ironic considering we agree about Figel’s story:

That’s interesting if the whole server has that reputation. I haven’t paid attention to any other servers prior to RDF, so getting exposed to new folks.

One of the fun things is folks on Mankrik telling everyone “remember to roll need on orbs, 'cause that’s what folks on the other servers do”. :laughing: Little stuff like that, In Mankrik pugs everyone always rolls greed on Orbs, but we quickly found we need to change that once we were a part of the larger community.

I explained exactly what happened. Either I’m lying, or you think there’s some aspect I’m forgetting. So either call me a liar or remind me of what aspects of the first 5 minutes of the dungeon I might be forgetting. But pretending I didn’t say anything is just asinine, and it’s why folks figure you are trolling.

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There are 3 sides to every story. Yours, theirs, and the truth. Since I only have your side, I cannot make an educated judgement call on whether or not you were prepared and had a good attitude.

And you just ignored everything I just said, proving the point that you are trolling.

If you aren’t trolling, you would attempt to have a conversation. Having a conversation means, listening, then responding to what was said. Either way, you got me to respond to your trolling like 3 times, so well done. You win the internet today my friend.

I was the healer → there’s no 2 sides to this. Either I was, or I’m a liar.
I buffed everyone first thing → there’s no 2 sides to this. Either I did, or I’m a liar.
I was rolling hots on the tank → there’s no 2 sides to this. Either I did, or I’m a liar.
Nobody got below 90% health on those 3 pulls. → there’s no 2 sides to this. Either everyone stayed topped off, or I’m a liar.
Nobody said anything in chat → there’s no 2 sides to this. Either everyone said nothing, or I’m a liar.
I followed the tank → there’s no 2 sides to this. Either I followed the tank, or I’m a liar.
I didn’t body pull anything → there’s no 2 sides to this. Either I didn’t pull anything, or I’m a liar.
Just 3 uneventful trash pulls, and one of the dudes saying I got kicked for low iLvl. → my story and the guy who kicked me’s story match, so would be interested to know what your 3rd story is here.

I don’t play this character anymore, my new mains are on Mankrik and yeah before RDF we always greeded the orbs funny enough. But back when this character was on Skyfury the etiquette was all Need on the orb. It’s funny seeing different server culture.

I think the general consensus is this:

If it is an item everyone benefits from, like orbs/mats/boe world drops/rare items, things absolutely no one actually needs as a function of their class or gearing, then you all need on it. And the reasoning is that if the only value the item provides is one of sale, entertainment, or crafting/quest then everyone technically needs it and this eliminates the potential for anyone to “accidently” need roll on something like that.

People usually greed on greens because often times they are far less useful, and sometimes more of a hassle to lug around until you get someone that can disenchant them.

Definitely interesting as Koish was saying, different servers, different cultures. On Mankrik, we greeded orbs, mats, and boe, but needed on rare stuff like mounts. Gear was always “need” if it’s an upgrade, main or offspec. Most times when someone was rolling offspec they asked if it was OK to roll need, and everyone else would give them the thumbs up, 'cause most times, most folks running dungeons are doing it for the daily, not for gear.

And add them to your ignore list so it never happens again.

You’ve been able to crossrealm whisper sporadically since cross realm BGs were added, sometimes it works, something it doesn’t. It did require you to have a previous interaction with someone though.

I’m sure that’s fixed in retail but it’s pretty much always been a thing.

it 's weird. I myself have never seen a vote kick just because of low GS in ICC dungeons before. As it 's too easy and fast.

you can add that as another layer of protection

Admitted, they’d likely have to increase the size of your ignore list, but honestly, they should anyway.

It’s 2023 and our ignore lists are still limited to 50 people which is utterly ridiculous. It was in the original version of the game too and it still it.